Hello, everyone! I'm Northstar Pokeshipper, but you can just call me Northstar! It is the second anniversary of me starting my fanfiction account, and I decided to celebrate it by doing something extraordinary: writing Pokeshipping stories! But I won't be writing just one Pokeshipping story. Nor will I be writing five, ten, twenty, fifty, not even one hundred! I will be writing 151 stories! That's right, one for every single first-generation Pokemon! They will all take place in separate universes. Still, they will all have one common factor: Pokeshipping as the central pairing. Anyways, before we start our first story, let me tell you how this one-shot will be different from the canon universe. Ash will meet Misty at Professor Oak's Summer Camp instead of you-know-who. Anyways, let's see how things will be different! Let's get going!

It was a warm day in Pallet Town, a small town in the Kanto region, and everyone there was doing fine. Especially the kids who came all across Kanto to the professor's lab to spend one month learning about all of the unique Pokemon who live in the region. Everyone was excited to be there. Well, everyone that is, except for a little orange-haired girl. This little girl came from Cerulean City, and she did not want to be here. She was picked on by several bullies and even injured on the knee by one of them. She ran into the forest and was now crying up a storm. She didn't know how to get out of the woods. She also knew that there were many species of bugs in these woods.

"Why?!" she asked nobody in particular, "Why did my mean sisters decide to send me away for the summer?!" Of course, this was a rhetorical question. She knew that her sisters were looking for a place for her to stay. And of course, they couldn't have their parents look after Misty, as they were both dead.

"Excuse me?" the girl heard the voice of a boy her age say, "Is something wrong?" The girl looked up and saw a boy in a yellow shirt. His skin was tanned, and his hair was black with brown eyes.

"NO!" the girl exclaimed, "Leave me alone!"

But the boy saw that she had a mark on her leg and decided to help. He took off the handkerchief around his neck, put some disinfectant stuff on it, and wrapped it around her leg.

"There," he said, "All better. My name is Ash Ketchum, by the way. What's your name?"

"Misty," the girl said, wiping the tears out of her eyes, "Misty Waterflower."

"That's a beautiful name…" Ash said.

"Really?" Misty asked the boy. He nodded.

"Now come on, let's get out of these woods so that my mom can properly tend to the wounds you got. I live right next to the lab, you know."

"Cool," Misty said as she was helped up by the boy. They then ran out of the woods and towards Ash's house.

Meanwhile, Ash's mother, Delia Ketchum, was putting an apple crisp into the oven and humming a happy tune when she heard a knock on the door.

"Coming!" she shouted as she opened the door to reveal Ash and Misty sanding there.

"Hey, mom!" Ash said, "I made a new friend at camp!"

"Hello, Ash's mom!" Misty said, "My name is Misty!"

"Nice to meet you, Misty," Delia said before looking down at her knee and asking what happened to it.

"Took a trip trying to get away from some scary bug Pokemon…" she said.

"Well, let's get this treated, and then you can have some of my famous apple crisp!" Delia said as she led the orange-haired girl to the bathroom.

"Trust me!" Ash said, "It's good!"

A full month has passed since Ash found Misty in the forest, and they have spent most of the time together for the remainder of Professor Oak's Summer Camp. But all good things must come to an end, and it was time for Ash and Misty to say goodbye.

"I can't believe it is time for us to say goodbye," Ash said to Misty.

"Me neither," Misty said, "By the way, Ash? What's your phone number so that we can call each other?"

"555-733-2583," Ash told Misty.

"Well, Mine is 565-928-7665," Misty said.

"Okay," Ash said, writing it on his arm in marker so that he could remember it later.

"Misty!" a voice yelled, "Can you like, hurry up! It's time to go!"

"Coming!" Misty shouted back before facing Ash again.

"You know, when we start our journey in a couple of years, we should go on it together," he said.

"Yeah," Misty said, "So I can be the best water type trainer in Kanto!"

"And I can be a Pokemon Master!" Ash said as they hugged.

"Anyways," Misty said, "I better get going. Bye, Ash!"

"Bye, Misty!" Ash said as she ran off to her sisters. When she got to them, she saw them talking to Ash's mom.

"Thanks for offering shelter for Misty during camp," Daisy said to Delia.

"You are welcome," Ash's mom said, smiling, "Anything for your little girl. She and Ash bonded quickly."

"So can we, like, expect wedding bells in their future?" Lily asked.


"Well," her purple-haired sister said, "Do you think that Ash can visit our home in Cerulean City some time, Mrs. Ketchum?"

"Of course, Violet," Delia said as she got the address of Misty's house, "And maybe you guys can come and visit us as well," she said as she handed the same to the sisters.

"We will!" Daisy said before she suggested they take a picture together to signify the start of a bond between the two families.

"Of course!" Ash said as he and Misty got in front of the adults. The blonde put her cell phone in front of them all and snapped a picture.

Several years later, Ash and Misty were now married to each other, and they were a happy couple. After spending several years on the road, Ash has achieved his dream of being a Pokemon Master, and Misty is one of his Elite Four members. Right now, Misty and Ash were currently getting ready to watch a movie on TV together after a long day at the League. Misty was touching her tummy, which was swollen. She didn't tell Ash yet, but she was pregnant.

"Misty?" she heard a voice say. She looked up and saw Ash coming into a room with something in his hand.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"I have something I found that I want to show you…"

"And what might that be, Ash?" Misty asked as Ash put the photograph that Daisy took all of those years ago in front of her. Misty gasped, "No way…"

"Yeah…" Ash said, "I found it lying around… we should put it up so that we can see it more often…"

"I agree…" Misty said, "And so our kid can see it once he or she is born…"

Ash looked at Misty in confusion and asked her what she meant.

"You see, Ash…" Misty said, "I'm pregnant!"

Ash gasped and almost dropped the photo on the floor! He then threw his arms around Misty and smiled, "Well, I'm happy to hear that! I love you, Misty!"

"So do I," Misty said as they pulled each other into a long and passionate kiss.

Well, that's it for the first part of 151 Pokeshipping Stories! Only 150 one-shots to go! Of course, it will be hard for me to think of a hundred and fifty-one different stories that relate to Pokeshipping on my own. This is where my first question of the story comes in: What situations do you want me to put Ash and Misty in future stories? If your ideas are really, really, good, I might give you a shout out and do your story idea in the future! Anyways, I will see you all next time, let's get this show on the road, and dare to Pokeship!