Joachim von Ribbentrop was looking over reports from the German ambassador to the Soviets when Generalfieldmarschall Erwin Rommel entered the office with four soldiers. Rommel announced," Herr Ribbentrop we need you to come with us."

Joachim stood and followed Rommel with a confused look on his face. After several minutes they arrived at Göring's office, Rommel indicated for Joachim enter the office alone.

Joachim entered the room to see Joseph Goebbels, Karl Donitz, Heinz Guderian and Albert Speer with Fedor von Bock standing around the desk.

Joseph looked up and said," The Fuhrer has been killed." Joachim was about to say something but Joseph continued," By us as he was leading us to war."

Bock took over," Göring and Himmler have been arrested as well as most of the SS."

Albert finished," Hitler didn't write a will so we don't have a successor and Erwin come in we know you are listening."

Rommel entered with his long coat almost making him trip, Guderian placed a small plastic tank on the map on the desk. Joachim asked," What does that have to do with me?"

Joseph grinned and said," Well how would you react if we said we wanted you be Fuhrer?"

Joachim looked at him and replied," I would be willing on one condition." Joseph nodded," I get one week to prepare."

Joseph and Albert shared a look before Joseph said," Very well but we will need a deputy so they can take over your duties for the next week."

Joachim looked over the people in the room and thought for several minutes before saying," I want Erwin to be my deputy."

Rommel's head snapped round to look at Joachim in shock as Joseph nodded in agreement. "We will leave you to it then." Bock said as he and the others left leaving Joachim and Rommel alone in the office.

Joseph walked though the hallways of the Reich Chancellery thinking about what the future holds for him. He thought about the reason he had divorced his wife and planned this plot.

In 1937 Joseph had realised he liked men in the same way he likes women and he also realised that he had conflicting feelings about Hitler's plan for the future.

After that realization he had got into to contact with Albert and they had begun to plan the plot to kill Hitler called Operation Liberty.

Bock came up with the idea to use the reserve army which Bock could easily take command of. The reserve army would arrest Himmler, Göring and high ranking SS officials, then Donitz and Admiral Canaris would seize control of the Navy using the Abwehr.

Guderian would then force Göring to cede control of the Luftwaffe to Albert Kesslring who would ground all planes for the foreseeable future. Joseph was proud of the plan they of came up with and the high percentage of success.

Joachim and Rommel stood staring at each other. Rommel finally broke eye contact and said," Why did you choose me?"

Joachim smiled softly and said," I chose you because you can help me pass an amendment to the marriage law."

Rommel looked intrigued and asked," What is the amendment?"

Joachim instinctively shrank into himself as he passed Rommel a file. Rommel opened the file and read the first page of it.

Amendments to Marriage Legislation of 1903

Wrote by Minister Ribbentrop.

Amendments to Marriage Legislation are the following:

First, Marriage will be open to people of any orientation even if it is by two people of the same sex.

Second, The Church will have to perform marriages to be compliant with the new amendment.

Final Amendment, There will be a office of marriage created in the Ministry of the Interior to regulate the new amendments.

J. Ribbentrop.

Rommel closed the file with no expression on his face. After a few minutes he said," I will help you because I know someone who has feelings for you but without this won't be able to confess." After saying this a excited grin graced his face.

Joachim let a relived sigh escape from him and their eyes met again with a mischievous look in each of their eyes.

Rommel thought about what Joseph would do to him if he found out he gave Joachim a clue about his feelings.