Hey guys! It's me, your author. This is my first time on this site, so bear with me. TW for child abuse

Alex woke up screaming. He had had another nightmare. It wasn't surprising, as he had nightmares often, due to his traumatic past.

This was because of all that happened when he grew up in Nevis before he immigrated to the US when he was 12. He didn't like to talk about his past.

He heard footsteps and cursed himself for screaming. Mr. Reynolds came into his bedroom.

"Want another beating for the road then"? Reynolds sneered at him.

Alex winced and braced himself for a blow. Reynolds slapped him until he fell to his knees. Then he kicked him in the chest.

"Amy's coming soon to take you somewhere where you aren't wanted. Get dressed." Reynolds commanded.

After Reynolds left, Alex had flashbacks to his nightmare. He saw his brother abandoned, lost, starving and wished he could just know where he was. He worried because James had always been trusting, sensitive, stupid sweet.

He pulled on a sweatshirt and jeans and put his hair in a messy bun. He heard a car pull up, and figured that it was his social worker, Amy. He ran to her and asked her the one question he always did.

"Have you heard anything about James"? Alex asked desperately.

"No Alex and neither has anyone at work. Are you eating"?

Alex shrugged. "Enough".

"Alexander, that isn't an answer. You need to eat, and you should be sleeping more too". Amy said, exasperated.

"I'm fine". Alex retorted. "Anyway, what's this one like"?

That seemed to distract her, thank God.

" You will be staying with Martha and George Washington. They are living a little way outside the city, so you will go to a different school. George is a politician. They have a son too, this just says his name is Lafayette. He's 15, like you". Amy recited as she read.

"Sounds fine". Alex figured that he would at least know someone at school, even if he was mean.


They arrived at the house.

"Alex, you need to take care of yourself". Amy said, sounding worried.

"I'll be fine". Alex got out of the car and walked out of the house. He took one last glance at the car, before opening the door.

He was immediately bombarded by a guy speaking rapid french.

"Bonjour, J'mappelle Lafayette, Comment tu t'appelle, J'ai 15 ans, Quel âge as-tu"?

Hello, I'm lafayette, what's your name, I'm 15, how old are you?

"Right, sorry, English".

"Oh, it's okay. J'mappelle Alexander, et j'ai 15 ans".

I'm Alexander, and I'm 15.

"Tu parles francais"! That's cool.

You speak french!

"Okay Laf, that's enough. I'm Martha, and it's good to finally meet you, Alexander".

"You can call me Alex if you want". Alex hated those awkward introductions.

"Well, I'm George. Do you want anything to eat"?

Alex felt George eyeing his thin frame. "I already ate".

"Laf, why don't you show Alex to his room"?

"Okay, dad. C'mon, your room's upstairs".

They walk into the room.

"So do we share a bed or what"?

"Mon ami, this is all for you.

Alex gapes, before going to put his stuff down.

Hey Alex, I'm hanging out with friends later, if you want to come. I think you'll like them".

" Maybe, thanks for offering. I'm just going to write for a bit".

"What do you write"?

"I just write about what I see, you know thoughts, dreams, feelings. It's kind of private".

Good job Alex. Now he thinks that you're weird.

"I'll tell you when we're going if you change your mind".

"Okay". Alex collapsed on the bed with his notebook and started to write.

Hey guys, thanks for reading this. I'm sorry that this is kind of short and choppy, I'm still figuring this program out. I'm not sure how often I'll update, but I'm aiming for once a week. The only time I can write is at night, so bear with me. Also, I'm not sure what to rate this, so feedback would be appreciated. Thanks for reading!