A/N: This is the last chapter of this short story! I hope it's been fun to read.

Disclaimer: I do not own FMA


Roy looked at his wife one more time before they got out of the car. She was gorgeous as ever in the deep purple dress. She had even agreed to sit still for three hours so he could cover her back in stage makeup that would be rubbed off by the chains of amethyst and gold that held the back of her dress together. The matched amethyst jewelry was fit for a general's wife. Yes, she looked just as they wanted her to look.

He noticed a few heads turn as he helped Riza out of the car, but most people were already inside. The ball celebrating the Fuhrer's first year in office was one of the premiere political events of the year and the action started early. This year it was action Roy would participate in at later meetings, schmoozing for more funding to restore Ishval and touting his successes as a general. For tonight his focus would be on creating a more impressive visual.

Last year Fuhrer Grumman had announced at his inauguration ball that his granddaughter had eloped with a childhood sweetheart who would allow Riza to focus on her career. That had inadvertently turned Riza into a feminist icon across Amestris, but that wasn't Riza's desire.

Now they would make the narrative their own.

Riza walked in with Roy after most of the guests were already well through their first drink. They walked straight to her grandfather, Riza's arm linked through her husband's. While Roy greeted Fuhrer Grumman with a salute, while the Fuhrer immediately went to hug his granddaughter.

"Finally came to see your grandfather, did you?" The Fuhrer joked.

"Finally decided to announce our marriage," Riza replied.

"Did anything prompt this?" The Fuhrer asked them.

"No," Roy answered, shooting down his In-Law's threat from the prior year. The morning after their wedding, Grumman had said he would be forced to out their marriage if no great grandchild was produced within a year. The couple had assured him it wouldn't be for two years – at which point the Ishval project would be less hands-on. But they didn't care about the threat. Like many things Grumman said, it was a joke.

"Well, then, welcome to the family," the Fuhrer said, patting Roy on the shoulder. "Shall we?" The Fuhrer asked as he pulled out a chair at the dinner table for Riza. Roy settled in across from her, mirroring their positioning at the table one year ago. Generals and elites slowly joined them, greeting the three as dinner approached.

The others at their table were curious as the little displays of open affection Riza and Roy allowed themselves: a quick grab of hands across the table, Riza pouring him a glass of wine, quick glances. During a break in dinner they gave a more blatant display of affection as Roy planted a kiss on the top of her head.

The couple was one of the first on the floor, dancing to a romantic waltz. With the Fuhrer's eyes gleaming as he watched, they couple quickly became the center of attention on the floor. When he smiled and kissed her on the lips at the end, Riza swore she saw some of the high society women around them swooning. They returned to their dinner table at the front of the room to watch the other couples dance, their work done for the night.

After they had heard what they needed to, they walked out of the ball and into their carriage. Their impression was made. Now they could go home to prepare for their soon-to-be growing family.

A/N: I guess that's something of a cliffhanger ending? But I might address it in a one-shot later because I'm Royai trash.