Four days before the Hundred Stars Gala, Aubrey received in her inbox the list of bodyguards attending the event to protect the necklace. She snorted silently, careful not to alert the colleagues around her.

Glancing around, she opened the file. Her snort died in her throat, making the noise sound like a groan. The list was terrifying. The squad leader was an army dude called Chicago - was it even a name? - and his achievements were quite impressive. Knowing a few high ranked army people, this was something they could've drool over. Another bodyguard caught her attention. He has a strong defined jaw with messy bond hair. Only his first name was written, Luke. There was no information about his profile except his career in the MI6.

Aubrey's gasp was noticed by one of her colleagues, a guy named Jack if she remembered it well.

"You alright Aubrey?" He asked sweetly.

"Fine." She glared at him for a second and he avoided her intense stare and retreated back in his working space. The blonde sighed quietly.

This was not a good sign for her. She saved the email on her phone and waited to be back in their HQ to talk to the girls.

"Yo Aub, you look tense, want a backrub?" Stacie offered when she saw the blonde's stiff figure move through the kitchen. "You know, coffee is not a good choice when you are feeling stressed, it increases your heart rate and the toxins just pile up in your muscles-"

"Where's Beca?" She interrupted her quite harshly. When she turned around, Stacie was giving her the raised eyebrow. "It's really urgent."

"Amy and her went with Em because she was stressing about the dress fitting. They should be back in half an hour tops. What got you so tense?"

CR, comfortably lying on the couch, chimed in the conversation. "You need to take a break girl. Your pacing is giving me a headache."

"I have the list of bodyguards from Cartier. This is bad."

"How bad?" Stacie approached her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder, effectively cutting short to her pacing in the kitchen.

"MI6 bad."

CR whistled low and Stacie choked. "O-kay."

"I'm pretty sure these guys are killers. One of them was stationed in Iraq during five years. They are monsters." Aubrey puffed out silently. "How are we going to do this?" She fisted her hair in frustration, despite Stacie's attempts to calm her.

Beca opened the door at this precise moment. The heads of the three women already inside snapped toward the front of the depot.

"We're back!" Fat Amy exclaimed as soon as then reached the porch. Beca rolled her eyes at her partner but she noticed the new addition in the kitchen.

"Oh Aubrey. I didn't expect you to be here early." Beca commented while taking off her shoes. Amy kicked her shoes away from her feet and grumbled about the struggle.

"Because I took the rest of the day off." Aubrey cleared her throat anxiously. "I have some bad news." At this, both partners froze mid action, Beca removing her left shoe with her leg in the air and Amy putting her bra back in place. The partners looked like disheveled clowns right now. Aubrey let a chuckle escape her lips at the sight.

The sound made them move quickly and they sat around the poker table, clean for the first time in weeks. Lily appeared out of nowhere and took an empty seat. The others girls didn't even blink at her sudden appearance.

"Well, Emily is missing but we need to do an emergency meeting." The tiny brunette started. "Aubrey, go on." The blonde got her phone out and showed the email. Everyone got closer to the screen.

A religious silence followed, everyone absorbed in their reading task.

"We're in trouble." CR voiced their thoughts after they finished.

"We're in deep horse shit you mean." Amy approved. "Beca, I know I told you I have been exercising but I don't think I'm fat enough to crush them all. They're like ultra XXL sumos."

Aubrey sighed and put her head in her hands. "We could try to keep the plan as it is but it's not what we prepared for. We expected average bodyguards, easily fooled or seduced. These ones will blow your head if you even say one flirtatious word."

"I'm afraid she's right Becs." Stacie sat back in her chair. "The Hunter will not appreciate to be so powerless!" She put her hands in the air. "They must have a set of abs to match their sharp faces, if I drool in front of them will it work?" She pondered out loud, a finger coming to her mouth as she meditated on this idea.

CR complained more and the table soon turned into a full hubbub.

"Please guys calm down!" Beca slammed her hands on the table and the silence came back. She allowed a smile to stretch her face. "Sweet. So, Aubrey, thank you for the information but this is part of the plan."

"What do you-" Aubrey was silenced by a raised finger.

"This was to be expected. Le Joyau is one of Cartier's most prized possessions, so they are not taking it lightly. I'm still impressed that they got all these amazing guys but look closer." She pushed the phone back in Aubrey's direction. All eyes raised up to look at the brunette in confusion. "They are strangers, or they had been out of America for a long time. And there is only a few that were here but in reality, they come from another state. Which means, they won't recognize me. I'll still be disguised but no chance they'll be familiar with my face."

"Yeah Shawshank that's good. One problem less. But Aubrey's concern was more about the plan in general. Global point of view ya see?" Amy said nonchalantly.

"They won't get in the way because I'll take care of them. As I told you, my role is to make the job easy for you. The bodyguards won't cause you any trouble." Her eyes scanned around the table, nodding to each woman, as if reiterating her promise.

Stacie leaned forward. "Out of interest, can I ask you how you plan to 'take care' of these serial killer warriors, hm?" The loud groan that echoed in Beca's mouth only grew stronger when CR and Amy joined in the teasing, bemusedly watched by Aubrey and Lily.

Chloe relaxed in the sun as she let out a puff of air. She had missed the late breakfasts with her best friend. They would always sit on the small terrasse of their villa when it was sunny. At this moment, full belly and clear mind, she processed how lucky she was. She felt so gifted to be able to enjoy all the little things life had to offer.

"Who has you smiling like this?" She opened an eye and peered next to her. Flo was watching her with a smirk.

"I'm just realizing how happy I am. I have the job I dreamed of, my best friend by my side and I can't complain about the quality of this breakfast too." She winked lazily back.

"That wasn't my question." Chloe's breath hitched for an instant and saw Flo put her sunglasses away. "I know that look in your eyes, Chlo. And it's the first time I saw it since college. Soooo...?" She drawled out.

The redhead huffed. "Don't know what you're talking about." She turned her head back in her previous position and closed her eyes.

"Is it a guy?"

"What-" She raised her head from the sun lounger, her eyes widening comically.

"Dios míos es una chica!" Flo clapped in her hands and came close to pat her on the cheek.

"You are so not on the right way my friend." Chloe swatted her hand away.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't have a tiny little crush on some chica I never heard about?" Chloe kept her eyes closed but from the tone of her best friend she guessed the enormous smirk she was sporting and maybe she was wiggling her eyebrows too.

"Go away you're shading me." When her request was greeted with silence and more shading, she groaned. "What do you want?"

"Spill. And don't lie to me."

"Fine." She huffed as she sat straighter. "I may or may not have a crush." Flo jumped up and down immediately, starting a weird dance and squealing even louder. "But!" Chloe exclaimed to calm her friend. "You are not allowed to meet her until we date."

"What? How does that makes sense? I should meet her before and warn her about the risks she-"

"Flo please." Her tone was half serious half pleading.

"Vale vale chica. No need to insist I get it. No meeting future Mrs Beale before they are making out in public."

"Flo!" Chloe barked a laugh as she swatted her friend's leg playfully as the other woman joined in. When the laugh died down, the redhead sighed profoundly. "I wish it was as easy as you think."


Chloe smiled internally. They had a very special way to communicate. When Flo needed her to talk more on a subject, she always pointed it out with one single word. And being the devoted friend she was, she always caved.

"She's… she's mysterious. I think it drew me in at the beginning. I wanted to know more about her. She recognized me but it wasn't weird at all. Then, when I started to talk about my job she instantly offered that we didn't talk about it. It was kind of cute so I agreed but that also meant I couldn't ask about hers. I have no idea where she works or what her job is."


Chloe sighed and nodded at the latina. "I guess… No I know there is something she isn't telling me and I really want to know what it is. Pressuring her will lead me nowhere but we can't take a step forward together if she doesn't trust me."

"Is that how you really feel? Not trusted?"

"I mean, maybe? This is strange and amazing at once. She isn't fangirling or acting weird to impress me when she is around. She treats me like a normal human being. I guess I missed the feeling." She smiled bitterly.

Flo shrugged. "I don't see what's really wrong here but I trust your instinct. Ask her directly and you'll know. If she doesn't lie to you. But claro you'll see if she lies." They smiled at each other and were startled when the loud buzzing of the interphone rang from inside the house.

"It must be Miss Junk, get prepared I'll welcome her." Flo gestured to the inside of the house and Chloe nodded appreciatively. They were best friends but they could be very professional at the same time.

"You sure you don't want me to clean the breakfast?" A crease formed on her forehead and the hispanic girl chuckled and waved her hand in the air.

"Go and be your beautiful self, I'll take care of that."

"Thank you." She hugged her briefly and rushed upstairs.

Flo shook her head with a fond smile. She made sure the entrance was tidy enough before she buzzed Emily in. Opening the door widely, she waited for her on the porch. Flo noticed the bodyguards coming with her.

"Are you sure three bodyguards was necessary?" She asked comically when she saw her annoyed face.

"We are here to ensure the security of the necklace." One of the bodyguards answered. Flo gave him a once over but didn't comment. She led them to the private room where Chloe was waiting.

"Ahh Emily! How are you doing today my dear? God, you seem tense." Chloe instantly hugged the tall brunette and it seemed to relax her.

"Yeah well…" She chuckled awkwardly. "It's the big day! We'll see if the necklace fits the dress." She gestured behind her to one of the bodyguards who was carrying a rather large box.

With a nod, he put it on the coffee table. Fascinated, Flo, Chloe and Emily watched the whole opening process. There was a key, two locks and four codes. Four codes! Emily was sure she was sweating. Was four codes really necessary?

"Are you ready?" The bodyguard asked, having noticed their contemplative stare.

At Emily's wave of hand, he lifted the lid of the box. There was a fluttering moment. The designer had already admired the necklace before but she was still gaping at it like Chloe and Flo. The redhead was the worst, seated on the couch just in front of the box. Her mouth had opened in shock and she let a breathless 'holy crap' when she realized the true size of Le Joyau.

Seeing her reaction, Emily recovered a little and she started moving to prepare the space around the mirror. Chloe got out of her trance like state and got on the chair and waited. The same bodyguard went behind her chair to put the necklace. Emily was not sure what to do with her hands as she waited.

When he clipped the necklace in place, Chloe let out a gasp. "Oh it's cold! And heavy."

"What do you think?" The designer stepped in.

The redhead looked at her through the mirror. "It's perfect."

Emily clapped her hands excitedly and jumped a little on her spot. "Great! Let's try it with the dress now!"

The bodyguard took a step forward. "If you want to try the dress, you should remove the necklace, it'll be more comfortable." Chloe raised her hands immediately to remove the clasp. "Oh sorry Mrs Beale. You can't do it like this." He put a small object out of his pocket. "You need a special magnet."

"Oh sorry." Chloe put her hands away and let him remove the necklace. It was good nobody was looking at Emily at this precise moment because all color had drained from her face.

A special magnet? Beca never told us about this unless… She didn't know about it! Her mind went blank for a second before panic rocketed through her system. She needed to talk to Beca. But she couldn't find the solution if she didn't have the clasp or the magnet to replicate it.

"Emily?" Flo put a hand on her shoulder. "We are going to try the dress."

The brunette nodded dumbly and followed the model's manager to the second changing room, leaving the bodyguards with the necklace on the other side. The redhead was speaking animatedly about Le Joyau and how it felt on her while Emily was helping her getting in the dress. The designer was relieved when Flo was chatting with her, her mind wasn't up to discussing after the magnet thing.

Faintly, she heard Flo comment about the amount of diamonds and how she will blind everyone at the Gala. Chloe retorted something about the use of sunglasses and Emily's mind stopped at this word. Sunglasses? That was the solution!

"Emily are you alright?" Chloe asked her, noticing her lack of movements.

The brunette shook her head, clearing her ideas. "I'm fine. Just a bit tired I think." Then she added like an afterthought, as if it explained everything. "I'll put my glasses on." She almost cringed at how she sounded. Nobody will believe something as huge as this. Putting your glasses on because you're tired? Not the best excuse.

Chloe smiled at her. "Oh I know. I have the exact same thing! When I am tired I put my glasses on and it's like I have an extra life. My vision gets so sharp it's amazing!" She laughed softly and Emily almost hugged her but she refrained her impulses. The model was just being nice and buying her lame excuse.

She searched for the glasses on her pocket and put them delicately on her nose. The same pair she wore at Cartier. The one with a camera in it. She lightly tapped the corner of the lens, knowing it will start to record.

"Are you feeling better?" Chloe asked, unaware of her weird gestures.

"Much. Thanks." Emily smiled back at the model. She was a bit surprised. Famous people were always very found of themselves and tended to be self-centered. Very unlike Chloe who seemed to genuinely care for her well being. Not knowing how long the recording could last, she gestured to the other room. "Should we try the ensemble?"

Chloe grinned and left the room with Flo. Emily let out a breath and whispered, hoping the recording would catch her voice now that she was alone in the room.

"There is a special magnet to open the clasp of Le Joyau, I'm not sure how it works so hopefully you get this video and find a solution."

She steeled her resolve, opening her shoulders like a real adult and stepped toward the first changing room. Her parents would be so proud of her.

Beca pulled at her hair. "Oh my God what do we do?" She hadn't planned something as vicious as this. She expected the clasp to be normal, not some high security shit. Unlike her time in jail, she had to think about a solution very quickly. They only had four days to find something.

"Also, we need to create one, because the false necklace had do be convincing." Stacie watched the video again. "This is so interesting, I never saw something like this before."

Beca put her hands on Stacie's shoulders and shook her. "Stacie! You're the brain here. Find a solution!"

Aubrey was in a deep meditative state, seeking for a similar system in her memory. CR was searching on her computer, fingers flying over the keyboard. Lily was standing on the chair, unmoving and unspeaking.

"Hum guys?" Amy spoke up tentatively. "I think I know how it works."

Beca froze immediately and Stacie as well. The noise of fingers tapping against the keyboard stopped. Aubrey's voice cut through their foggy state. "Tell us."

The blonde barked a laugh. "Ha! ya should have seen your faces!" She slapped her hand on the table.

"Not funny Ames! You are evil, I almost thought you were saying the truth for once dude." Beca groaned and clenched her hands in her hair, a clear sign of despair.

"I was beginning to think you had something akin to a brain, newt." Aubrey crossed her arms. She felt as frustrated as Beca right now. And she tended to give people terrible nicknames when she was frustrated.

"In fact, I know the system very well, peanut bag." She pointed a finger at Aubrey who frowned at the nickname. "Very simple yet very complex to design. I know the theoric stuff but I could use a hand with the conception. Hunter, you down?"

Stacie nodded. "Not a fan of magnets but we can try."

"I found some things to help if you want." CR pointed to her computer, Amy grinned at her.

"Alright team! Time to get this done!"

Two hours before the opening.

The girls were rushing around the house, not wanting to forget anything. There was a nervous energy surrounding their depot. CR was the only one seated on the poker table, checking the earpieces, seeing if she was getting a signal from all of them.

"Where is the false necklace?" Aubrey asked upstairs.

"Here! The clasp is ready!" Stacie yelled back from the couch, still in her underwear. CR eyed her figure as she got up to give the precious item to Aubrey. The black skinned woman almost rolled her eyes at the display. No wonder why she was gay.

"Stace!" Beca stopped dead in her tracks as she got out of her bedroom. "Put some clothes on, jeez." She got a wink for answer. Beca shook her head and went downstairs to watch how CR was doing. "Good?"

"Yeah Captain, all of them are working and there won't be a problem. Here you go." She handed her one. One by one, the girls came to retrieve their earpiece and ten minutes after they were ready to go. One hour left before the grand opening of the Hundred Stars Gala.

They all went their separate ways as planned. Emily had a cab waiting for her at the subway station to take her to Chloe's house, already dressed for the event. Lily took the subway to go directly inside the Met, her waitress outfit in her backpack. Amy was driving her rented car to the private parking of the museum, her status of nutritionist notified by a card. Aubrey was in the car with her, Amy would stop a few streets before the museum so they won't arrive at the same time. Stacie was waiting with CR because they had planned to go later with the van.

Beca decided to walk to the museum. Walking always helped her to clear her head and she needed to be really chill tonight. Her nerves were palpable and she focused on her steps during a full minute to calm her beating heart. They had spent so much time preparing for this event, it couldn't go wrong. Still, Beca was nervous by nature. At this precise moment, the expression 'go big or go home' has a new literal meaning.

She relinquished in her last alone moment, taking a deep breath before she activated her earpiece.

"Soundcheck girls." She waited for a few beats before talking again. "Panther?"

[Check.] CR responded immediately. It made Beca shook her head in amusement. They had chosen nicknames for the operation and it made her feel warmth inside her chest. These girls were something else.


[Check.] Stacie said. Her nickname was obvious from the beginning.

"Joker?" There was a pause on the line and Beca worried during a second.

[Yeap.] Lily's quiet answer was loud enough to hear. Beca thanked CR mentally because she had put her microphone with a higher sound take.

"Great, we can hear you Joker." They agreed to name her Joker because of her insane ability to win a poker game. It was impossible to be sure if she cheated or not but she always won. "Betty?"

[Yes Captain!] Emily's excited voice made her smile. Two days ago, CR had made a comment about her being a reincarnation of Betty Boop, so the nickname stuck. And she wore it really well.

"Are you at Chloe's already?" There was a bit of rustling on the other end of the line.

[Just out of the cab. We are still on the schedule so we should be at the red carpet in twenty.]

[We'll go now. Thanks Betty.] CR interjected and cut her earpiece, knowing the van was making a terrible noise when it started.

"Got it. Sensei?"

[Check, Hobbit.] The sarcastic tone Aubrey used was not lost on Beca who scowled. She hated her own nickname. Courtesy of Aubrey of course. And she still didn't get why she was the one with the dwarfing nickname while the blonde had the most rewarding one. Not dwelling on it, she questioned the last member of the team.


[Check too Hobbit! Last but not least as they say. Those scrawny bodyguards better not approach the kitchen or I'll roast them with the best no gluten oil I can find.] Amy's voice rung very clearly in her earpiece. She could imagine her very obnoxious grin through the small device.

"Alright, no need to get so excited. Not sure where you are gonna find a non gluten oil though." She chuckled and mentally thanked her, that laugh was very welcome. She took another deep breath. "So. This is awkward. As you know, I'm not a fond of public speaking. Even if I look like I'm speaking to myself in a park." She chuckled a bit at her own silliness.

She was not used to expose her feelings like this. However, it seemed like something really important right now. "These past few weeks had been amazing. Every single woman in this team deserves her place because we all worked very hard for this project. So thank you for this. You are fantastic. And, as cheesy as it sounds, I am very happy to work with you because you're such huge nerds like me."

[Aww the Hobbit is getting soft.] Stacie cooed and it sounded very husky through the microphone.

There was various exclamations of wonder and adoration from the other girls.

[Hey partner! You forgot to mention our eternal friendship.] Amy's voice sounded a bit wavy.

There was a silence on the line. "Yeah you're right Ames. I'm really happy to be your friend too. To all of you." Her smile was stretching her lips to the point her cheeks hurt. She knew they could hear it because there was a common noise of approbation on the line.

[Thank you for trusting us Hobbit.] Beca was touched by Aubrey's words. She saw the corner of the museum at the end of the street.

[Sorry to break this intimate atmosphere, but we are nearing the museum.] Stacie stated, a pang of deception in her voice. [Joker are you inside?]

[Yes I am ready.] Lily spoke and they heard a ruffling of clothes, probably the ones in her bag.

[We are about to open the doors.] Aubrey warned in a whisper. She was already inside the museum with the other organizers.

"Good luck team." With a small prayer to her brother, Beca spoke firmly. "Showtime girls!"

So I wrote the note for this chapter below because it'll be a long one. First of all, thank you for sticking with me and my slow updates, I'm getting old what can I say "^-^" Your support means a lot to me and it gives me a huge chunk of motivation to finish this story.

This chapter was hell to write. I got struck by an idea in the middle of it, and couldn't get it out of my head. I may start another story in parallel just to clear my mind and finish this one! Don't worry, I won't let this unfinished! I started writing the next chapter right away, it's going to move around a bit ;) Don't hesitate to ask if you have any requests or suggestions about this story! I'm all ears :)

PS: Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I couldn't start the most important event of this story and cut it in two pieces... Please don't murder me :))

PSS: I changed my ID but I'm still the same person *creepy smile*. I'll still take an eternity to update and you have every right to kick my ass if this is not fast enough ^^ Hasta la vista amigos!