Based in part on Disney's superhero film Sky High and the dark gritty superhero show The Boys I decided to write a little something about the girls of Sky High learning what it really takes to be a crime fighter. This story I expect will turn some readers away. This is purely fantasy fiction. Will contain sexual content and get very vulgar at times. Gwen/Layla smut. Enjoy.

In 1955 Sky High was created by Vought International to train and supervise up and coming superheroes. A high school that floated above the clouds, taking its title literally. Many great heroes spent their teenage years there learning to protect the public and control and master their abilities. Of course this learning centre was unknown to the general public and kept under wraps for obvious reasons...




Seniors, Layla Williams and Gwen Grayson were fighting in the cafeteria. This was unlike both girls seeing that Layla was a pacifist and known tree hugger, Gwen was a very preppy girl, a sort of stuck up goody two shoes. But alas this was high school and like it or not some girls fought with the best of them.

Gwen yanked at Layla's pigtails. Layla kicked Gwen to the floor. They both fell on each other and rolled around while the entire student body crowded around them.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" They all chanted.


Everyone stood out of the way of Coach Boomer. Both girls were still on the ground only now they were very weakly hitting each other. With his sonic boom he shouted, "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Both covered their ears in pain. He grabbed them both by the arms and pulled them along. "That's detention. Come on, ladies. The rest of you as you were!"

Gwen and Layla continued shoving and hitting each other. Boomer did his best seperating the two.

Principal Powers sat in her office listening to instructions from one of the Vought higher ups. To Vought, Gwen Grayson was their new star, their messiah, the next big thing. Powers knew of her little blow up with Layla but didn't want them to know, she had to contain Gwen ' good girl image.

"How is she developing?" A very handsome, brawny voice asked.

"Quite well. She still has one of the highest scores on the government testing and well you've seen her triathlon videos how many times?"

"I meant...," he laughed.

Miss Powers laughed, knowing what he meant, "Oh her tits? Gotta be double D's by now they grew like crazy after March break and hey just happened to notice...spectacular ASS."

"Excellent. Still the beautiful all American girl."

"Yes. She still has that charm. We just have to make sure Will Stronghold doesn't knock her up before graduation."

"We have ways of making him keep it in his pants. That's our girl and he has to realize that."


"Where is she now, Miss Powers?"


"Did something happen to her?"

"No. No. Nothing like that. She detention."

"Really? Our Gwen? This has to be her first time."


"Do you have video?"

"I'll send you the live feed."

Powers connected him to the live video she was streaming on her laptop. Gwen and Layla sat a few rows of desks away from each other in the detention room. Both looking as fumed as could be, unable and unwilling to look in the other's direction.

"Oh wow. I don't think I've ever seen her this angry. Who is the other girl?"

"That's Layla Williams. She has the ability to communicate and control plants. Her best friend is Will Stronghold so my guess is these two had a stupid fight over him."

He laughed, genuinely amused by this high school drama, "She controls nature while Gwen controls technology. It's an interesting clash...I like it. Maybe we can work that angle."

"Just so you know they are far from friends."

"Well we can make them anything we want now can't we, Miss Powers?"

She laughed sinisterly, "I guess you are right about that."

"Can you call them into your office, please?"

"My office? You want to discipline them?"

"Let's have some fun," he chuckled.

"Ok but..."

"What's wrong?"

Principal Powers had very flexible morals but she was cautious when it came to her job. "I...I mean what would you want them to do?"

"Just relax ok?" He chuckled some more, "You won't feel bad. I know some certain rich folks that love to be entertained. Do this and I can promise you a lot more than your usual school board salary."

"Hm mm," Powers leaned back in her chair, "What if they refuse?"

He said optimistically, "You have the power, Miss Powers."

She sneered, "I guess you're right...what do you want them to do?"

Ten minutes later the two troublemakers were sitting across from her. Gwen elbowed Layla when she thought she was too close. Layla gave her the snottiest look.

" girls certainly didn't pass the Becdyl test did you?"

"Huh?" Gwen tilted her head at her like a moron.

"This isn't about Will!" Layla exclaimed.

"Far from it," said Gwen, flipping her hair, "It was about you and your jealousy towards me! You are such a loser!"

"Ladies. Settle," Principal Powers said firmly, "Now I get it. I was young once. But you need to control yourselves."

"She started it!" Layla whined.

"You started it!" Gwen cried.



"That's enough!" The older woman was about ready to strangle both of them. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "Now it's clear that both of you must be punished for this non -superhero like behaviour."

Layla and Gwen glared at each other.

"But we're already serving detention," Layla said, a strained look of confusion on her face.

"Yeah, duh!" Gwen interjected.

"Yes but that's only a small see you uh girls have never been in real trouble so you must face consequences."

"What?" Layla asked, confused.

"Excuse me?" Gwen frowned.

"Yes you see if I go easy on you two. Sky High's highest achieving students then everyone would think we're being too soft and picking favourites."

Layla's ears perked up, "I'm one of Sky High's highest achievers?"

"As if," Gwen groaned.

"It's true," Miss Powers smirked.

Layla looked to Gwen and shrugged, "I mean I guess it kind of makes sense. We shouldn't be treated any different than anyone else we should all be treated fairly. What's our punishment, Miss Powers?"

"Well I think I know how you feel about corpral punishment, Layla. But I'm going to need both of you to bend over the desk and receive a spanking."

Both Layla and Gwen ' s faces sank at the same time, their eyes buldged and their jaws opened wide. They did a double take at each other and Miss Powers.

"Y-you can't be serious."

"This is a joke right?"

"No joke, ladies. I'm afraid this is protocol here."

"That can't be right," Layla could feel her ass sore already.

"Well I refuse," Gwen folded her arms in disgust.

Miss Powers smiled smugly, "Then you will be expelled. Both of you."

Both girls had never felt more sick, this was like telling them they had seconds to live.

" can't do that!" Layla freaked.

"There's no way!"

"Girls everything we do here is legal. You're both 18 now and must expect consequences in this adult world."

"I'll tell my parents about this," Gwen glared at the unphased Principal.

"You can do whatever you want, dear, I'm not making you do anything."

"You can't expel me. That would ruin me!" Gwen was leaning over the desk, almost like she was ready to bite her face off.

"Miss Powers, surely there's something else we could do," Layla said, trying to think logically.

"I'm afraid not," Miss Powers said all matter of fact.

Gwen was beyond livid, who did this woman think she was? "So you're going to slap us on the ass on your desk like some weirdo?"

"Oh no no no, Gwen. I'm going to sit right here and you two are going to spank each other."

Layla was aghast.

"Wait, really?" Gwen wasn't sure what to say to that but she liked that idea. Spanking Layla? Hilarious! "Ok. Cool."

"WHAT?" Layla snapped.

"Come on let's just get this over with so I can get home, Layla! Unlike you I have a life!"

Layla held onto herself and paced around in a circle, unsure what to do. Miss Powers and Gwen were waiting. Finally she let out a sigh and said, "Fine!"

Layla parked herself in front of the desk. She bent over presenting her denim butt to an amused Gwen.

"Miss Grayson, would you do the honour?" Miss Powers motioned to the mean girl who had that spark of deviance in her eye.

"With pleasure, Miss Powers," Gwen said, cracking her fingers.

Layla rolled her eyes, tired of the anticipation; Gwen would never let her hear the end of it. "Can we please get this over with?"

"When I'm good and ready, Williams," Gwen mocked. She teased with her hand, holding it back and bringing it forward but stopping just before the impact.

"OH! OH! Wait for it!"

"OOOHHHH!" Both Gwen and Miss Powers teased.



"Ugh!" Layla grunted. Not as bad as she thought but still humiliating. Gwen gave her a good ten slaps before Miss Powers told her it was enough.

Gwen bent over and whispered in Layla's ear, "How'd you like that bitch?"

Layla stood up, holding onto her butt with both hands. Man that stung.

"I bet if we took a look right now her ass would be as her hair," Gwen joked.

"Ok, that's enough. Your turn, young lady."

Gwen gulped.

"That's right," Layla sneered, "Time for you to face justice."

Gwen reluctantly bent over the desk, her pink skirt just barely covering her satin white panties.

Miss Powers smiled down at the girl, "Think of it this way. It's all part of your training. You won't be able to save the day on good looks alone."

Layla laughed, hungry for revenge; for a girl that didn't believe in violence she sure was looking forward to dishing it out right now. She even teased Gwen the same way she did to her.

"Wait for it...wait for it...BOOM!"


Gwen cringed. The first time. After that every hit brought a chill up her spine. There was this adrenaline rush that took through her whole body. Miss Powers could see the huge smile on her face she failed to hide.

"Bad girl!" Layla cackled with delight, smacking her some more. That's when Gwen startled giggling. Layla stopped, shocked, "Are you enjoying this?"

Gwen wiggled her butt a little, "Maybe."

Layla scoffed angrily and looked to the 'adult' in the room for assistance, "Miss Powers!"

"Oh, Layla, don't whine just try a little harder."

"Yeah, Layla," Gwen said, looking back at her, "Try a little harder."

Layla, furious, tried everything to get the girl to squirm but nothing seemed to work. She gave a couple good slaps, backhanded and even grabbing and squeezing as hard as she could. Of course with a super babe like Gwen, Miss Powers knew there had to be a secret weapon. She handed Layla an old paddle from behind her desk.

Layla was mortified but knew she had little choice; besides this was Gwen Grayson at her mercy and that was a tough thing to pass up. She looked angrily down at Gwen and back to the big wooden paddle. She smiled evilly. Readied her hand with the paddle and...

"Ah! Hey! What the..."

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack!

Miss Powers applauded Layla's actions. Layla hid her laughter once Gwen very slowly stood back up and faced her.

"Bravo, girls. I'd say take a seat but you won't be sitting for a while."

" one's going to know about any of this right?" Layla asked hesitantly.

Miss Powers stretched her arms out menacingly, "I can promise you nothing that happened here today will leave this room," she winked at the hidden security camera on the ceiling.

"Good," said Gwen weakly, "So we're done. No more detention or anything?"

"Ooh hahaha Hphm, " Miss Powers laughed strangely, "I'm afraid we're just getting started."

Gwen and Layla exchanged a perplexed look.

More to come! It won't all be spanking there will be a lot more fun!