"It's okay, baby. We're safe. We're safe." There's a second in which she believes him. Sarah trusts her father, he's always taken care of her. The world seems to be ending, but she can trust that he'll take care of her. "Hey! We need help."

The soldier doesn't look like he has that faith. "Stop!"

"Please. It's my daughter. I think her leg's broken." Sarah tries not to cry, but it's hard. It hurts.

"Stop right there!"

"Okay...we're not sick." Her father is protecting her, like he always does. He always will protect her.

The soldier picks up his radio. Sarah can barely focus on what's going on, but she can tell this man doesn't trust them. "Got a couple of civilians in the outer perimeter. Please advise." His hands are shaking.

"Daddy, what about Uncle Tommy?" she whispers. Her entire body trembles not just from pain, but from the cold and the panic too.

"We're gonna get you to safety and go back for him. Okay?"

"Sir, there's a little girl. But... Yes, sir."

Her dad looks exasperated, like he does when something is going on at work. "Listen, buddy, we've just been through hell. Okay, we just need—"

The soldier raises his rifle, pointing at the two of them.

"Oh, shit."

That's all she hears before the gunshot. Everything is white for a moment, and the two of them start rolling down the hill, and Sarah screams. She tumbles away from her father, and she doesn't know what's happening.

There's another gunshot. Then she hears Uncle Tommy's voice, and she's more relieved than she's ever been.

"Sarah, Sarah are you okay?" Tommy picks her up and looks over her face. Aside from tears and a spatter of blood, she's okay. He breathes a sigh of relief and moves away.

Sarah sees her father is lying on the ground. She only realizes the blood on her is his when she sees him gripping his stomach. "Daddy? Daddy—"

She scrambles over to him, grabbing his shoulders. "Daddy no, no you have to be okay, Daddy don't leave me behind." Her tears are coming stronger, faster now, and Tommy is there but there's nothing he can do. He presses a hand down over the wound. It's not even as helpful as a band-aid.

"You're okay, baby. That's what matters. You're okay. You're gonna be okay." He coughs, and there's blood in it.

Sarah sobs, tugging at his shirt. "No Daddy, you're gonna be okay too, you have to be."

Her father reaches out to Tommy and tugs him closer. "You make sure she survives all this, okay? You do not let her out of your sight, whatever you do."

"Promise." Tommy responds, his voice shaking more than any of the three of them would've liked.

Suddenly her father is quiet and Sarah can't stop herself. She flings herself onto his torso, clutching at his shirt and moving her face back and forth. "No, no, no, no, no, come back, we have to go, Daddy."

Tommy grabs her from behind, and she can feel herself being lifted up and off the ground, though not before she takes the watch from his wrist.

"No, no, put me down, put me down!" she shrieks, kicking her legs and trying to wrench herself free. "Don't leave him, don't make me leave him, I need him!"

"We have to go, Sarah. Those things are coming for us, and if we don't go now we're dead too."

"Please," she begs between sobs, her kicks losing power as she tries to stop her uncle's advance. "My dad can't be dead he can't."

"We're getting out of here." He finally manages to make her stop thrashing and tucks her into his side. Holding her as tightly as he can, Tommy takes off into the night, and Sarah continues to cry.