Note: So in about a day or so there will be a longer, more expansive fic regarding this AU, I'll be posting it as a separate story. So you might wanna follow me or head to my profile where there should be Tumblr and AO3 Links. I usually upload to Ao3 first and I post previews to Tumblr as I write.

"There's no outside food or drink allowed in the office." The speaker was finally in sight, leaning in the doorway. He wasn't very tall but the lean lines of his suit spoke of an athletic build. It was his face that caught her attention in that moment, that and his hair.

Doctor Akasuna was currently looking at her empty wrapper of bread and coffee with disdain. Sharp, upturned eyes with long lashes and a straight, narrow nose set between and a thin unsmiling mouth below. Somehow he managed to look bored and annoyed all at once. 'And handsome.' She guessed there were worse people to spend an hour looking at.

That hair of his was a thick, bright red; somewhere between scarlet and maroon with a clear predilection for waving just slightly-she supposed his colouring was still more natural than pink, by a hair. 'I'll bet he arranges it into artful chaos every morning.' Sakura bit back the grin. She had assumed since it was someone Shizune knew well enough that they would be...older.

'Like in their late thirties or something' but he looked closer to her age then he did Shizune's. Everything she'd gleaned in those few moments had her assuming that he was one of those yuppies who only ate organic and got a ton of botox to combat the inevitable aging process. 'I'm probably being harsh.'