When Jason landed at the Pokémon Center in Viridian City, he saw the city in a new light.

When he first walked into the city, he was afraid of his own shadow thinking that an attack would come around any corner.

Now he was a predator stalking his prey and setting a trap for the predators stalking him.

He walked into the Pokémon Center and sat down. He took out his Dex and sent a message to Sarah.

J: I'm here.

S: I'll be out in a minute.

A minute later Sarah walked out of the back.

"So, did you get Terri home safely?"

"I got her back to Pallet Town, and she's safe, but neither of us can call it home right now."

"What happened?"

"The Sanchez Family destroyed the building's, killed the parents, and took the kids."

"Are your mom and dad safe?"

"Yeah. They hid in the basement during the attack, and they found us, and took us there."

"That's good." Sarah sighed with relief.

"Yeah. Unfortunately, Terri's family didn't make it."

"Those stupid jerks!" Sarah said. "I hate them. I hate everything about them."

"So do I." Jason said. "That's why I'm going to end every single one of them."

Sarah looked at Jason. She became sad. Here was this boy who had been given a second chance at having a happy life, and he was going to war and killing at the age of ten. It was sad.

"Are you ready to go?" Jason asked breaking Sarah from her thoughts.

"What? Oh. Yeah." She said holding up her bag.

"Let's go then." Jason said walking outside.

"How long will it take us to get back to Pewter City?" Sarah asked when they were outside.

"Half an hour with good air currents." Jason said changing into his Zoroark form before changing to a Swellow.

"Cool." Sarah said.

"Get on." Jason said in an altered voice.

Sarah climbed onto Jason's back, and they took off.

There was a bit of turbulence on the way to Pewter City, but they made it back in decent time.

Sarah hopped off, and Jason changed to Zoroark before changing back to his Kreon form and they walked towards the Pewter City Gym.

"Flint? Carlos?" Jason said as he walked in.

"We're back here!" Flint yelled from the back of the Gym.

They walked to the back of the gym and saw Flint and Carlos working on the electrical system.

"Hey guys." Jason said walking up to them.

"Hey Jason." Flint said. "Are you guys leaving soon?"

"Yeah. We have to get Carlos's sister back and stop the Sanchez Family."

"I'm sure that if you continue your journey then they will find you guys."

"Good point."

"Thanks for your help, and sorry about your friend."

"I'll make them pay for what they did to her."

"Normally I would tell you to not let your anger consume you, but this is different. What they did to her. That is unacceptable. So, give 'em hell kid."

"I will."

"One last thing."

"What is it?"

"Keep those two safe. You have been given a gift. Use it to protect them, and their Pokémon."

"I will."

"Good. I wasn't much of a father. I tried to atone for that by helping you guys, I didn't do a great job I'll admit it."

"I'm sure you did fine." Sarah said.

"No. I left because I selfishly wanted to live my dream, then my wife left because she couldn't handle it leaving my ten-year-old son to take care of the house and the Gym. Then I came back five years later and hid out because I was embarrassed to face my family and tried helping one of my sons opponents win by hooking his Pikachu up to a hydraulic dam to increase his electricity."

Jason, Sarah, and Carlos looked shocked.

"Shocked beyond words." Flint said. "I was expecting you to punch me in the face or something."

"I was going to." Jason said. "But now I feel sorry for you."

"Yeah. I can't argue with that. You three better get going."

"Okay. Maybe we will see you sometime." Sarah said.

"Maybe. Be careful."

"We will." Carlos said.

They left Pewter City and headed for Mt. Moon.

They walked for a few hours not really expecting much when a trainer called out to them.

"Hey! Are any of you guys trainers?"

"We all are." Sarah said.

"Then I challenge you to a battle." The trainer said pointing at Sarah.

"Fine. Athena, I choose you."

A Caterpie jumped out of the Pokeball and looked at the other trainer.

"Oh. This should be easy. go."

"Oh. Fire-normal type." Jason said. "Sarah. Litleo has type advantage."

"You're the one who said type advantage doesn't matter."

"It doesn't, if you train your Pokémon to ignore type advantage, like how I did with Ares."

"You're just telling me this now!"

"I didn't realize that you weren't paying attention."

"Athena. Use String Shot. Make it so it can't move."

"Litleo. Use Leer."

Litleo glared at Athena.

"Why isn't your Caterpie cowering?"

"She isn't afraid of anything." Sarah said. "Not after she saw Jason fight Seviper with his bare hands."


"Oh yeah. Jason can be scary when he's training."

Athena used String Shot and stuck Litleo's paws to the floor.

"Litleo! Used Noble Roar!"

"Rawr, Rawr, Rawr!" Litleo roared.

"Oh my gosh!" Sarah squealed. "It's so cute!"

"It's not meant to be cute! It's meant to intimidate Caterpie."

"Her name. Is Athena, and you can't intimidate her."

Athena used String Shot on Litleo's eyes

"No. Litleo."

"Are you going to return him?" Carlos asked.

"Since Litleo can't see I have to."

"What's your name?" Jason asked.


"Nice to meet you Tom."

"Thanks. Nice to meet you guys too."

"What do you Specialize in?"

"I only have the Litleo. I live in Pewter City, and just started my Pokémon Journey."

"What type of trainer would you like to be?"

"I don't know. Maybe a normal type trainer. They have so many different sub types that they versatile."

"Okay. Do you have a list of Pokémon you want?"

"Not really."

"How about a Dodrio?" Carlos asked. They can run pretty fast, and they can get you to your destination."

"That could work."

"What about an Eevee?" Sarah asked. "Then you can choose later on Which evolution you want."

"That would be nice."

"How about a Garafarig for your Psychic type?" Jason asked.

"Those three are a good start. I'll start with those three and go from there."

"Good luck."

"Thanks, and thanks for the advice."

"You're welcome." Sarah said. "We have to get going now."

"Okay. See you guys later."

They went their separate ways.

Eventually they came to a cave.

A guy was lying face down in the dirt with a torn lab coat, and bruises on his face. His hands were broken. A Clefairy was knocked out next to him.

"Mister!" Carlos yelled running up to him. "Mister! Are you okay?"

"He's unconscious, his hands are broken, and his Pokémon is knocked out." Jason said sarcastically. "I'm sure he's fine."

"Th-th-they are after the Cleffa." The man said. "Save the Cleffa."

"You two stay with him. It will take the two of you if something happens." Jason yelled before running into the cave.

Jason used his newfound sense of smell to find a group of men and women taking a Cleffa and Clefairy eggs.

"HEY!" Jason yelled.

"What do you want kid!" One of the guys yelled.

"Put those Cleffa and the eggs down." Jason said with a hint of steel in his voice.

"Or else what?" The guy asked.

"I'll make you."

"Right. Do you really think that changing your voice will really scare us that much?"

"Yeah. Do you even know who we are?"

"You're members of the Sanchez family. The same family that I vowed to take down no matter what. Surrender now and you can leave with your lives. If you don't, I will kill you and leave your corpses for the wild Pokémon to feed on."

The group started laughing.

"Good one kid." A woman said. "But you and what army?"

"Ares! Go to war!"

Ares hopped from his Premiere Ball that Terri had gotten Jason. "You have hurt my friend, and because of that I cannot forgive you. RAAGGHHH!" Ares let his anger overcome him and let out a Vacuum wave.

"Ares! Be careful! We don't want to hurt the eggs or Baby Pokémon!"

"you mean like this?" One of the guys holding the bag full of Cleffa eggs dropped the bag."


A blur of motion caught the eggs and Ares was taking the bag of eggs to Jason.

"Good work Ares."

"If you think that will stop us kid..." The guy said grabbing two Cleffa. "...We still have these."

The others pulled out Cleffa and held them out towards Jason.

"Help! Mommy! Daddy! help!"

Jason put his hands to his ears. "Put them down! You're hurting them and scaring them!"

"The only way we are leaving here is with them. Now. Hand over the eggs, or we will kill them."

Jason saw red. His hair grew longer, and spiked red with black wisps in it, and went down to the ground. His mouth became more doglike, filled with sharp teeth. His ears grew longer and pointed. His fingers fused into three razor sharp talons. His legs bent like a dog, and his toes fused into three sharp claws. His eyes flashed red before becoming white. He let out a howl. "Who's first?"

Sarah watched Jason run into cave. "Do you think he will be okay?"

"Jason will be fine." Carlos said. "He figured out that I was working for them and handed me my ass before he found out that they were forcing me to work for them. I'm sure that Jason will be fine."

"Okay. Do you have anything to help this guy?"

"I have a few potions, some gauze, and some knowledge of how to make splints."

"I guess it's the best that we have for now."

"Puff." A timid voice said from the bushes.

"Hello." Sarah said. "We won't hurt you."


"We aren't going to hurt you. Did you see what they did to him?"

"Puff." A Jigglypuff nodded. "Jiggly-Jigglypuff-Puff." Jigglypuff said waddling over to the Scientist.

"Do you want to help him?"

"Puff." Jigglypuff said before letting out a soft pink pulse that surrounded the scientist.

The scientist blinked awake. "Who! What! Where!"

"It's okay." Carlos said. "You're safe."

"Where are the Cleffa?"

There was a howl from somewhere deep inside the cave.

"I think they will be taken care of." Sarah said.

"Really?" Carlos asked. "Do you really think that Jason can keep himself under control while in that form?"

"I'm sure he can."

"What are you guys talking about?" The scientist asked.

A second howl came from the cave.

Sarah felt something in her hair. She turned around and saw Jigglypuff hiding in her hair. "What's wrong?"


"Are you afraid of Jason?"


"Don't worry. Jason won't hurt you."


"Yes. I'm sure he won't. Jason won't hurt you."

"Hello." The scientist said. "My name is Seymour. Seymour the scientist."

"Hello." Carlos said. "What happened to you?"

"I was trying to take out the lights Mt. Moon when four or five guys came up and told me to give them the Cleffa, and Cleffa eggs. I told them no, and they broke one of my hands. They told me to give them the Cleffa, and Cleffa eggs again. When I said no again. They broke my other hand. They told me again, and I told them no again. That's when they beat me into unconsciousness."

"That's terrible." Sarah said.

"No. What's terrible is that they did the same thing to Clefairy. Wait! Where is Clefairy?"


"Clefairy. There you are."

There was another roar from inside Mt. Moon.

"Are you sure the Cleffa are safe in there with your friend?"

"Jason would never hurt an innocent!" Sarah yelled at Seymour.

Seymore jumped back. "She's scary."

"You have no idea. Wait till you see Jason."

There was movement from the cave and a Zoroark walked out.

"What is that?" Seymour asked.

"That's Jason." Carlos said.

"I didn't know he was a Pokémon."

"He's half Pokémon." Sarah said.

"Oh. I didn't know there were half Pokémon-half Kreon."



"The Cleffa are safe. The Sanchez Family members responsible are dead."

"That's good I guess." Seymour said.

"I Wouldn't go in there for a while."

"Why not?"

"It's probably best not to ask that question." Carlos said.

"Why is that?"

"Because I will tell you." Jason said before shrinking. His arms and legs straightened. His hair shortened and became shoulder length black hair with red streaks. His claws separated into five individual fingers. His fingers separated into five individual toes. His fangs shrunk and became more normal. The fur covering his skin receded leaving his skin. His eyes became normal again. Finally, his voice became normal again.

"You-you're just a kid." Seymour said.

"Yes. I am a kid. A kid who will do whatever it takes to stop the destruction of Pokerra."


"Pokerra is under attack by the ones who hurt you. They are called the Sanchez family, and they kidnap Kreon and Pokémon to sell, fight, whatever suits their needs. I am going to stop them."

"HOW? You are only a kid. How are you going to stop them?"

"With the power given to me by Arceus, and the Pokémon Team I am building."

"But-but how can Arceus expect you, a child, to do that?"

"Ask him. He gave me the power and pointed me in the right direction."

Seymour thought long and hard about this new information. "Is there any way I can stop you?"

"Probably not."

"Well if I can't stop you, can I at least help you?"


"I can at least offer you shelter and food for the night."

"I guess so. What do you guys think?"

"Sure." Sarah said.

"I'm in." Carlos agreed.

"Then I'm in too."

Seymour lead them to his campsite.

"It's not much."

"A safe place to sleep is better than nothing." Jason said.

"Who are you?" Jigglypuff asked.



"I'm Jason. Are you Sarah's newest Pokémon?"

"I don't know."

"Sarah? Is Jigglypuff your newest Pokémon?"

"If she wants to be."

"Well?" Jason asked Jigglypuff.

"If she wants to be my trainer, I don't see anything wrong with it."

"Do you want to be Jigglypuff's trainer?"

"Yeah. Jigglypuff's are so cute and cuddly." Sarah said taking out a Pokeball.

Jigglypuff walked up to Sarah and tapped the Pokeball before disappearing.

Sarah let Jigglypuff out. "Would you like a nickname?"

"What's a nickname?"

"It's a name that you call yourself."

"Like what?"

"How about Nyx, The Pokerran goddess of the night?"

"That works."

"Okay. What do you think Sarah?"

"Nyx works for me."

"Okay. Let's get to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

The next morning.

When they woke up the next morning, they put camp away, and started breakfast.

Seymour woke up five minutes later. "Sorry guys. I was really tired."

"It's good." Jason said. "Getting the crap kicked out of you will do that."

"You know this from experience?"

"Yeah. It's not pleasant."

An uncomfortable silence fell over them for a few minutes.

"So, what are you cooking?"

"Breakfast." Carlos said.

Sarah smacked him. "Quit being a smart ass."

"Okay. Fine. I'm making eggs, and bacon."

"What kind of eggs are you cooking?" Seymour asked tensing.

"Don't worry." Jason said. "We didn't use the Cleffa eggs. Carlos had some eggs in a Pokeball."

"How does that work?"

"Well. You can carry stuff in a Pokeball, and that's how he carries his cooking supplies."

"I guess that makes sense."

They ate breakfast and packed up.

"Thanks Seymour." Jason said shaking his hand.

"I didn't really do much."

"You offered us a safe place to sleep. That's more than enough."

"You're welcome."

"Let's go guys."

They walked through Mt. Moon for a little over an hour when they heard a distressed Pokémon.

Sarah and Carlos heard "Bonsly", but Jason heard more.

"Please! Stop hurting me! I'll do better next time! Please! It hurts!"

Jason changed into his Zoroark form and took off in the direction of the Bonsly. He ran around a corner and saw a trainer hitting a Bonsly with a stick. A furnace of rage lit in Jason's gut. Sure, Bonsly was a rock type, but it was still a baby Pokémon, and could also feel pain. He ran at the trainer and kicked him away from Bonsly. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end you right here and now!"

"What are you!" The trainer yelled.

"Your worst nightmare."

Sarah and Carlos ran in.

"What happened?" Sarah asked.

"This guy was beating his Bonsly for losing a battle!" Jason roared.

"Why would you do that!" Carlos yelled.

"How did you know he lost?" The trainer asked.

Jason swiped a clawed hand at the trainer.

"What's your problem!" The trainer demanded.

"Trainers like you who hurt their Pokémon because they expect perfection right away! A Pokémon needs to be nurtured and cared for to reach perfection, and they will never be able to if you abuse them!"

"I'll train my Pokémon my way, and you can train your Pokémon your way. My way of training my Pokémon is discipline when they do something wrong."

"Ya know what Jason." Carlos said. "I'm normally a ground type trainer, but get me that Bonsly, and I'll be the best trainer I can be for it."

"With pleasure." Jason said before walking up to the trainer and backhanding him into a wall. "Be grateful I left you alive. Take this second chance to reevaluate your life and become a better trainer."

"Why did you let him live?" Carlos asked picking up the cowering Bonsly.

"He's not affiliated with the Sanchez Family. He is just a bad trainer. Maybe he can learn."

The trio left the trainer and headed outside.

Jason changed from his Zoroark for. "Let's get out of here. I need to eat and rest, and I don't want to do it in a confined area."

After a few hours they made it out of Mt. Moon.

"Just in time for lunch." Carlos said throwing out the Pokeball with his cooking supplies.

Jason sat against a tree. "Wake me up when lunch is ready."

"Okay Jason." Sarah called out.

Jason sat against a tree and fell asleep.

"Why do you think he has to eat and sleep after that?" Carlos asked.

"Changing into and from a Zoroark has to be exhausting. "

"I guess."

"Let's let him sleep for a while."

Sarah and Carlos went about setting up camp and let Jason sleep.

The next morning.

Jason woke up feeling refreshed, and ready for a new day.

He looked around and saw that it was morning.

"How long did I sleep?"

"You've been sleeping for 2 days."

"What! Why?"

"They said you needed to sleep. Then they were taken by the bald man."


"A bald man came and took them while you were sleeping. He left this note."

Jason looked at a note on the floor.

If you want to see them alive again. Meet me at the Cerulean City Gym.

~ Lorenzo Sanchez.

Jason tore down camp as fast as he could, picked up Bonsly, and ran to Cerulean City. 'Hold on guys. I'm coming.'