Grumping miserably, R9kElsa rubbed her wet cheeks and flopped against R9kAnna. "God damn feels." She kicked a spilled pile of popcorn along the floor and under several rows of seats. "Fuck you, movie."

AFAAnna nodded her head in time to the Panic!credits-song, and couldn't help smoothing out the wrinkles in her breeches. "Well, at least they had stylin' pants this time."

AFAElsa leaned over and trailed a hand over her wife's knees. She murmured appreciatively. "Yours are much nicer."

RHAnna stared across the aisle, in R9kElsa's direction, for a long time...until understanding flickered in her hooded eyes. "OoOOohrAAhghaFfflesadshleeeruu." She clumsily slapped her hands against her cheeks, before sinking back into RHElsa's embrace and groaning softly.

R9kElsa spared her zombo friend an exhausted smile. "I know that fucking feel, Zanna."

Meanwhile, YAAnna and YAElsa forgot about the movie entirely, as both stared in befuddlement at the empty, gold-flecked coffee thermos at their feet. YAAnna rubbed at her cheek bandaid, brow furrowed, and chuckled weakly. "Um, wasn't that your triple platinum, infinitely refilling, Starbucks ultra VIP thermos?"

YAElsa nodded and shrugged. "I didn't think that was even possible. But that's alright, you set it to decaf before you gave it to them, right?"

YAAnna chuckled weakly and stared down at her lap. "Um, well…"

Just then, ASiS Anna came barreling down the aisle, on her twentieth lap with ASiSElsa on her shoulders. The former belted out off-key lyrics, while the latter flapped her floppy turtleneck-sleeves in time with her undone, unkempt hair.

"Into the unknOOOooooOOoown!"

Down by the movie screen, FreezeOutElsa and T43Elsa mashed their hastily constructed sock puppets together, in stubborn defiance of the movie's conclusion. Their respective Annas napped in the back row, atop piles and piles of the groups' coats and jackets.

Following the example of her over-caffeinated ASiS friends, THElsa scampered up and down the theater aisles. THAnna, resigned to her fate, let herself be dragged along...and hollered her thanks at anyone whose thrown popcorn made it into her mouth.

Both wearing the smallest theater usher caps they could find, FFElsa and FFAnna ambled around the theater, handing out Hammy2020 pins.

Meanwhile, CanonRapunzel crouched by the ajar back door, just barely poking her head into the dark theater. She pouted...hard.

"That's it, I'm calling Disney and renegotiating my freakin' contract. I should've been in this movie with my cousins!"

Minutes later, the lighting in the theater rose, and the fanfic-couples made their way out to give the main cast their thoughts...and tears.

Immediately afterwards, they carpooled over to Denny's and raised seven kinds of hell together.