Ah, Fire Emblem Three Houses. One of my favorite games of 2019. A shame it doesn't have a golden ending. Granted, I very much love the Crimson Flower storyline for, well, being an Edelgard fan, but having also played through Azure Moon (which is my favorite namely because of how fucking incredible Dmitri's character development was) and most recently the Verdant Wind, I decided, "hey, why not go the Revelations route and see what you can do?"

With that in mind, I have an announcement to make. In addition to this story, Fire Emblem: Eternity unto Reformation is also in the process of being revived. Expect an update within the near future.

Now then, enjoy~

"Every single thing you do matters. You have been created as one of a kind. You have been created in order to make a difference. You have within you the power to change the world." –Andy Andrews

Fire Emblem Three Houses: White Horizon

Chapter 1:
The Verdant Wind blows against the Crimson Flower beneath the Azure Moon

It was in the afternoon that Byleth wondered exactly what it was that fate had in store for him.

Several hours ago, he and his father's band of mercenaries had become entangled in what could only be described as chaos. Three kids from the Officers Academy, all members of nobility and royalty, were beset by bandits looking to rob them blind all in the dead of night and seeking help. By chance, it all occurred in Remire Village, where they were staying. It was obviously the first time the kids had seen combat, but they knew how to handle themselves well enough. By the end of the night, the bandits were routed, though some managed to escape and were being hunted down by the Knights of Seiros.

However, that night was also bizarre. The strange little girl on the throne from his dreams was actually real and apparently had the power to turn back the hands of time. Divine intervention, some might call it, but that made it no less strange. The second thing that happened after that was the revelations about his father. Despite being father and son, and having lived with the man and fought by his side for maybe twenty years or so, there was still so much Byleth didn't know about his father, evident by the fact that Jeralt was apparently a former member of the Knights of Seiros, much less their captain.

He was also surprised to learn that the Knights of Seiros were actually some kind of religious organization. Any tales his father had of them were tight-lipped, and at the time he just thought they were a mercenary band of some sort. Obviously, his father had more secrets than he let on as he knew the archbishop, a woman by the name of Rhea, well enough. Recalling his meeting with the woman, Byleth could not shake this feeling that her eyes were on him that whole time, even when she was speaking with his father. It was off-putting, yet he also felt that he knew her. There was a connection between them, but how that could be and why he knew her, he did not understand.

The biggest surprise of the whole debacle was that he was now going to be a teacher. At that point, Byleth really did have to question what these people were thinking. He knew how to swing his fists and how to cast magic, albeit not to the same extent as some of the mages in his father's band of soldiers, but he did not understand exactly what qualified him to be teaching a bunch of people close to his age, much less the fact that nearly everyone in this academy were all members of nobility.

He was vastly out of his element here, and it made him greatly uncomfortable. Just standing in these otherwise grandiose halls of the Officers Academy and watching young adults move about, conversing like old friends or getting into silly arguments, made him feel out of place. Each and every one of these people, even those who weren't blue bloods, came from a different world than himself.

Heck, they probably knew the world better than he did.

He sighed deeply and massaged his temples, unsure of how to proceed. He was given a job, however unsuited he was aside, so the least he could do was try and meet everyone's expectations. Rhea had told him to meet with the House Leaders – the kids he saved – and learn about the students under their supervision. Recalling what his new colleagues Hanneman and Manuella told him, two were heirs to their respective countries and one was going to be the new head of the Leicester Alliance. In other words, very important figures.

In other words, he wasn't just going to be teaching nobles, but also rulers in the making.

As if his job wasn't hard enough to begin with.

Speaking of the three lords, he found them shortly after some probing from the other students. All three of them were gathered in a single place, sitting comfortably in what he assumed were the gardens. It had a calm and serene air, with many students sitting at tables sipping tea while taking in the view around them. The lords were sitting in the center, right beneath a gazebo.

Byleth wasn't sure how to feel. Was he intimidated or nervous? One of those kids would be his charge, and it was his duty to groom them while they were here. Was someone like him, someone who only knew how to fight, really capable of leading them?

"Well, look what the cat dragged in!" He snapped out of his thoughts and saw Claude grinning at him impishly, having noticed him standing around at some point and called out to him, catching the attention of the two sitting with him. Their faces notably brightened and smiled at him. "Don't just stand there, man. Take a seat. We have room for one more!"

"I wouldn't wish to impose." Byleth shook his head.

Edelgard chuckled. "You are not imposing anyone. Please, sit. In truth, it seems we have a bit of discuss."

They had already been told that he would become a teacher here, but that information was known only to the staff and the house leaders. As far as anyone else knew, he was just someone who arrived at the academy, some even thinking he was a new student. Judging by the hungry look in their eyes, the same eyes some of the people Byleth met had when meeting with his father, they were looking to add him to their side. Now that he thought about it, not long after they first met and once the bandits were routed, they tried to ask him to come with them to their respective countries.

Likely, this would be a continuation of that conversation.

With a bit of hesitance, Byleth took a seat at the table. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw that he had caught the attention of the other students in the garden, some already whispering and looking their way.

"Oh dear. Looks like the rumor mill will be running at top speed by the time we're done." Claude remarked upon noticing. "Ah, well. Let them say what they want. At any rate, I hear you snagged yourself a teaching position here! Must be pretty nice, having connections."

Byleth shook his head again. "There was nothing of the sort. Alois recommended me, and Rhea accepted the proposal. In truth, I feel I am unsuited to the task."

"I suppose it's only natural you'd feel that way, but if the Archbishop had you take on the job, that must mean there's something special about you." Dimitri insisted. "Oh, but where are my manners! We never really got to introduce ourselves properly, what with us being in the middle of all that chaos and all. I am Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus."

"I am Edelgard von Hresvelg, daughter of Emperor Ionius IX." Edelgard went next, hand on her chest as she bowed her head. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Eisner."

Byleth raised a hand. "Call me Byleth, please. Sir Eisner makes me sound old, and there's already a Sir Eisner here."

"Ah, the famed Captain Jeralt. I heard plenty of stories about the Blade Breaker, both from the people and here from Leonie, but I'm hoping I get to see the man in action for myself!" Claude exclaimed. "Anyway, the name's Claude von Riegan! Grandson to Duke von Riegan, and the guy who'll be running the Leceister Alliance. Gotta say, it'll be an interesting year with you around, Teach. Oh, mind if I call you Teach?"

"Feel free." Byleth shrugged. He honestly didn't care what they referred to him as, so long as it was within reason.

"And there you go, being casual…" Dimitri sighed. "For Goddess' sake, he's going to be our professor. Show some respect, Claude!"

"Oh, but I am! In my own little way, of course~"

"Incorrigible. Simply incorrigible."

"Leave him be, Dimitri." Edelgard suggested. "That's simply the way Claude is. Actually, I find his casual nature to be refreshing at times. At any rate. Professor Byleth, if you don't mind me asking, have you decided which house you'll choose?"

"I have not. The archbishop believed it was a good idea for me to get to know the houses before I choose."

"Makes sense." Dimitri nodded at the logic. "I'd be more than happy to tell you about the Blue Lions."

"Why tell him and not show him?" Claude suddenly turned to one of the nearby students bearing a yellow cape. "Oi, friend! Fetch some of the guys from the Eagles, Lions and Deers if you'd be so kind! I'd like to introduce them to a new friend of ours!"

Byleth grew uncertain. He would have been just fine had they simply told them about some of the more noteworthy students.

"Claude!" Dimitri looked aghast.

"Oh, come on! First impressions are important!" the tanned youth insisted. "Besides, Teach will be in charge of at least one of our band of misfits. Better to let him see what he has to work with first before he consigns himself to the gallows."

Though she did not travel about the grounds often, namely on account of the students, soldiers and teachers alike suddenly stopping and bowing their heads to her and looking upon her with reverence, Rhea did love taking walks. Typically, she enjoyed walking about the garden, as it often reminded her of the times of when she was but a young girl living off of her mother's milk. They were bittersweet and somber memories to have, but to her they were some of the best.

In truth, she had done her best to replicate the garden from her memories. The students, and sometimes even the faculty, seemed to enjoy it. Whenever she found the time to visit, she saw them relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet, sometimes engaging with students from other houses.

Today, she was in a very good mood. After some twenty years, Jeralt had returned to their ranks and would resume his duties as the Captain of the Knights of Seiros, and his son Byleth would be serving as an instructor. She initially planned to induct the child into the Knights of Seiros, serving underneath his father, but gave the matter more consideration. While she was certain the knights could benefit from his skillset, not to mention whatever abilities he may have inherited from his parents, she could tell almost immediately that there was something different about Byleth the moment she saw him enter the academy grounds.

She had a few theories about this unusual feeling, and if any were true, she would become ecstatic. For now, she would have to wait and see. This was also another reason she had him instructing rather than fighting; in the event he were to die, she wouldn't be able to confirm her theories. It would be better for her in the long run to keep a close eye on him and study him where she could ensure his safety. That and she felt that having the students mingle with him would be good for him in the long run.

It hurt Rhea to think this way, but somehow, she found his eyes cold and lifeless. A ping if guilt rang in her heart, knowing that she may have played a part in that.

As she strolled through the garden, she found a most curious sight. At least two dozen students, all from different houses, were gathered at the gazebo with their house leaders. In the middle of it all was Byleth, who in spite of his otherwise calm mask, looked positively overwhelmed.

"Wait, you mean he's the new professor?!" the blue-haired child from the Black Eagles exclaimed in shock. "Seriously?!"

"Caspar, mind your volume." Edelgard chastised the boy. "And yes, Professor Byleth will be teaching here in the coming days. As a matter of fact, he will be assigned to one of the three houses."

"Really? I would have thought that Jeritza would have become one of the teachers." The one who spoke was from the Golden Deer, Lorenz the archbishop believed her name was. "Still, he looks quite young. Is he really qualified?"

"If you saw the way he fought out there, you wouldn't be so quick to dismiss him." Claude smiled. "I imagine he could give His Highness over here a run for his money."

Dimitri chuckled. "I confess, I would actually be interested in a match against you, Professor. Still, allow me to introduce to you the most prominent members of the Blue Lions."

"Hey there!" the heir to House Gautier greeted amicably. "Pleasure to meet you, Professor. I hear you were a mercenary before you came here, is that right?"

"That's right." Byleth nodded. "Though I must tell you that I know absolutely nothing about teaching. I'm not entirely sure why the archbishop felt to hire me on as a teacher instead of joining the Knights of Seiros."

"Maybe she just sees something special in you?" a white-haired girl from the Golden Deer offered. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Lysithea of House Ordelia."

"Fair warning, Teach. The Golden Deers are quite the bunch of misfits." Claude teased his fellow students, causing more than a few to glare daggers at him. "Look no further than yours truly, liar and schemer extraordinaire!"

Edelgard shook her head. "If you ask me, you could learn a few things from members of your own house, Claude."

"On that, we agree, Lady Hresvelg." said a purple-haired man, eyeing Claude with a hint of dismay before he bowed his head towards the new teacher. "I am Lorenz Hellman Gloucester! Worry not, for even if you are inept, I am certain you can learn a thing or two from-"

"Aaand as you can no doubt tell, Lorenz is one big bag of hot-air who yipes about the duties of nobility." Claude interrupted, causing Lorenz to splutter and glare at his house leader. "Best not to listen to him. That said, I should mention that he's very handy with a spear or a tome."

"I-I beg your pardon?!"

Dimitri sighed. "I see not even your own house is spared from that tongue of yours. How in the world have they not rebelled or left you is a wonder."

"Despite his faults, Claude is actually a good leader." a pig-tailed wearing girl giggled. "When he isn't busy concocting pranks or swindling poor unfortunate souls. I'm Hilda, by the way. Nice to meet you! Try to take it easy on me."

"Fair warning, Hilda's a born slacker, Professor." the orange-haired girl next to Hilda informed before her face lit up. "I'm Leonie, by the way! I'm Captain Jeralt's first apprentice!"

Byleth quirked an eyebrow. "Father never mentioned he had an apprentice."

That caused the girl to deflate. "W-wait, seriously? N-not even in passing?"

"You're the son of the Blade Breaker?" inquired a student from the Blue Lions, his hand suddenly reaching for the wooden sword at his hip. "Are you good with a sword?"

"I'd like to believe so, though I'm certain there are people stronger than myself. Why do you ask?"

"Ignore him. Felix has a habit of challenging people he thinks are strong." The blonde-haired girl bowed deeply. "My name is Ingrid. I hope we can get along."

"I am Dedue." the tall man closest to Dimitri nodded his head. "Thank you for saving His Highness. I will repay this debt to you one day."

"Come now, Dedue! I've told you a million times by now, there's no reason for you to fret over me." Dimitri exclaimed in exasperation.

A brooding man at Edelgard's side chuckled. "My my, what devotion. Still, I do share the sentiment." He put a hand to his chest and nodded his head. "My name is Hubert. I must also thank you for saving Lady Edelgard."

"Take a picture, Professor!" a rather alluring girl wearing a cap advised Byleth with a giggle. "It isn't often Hubie gives out a sincere thank-you. Anyway, I'm Dorothea. Sadly, I'm the only commoner among the Black Eagles, but I'm quite handy with a book. And not to toot my own horn, but I have a lovely singing voice. Ah, and the girl hiding underneath the table is Bernadetta."

Byleth and Rhea blinked at that. The former bent down and found a purple-haired girl indeed stowed away underneath the table, as if to avoid interaction with the rest of the gathered students. She waved shyly at Byleth, who returned the gesture before he sat back up.

"Oh, am I up next?" a boy wearing glasses wondered aloud. "My name is Ignatz Victor. I come from a family of merchants, like Raphael over here. If you choose the Golden Deers, I hope I can study under you!"

"Same here!" the aforementioned Raphael said with a laugh. For some strange reason, he flexed his rather impressive biceps. "Nice to meet ya, Professor!"

"I'm Ashe." From the far back, a young boy stepped forward. Rhea frowned slightly, recognizing him as Lord Lonato's child, and the younger sibling of the boy she had little choice but to execute so long ago. A morbid affair, that one. "Ashe Ubert. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"I'm Annette!" one of the shorter girls among the gathered students said happily as she introduced herself alongside another girl, somewhat older than the others. "This is Mercedes. We're from the Blue Lions. It's nice to meet you!"

"I as well." Mercedes smiled kindly. "I hope we can get along, Professor."

"Oh? Am I next?" the young lady from Brigid pointed to herself before clearing her throat. "I am Petra. I am from Brigid. It's very nice to plead you."

"Um, Petra dear?" Dorothea smiled wryly. "It's actually nice to meet you."

"Oh, my apologies. I am not yet used to pronouncing the Fodland language yet. Please be patient with me."

"The name's Caspar!" the blue-haired boy from earlier greeted. "I hope you decide to teach the Black Eagles! I'd really like to see what you can teach us!"

"Hopefully nothing too hard." Caspar rammed his elbow into the boy next to him, causing him to sigh. "I'm Lindhart. Now, if you'll excuse me, by bed is calling me."

"What? But it's the afternoon!" Lysithea exclaimed. "How in the world can you think of sleeping in this early?!"

Claude snickered. "Ladies and gentlemen, the natural-born sloth in his habitat."

"Oh, how I wish I could be a sloth."

Edelgard groaned. "Honestly, Lindhart…!"

"Um…" a blue-haired girl behind Claude spoke so softly that Rhea almost couldn't hear her. "M-my name is Marianne… N-nice to meet you."

"And there you have it!" Claude spread his arms out. "Some of the most colorful members among the three Houses. Regretting your life choices yet? If not, prepare to do so when you teach us. That being said…" he leaned forward and winked. "You, me Golden Deer? We could be great together."

"And after you chastised us earlier for being too hasty…" Dimitri rolled his eyes, but smiling nonetheless before he followed Claude's example. "The Blue Lions walk the path of true justice. If you would have us, Professor, we would be honored."

A twinkle danced in Edelgard's eyes as she narrowed them at her apparent competition. "Oh? So bold to try and coerce the Professor, who hasn't even decided who he will teach, into joining your houses right in front of me. Professor Byleth, I implore you grant your strength to us. The Black Eagles would be more than happy to receive your education."

From there on, it descended into chaos. Poor Byleth looked more and more out of sorts as he attempted to diffuse the mounting arguments between the gathered houses, who now joined in the house leaders attempts to persuade the new teacher into instructing them. Rhea stifled a giggle in her hand and slyly walked away.

"My goodness. To imagine he'd become so popular already." Rhea remarked in amusement. It was actually very cute, seeing him flounder. She did have to admit, though, the sight was actually very beautiful to see. If only for a short moment, the three houses had come together.

The Officers Academy had been built with the idea of unity in mind. With representatives, members of noble houses and other influential characters all gathered in a single spot, many of them heirs to noble houses and others of lesser backgrounds seeking a good education, the potential of something new could be made a reality. The idea of the three countries all working together, or perhaps forming a new country altogether, was enough to make her heart flutter. Alas, so far, students merely viewed one another as colleagues or potential rivals, even from within their own house.

And yet, just for a brief moment…


An idea struck Rhea as she made her way back to the main hall, now sporting a smile. She imagined she would receive another scolding from Seteth, but if this actually worked out…

Byleth sighed for the upteeth time, feeling more tired than he had ever before. "My goodness, you look as if you've been run through the wringer, Byleth!" Hanneman shouted, seeing his worn-out expression. A rare thing to see, even for Byleth himself. "What happened?"

"I heard you got to meet the more colorful children of the houses all at once." Manuela said with a smile. "They were all raising such a fuss over you. It was actually quite sweet, to be honest. I'm actually a bit envious that so many were fawning over you."

"I…am not used to so much attention." Byleth bemoaned. "I'm grateful that Edelgard and Dimitri stopped everyone before a fight could start."

"Oh? First name basis already?"

"They insisted." Though Hubert didn't look too happy about it. Somehow, he struck Byleth as the overly protective sort. "They actually felt it was appropriate, as we aren't far apart from each other in age."

"Understandable." Hanneman nodded at the logic. "Anyway, my dear boy, it's time we head on in. Lady Rhea actually wants to speak with us."

Byleth nodded. Together, the three teachers entered the room. As he expected, Rhea stood there at the front with her ever beaming and motherly smile. At her side was Seteth, looking less than enthusiastic. It didn't take Byleth long to realize that the man actually had doubts about his ability, and he more than agreed with the man.

"Good. You've arrived." Seteth said. "I apologize for calling you all on such short notice."

"It's fine." Hanneman assured him. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing major, I can assure you." Rhea told him. "Rather, I've come to a decision regarding who will be teaching which of the three houses." At this, the three before her became alert. "I'm sure Professors Hanneman and Manuela already know this, but the purpose behind the creation of the Officers Academy was to try and facilitate a possibility. An idea that the Adestrian Empire, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Leceister Alliance could come together and reach a new understanding. Or, perhaps, even become something new entirely. And, as I'm sure your colleagues have told you Byleth, this year the academy is now host to the future leaders of the three ruling powers of Fodland."

Byleth nodded. "I am aware. Edelgard is to be the next Emperor and succeed her father, Dimitri is to be crowned the King of Faerghus when he graduates and comes of age, and Claude will assume leadership of the Alliance when he comes of age as well."

"That is correct. While not unusual for a member of royalty to grace these halls, as young Edelgard's own mother was once a student here, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the future leaders of Fodland's future to be gathered here." Rhea's smiled grew. "That is why, this year, I've decided to do things a little…differently."

Manuela tilted her head. "Differently in what way?"

"Simply put…" Seteth crossed his arms and leveled a hardy glare at the three. "Instead of having you each instruct one of the houses, the archbishop asks that you teach all three."

Byleth blinked as Manuela's eyes threatened to pop from her sockets and Hanneman choked in thin air. "All three?!" he asked, shocked by this new development. "All of us?! T-that is unprecedented!"

"Wait, what does this mean for the houses?" Manuela asked immediately. "Are they being reformed into a single house?!"

"Nothing of the sort." Rhea waved a hand and waited for the two to quell their excitement. "Rather, the three of you will instruct the three houses in unison. The Black Eagles, Blue Lions and the Golden Deer will all be grouped together. However, they will still function as separate entities. That said, as Hanneman has stated, this is the first time we have ever attempted such a thing. As a result, there may be times when you will be forced to play by ear. However, I have full confidence in you all."

"I-I see. Yes, we will do our very best." Hanneman nodded strongly. Rhea smiled at his enthusiasm. The matter had been settled, it appeared. Even so, the old man looked very excited. "To think I'd have the opportunity to teach so many fine scholars… Oh, yes. This year will be a very interesting one indeed!"

"Something tells me we're going to be in this for the long haul." Manuela sighed, but was no less excited by the prospect. "Still, this should be fun!"

Byleth cupped his chin, now deep in thought. On the one hand, he was glad that he no longer had to choose which house he would be instructing. He honestly didn't want to see the disappointed looks on the other houses faces, especially since quite a few of the students looked very eager to have him as their teacher. On the other hand, he was also nervous because now, instead of a small number of people, he was now going to instruct them all. Or at the very least, the more noteworthy students, as he learned that the House Leaders would choose a select number of people among their houses to decide who would be among those to join the specialized class, or so it was referred to by the senior students.

Somehow, he could tell that this was definitely going to be an interesting learning experience, in more ways that one.

And there we go, the first chapter! Phew, finally got it done.

To be honest, this chapter was halfway done when I suddenly fell into depression, which culminated in a lot of other hiccups along the way. Still, I'm actually very happy I got this out and I hope you all enjoy it.

I should mention that this is going to be a slow start. We're not going to dive right in to the meat of the story right away, but focus on the beginnings of Byleth's new life. Starting with teaching cuz unlike in the game where somehow everyone fits in a single classroom, he has way more students. In other words, he's gonna need a bigger room.

As for pairings, I have not yet decided. Just because my favorite character is Edelgard doesn't mean I'm gonna ship her with By. Truth be told, I'm more of a Sothis fan, but that's something else entirely.

Please, for the love of god, DO NOT SUGGEST WHO GETS PAIRED WITH YOU. I have grossly underestimated the serious business that is the Fire Emblem shipping. Jesus Christ.

Anyway, that's it for now. See you all in the next chapter.

See You.