Title: Naughty
Rating: MA (Mature/18+) – spicier than a candy cane dipped in cinnamon, folks.
Disclaimer: Though I write stories based on the novels and characters of Jane Austen, this work belongs to ME and no one else. Unless given express permission, no one besides myself has the right to distribute or profit from my intellectual property. All rights reserved.
Setting: Modern AU

Summary: The "naughty" half of my "Naughty and Nice" anthology series. Unconnected OneShots with a sexy holiday theme, alternating between Regency and Modern AU. For mature readers only.

This one is a continuation of the story in "Nice" entitled "All I Want." You don't really need to read that one first, but it's sweet and you might want to for better clarity.

I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just wanna see my baby
Standing right outside my door

I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true

Baby all I want for Christmas is you

… … o0o … …

Want You for my Own

Lizzy drifted into consciousness slowly and softly, much like how snow melts away quietly in the warmth of bright sunlight until only traces of it are left in shaded areas. Her first impression upon waking, with the last vestiges of a good night's sleep fading slowly from the corners of her sluggish mind, was that she was very cozy. A large mass of heat was pressed into her back and acting like a giant hot water bottle, very soothing.

Her second impression was that this giant pile of warmth was moving, rhythmically gyrating against her backside at a lazy pace. Definitely a person, then.

Her third impression was related to the second and caused a grin to spread across her face as her memory, delayed by the slow crawl to consciousness, began to fill in the blanks.

"Merry Christmas," said a gravelly, mumbling voice from just behind her right ear. A large hand beneath the covers was stroking down the length of the same side.

Lizzy scooted backwards so that she was flush against her guest and could feel the hardening protuberance between them. "Merry Christmas, Will."

"Mmm…," Will Darcy moaned more than said, nuzzling a mass of fluff out of his way so that he could kiss her neck without taking in a mouthful of hair. His teeth grazed the sensitive skin just beneath her earlobe and she shivered appreciatively.

"Will..." Lizzy hissed as his wandering lips traveled down the length of her neck, sucking, nibbling and licking at whatever he found along the way. Goosebumps rose across her entire body at the contact, causing a delightful tingle all over. She clenched her thighs together to alleviate the yearning in one spot where it was particularly concentrated.

Will didn't respond verbally, but instead bucked his hips into her backside with a clear request. Lizzy ground against him as her answer and he growled into her hair.

With no further preamble, Will shifted so that he was hovering over her, the blankets still cocooning them in their cozy private space, and she giggled when he urged her onto her back. Her knees parted to welcome him in and Will descended into the cradle of her pelvis to rub more directly at the spot where he wished to be. He lowered onto his forearms so that he could kiss her and, as their mouths met in a tangle of tongues, he slipped deep inside.

Lizzy moaned softly as Will seated himself within and tightened her thighs against his, her curling toes clenched against the back of his calves. He withdrew from her for a long, aching moment before driving back inside, creating a delicious friction between them which vibrated along the length of her body. Then, bless him, he did it again. And again. And again, again, again

"Merry Christmas, Lizzy! Time to get up and see what Santa brou – Sweet Baby Jesus!"

The cheerful Christmas greeting ended with a surprised shriek just as the comforter and sheets were whipped off of them, exposing Lizzy and Will's morning merrymaking to the chill of late December and the wide, horrified eyes of the former's sweet elder sister. Jen Bennet stood directly at the foot of the queen sized bed, their coverings still tangled in her fingers, flushed a bright holly berry red.

"Jen! What the hell – ?"

Once the cold air hit their warm bodies, Lizzy screeched in a similar fashion and struggled to extricate herself from Will, who was attempting something similar with mixed results. He had slipped out in all the sudden melee, but their limbs were not so easily pulled apart; their activities and the surprise of being caught in the midst of them had transformed the pair of them into some kind of giant, twisty knot of body parts. Lizzy couldn't help but find the idea of requesting butter from her shocked sister to ease their disentanglement to be darkly funny.

"I am so sorry, Lizzy!" Jen cried, unfreezing herself enough to slap her hands in front of her eyes and give them a limited amount of privacy, as well as some censoring for herself. Unfortunately, the gesture was primarily wasted as her boyfriend Charlie came bounding into the bedroom at that particular moment, a large dripping coffee stain splashed across the front of his hideously festive sweater. "I didn't realize you had company!"

"I heard screams! What's going – Darcy? What the hell are you doing here?" Charlie entered the fracas with his endearingly innocent questions, having likely spilled his morning beverage all over himself in an effort to rush to his lady love's rescue when Jen had squealed at her discovery beneath the blankets. His eyes widened to similarly broad proportions as his girlfriend's when he apparently realized that he wasn't about to do battle with an unusually large spider but rather something more complicated. "And why are you naked?"

Finally separated after many unintended pinches and elbows jabbed into uncomfortable places, Will grabbed the pillow from his side of the bed and clutched it to his lower abdomen to conceal the parts of himself best hidden from company. Lizzy followed suit, turning the pillow vertical to cover more area. "Why do you think?" Will snipped, his sarcasm rolling off of him like low thunder. "Seems pretty obvious to me."

"But you don't like each other – "

"We like each other just fine," Will interrupted. "Now get out."

Jen groped around blindly with one hand, using the other to keep her eyes shielded, until she grabbed hold of Charlie's wrist. Then, she started blindly tugging him toward the open door. "Yes, sorry again! We'll just...uh, be in the living room. Take your time."

"Let Kitty out!" Lizzy called just before the door closed behind her unanticipated guests. She caught a fleeting glimpse of Charlie giving her a thumbs up before their privacy was restored.

Once they were blessedly alone, Lizzy heard Will huff out an exasperated sigh as he shifted upon the bed. She turned to see him covering his face with both hands, elbows propped within the fluff of his pillow, slouching over in some kind of defeat. Was he embarrassed to be caught in the middle of a delicate moment, or did it still humiliate him to be seen with her? Lizzy wanted to assume the former, but some old insecurities rose up from the murkier portions of her mind and she became anxious. "Will…?"

Will didn't even glance up. "Did you forget your sister was coming over, or…?"

Hmph. "No, I'm supposed to go over to my parents' house this morning for breakfast and – Jeezus, it's past noon! No wonder they sent out a search party; I was supposed to be there by nine." Lizzy stared in astonishment at the accusingly red, glowing numbers of her digital clock. Apparently, in the midst of her passionate interlude with Will the previous night, she had neglected to set her alarm. Not that she usually needed to; her circadian rhythm generally woke her by eight and for her to sleep into the afternoon was unheard of since she had left adolescence and joined the work force. That, and Kitty usually pounced on her to be let out.

Will looked up and past her to investigate the time himself. "I'd better text Rick and let him know I'll be late to Aunt Cathy's. I'm due there in less than an hour."

"I see." They were apparently ready to go their separate ways. Super. "Well, I won't stop you. See ya around, I guess."

Lizzy kept her pillow tight to her bare chest as she lowered her feet to the floor on her side of the bed, blinking hard to beat back the sting of tears at the corners of her eyes. So he got what he wanted and was ready to leave – big deal. So what if he was still embarrassed to be seen with her and would probably tell Charlie later that this was just a one night stand. She'd stick to that story, if only to prevent her own pride from crumbling.

Before Lizzy could levy herself completely to her feet, she felt a large hand gently tugging her backwards. She lost her precarious balance and bounced back onto the mattress, whipping her head back around to look at Will who was frowning at her as if he were the one unceremoniously dumped on Christmas morning. "What do you mean, 'see ya around'?"

"Well, it means that we'll see each other occasionally, probably when we can't avoid it, and – "

"I know what it means!" Will cut her off, his scowl deepening. "Why are you saying it to me? Didn't...didn't last night mean something to you?"

Of all the nerve! "You're the one who wants to fuck and flee! We get caught and you can't wait to scurry out the door like it never happened. When you said that you still felt the same way as you did at Easter, I didn't think you meant that bit about sneaking around so that no one knew you were dating someone like me. Just because my family is kinda – "

"I never said anything like – "

"You didn't have to," Lizzy accused, feeling a single, traitorous tear glide down the reddened surface of her cheek. Will raised his hand slowly as if to wipe it away, but Lizzy swatted it back down and impatiently swiped the trail of moisture herself with the back of her own fingers. "The second Jen and Charlie caught us, you were practically out the door. Well, just because I stupidly developed feelings for you doesn't mean that my position has changed – I'm no one's dirty little secret, Will Darcy!"


Equal amounts pissed and hurt, Lizzy ignored his soft plea and bounded off of the bed and stalked toward the tiny ensuite bathroom. She heard a panicked rustling of pillows and tangled sheets and then Will was in front of her again, blocking her path, with his face scrunched up in fear. "Get out of my way."

"Lizzy, listen to me. I don't know what made you think that was how I felt, but – "

"Because you can't wait to get out of here – "

"Jeezus, Lizzy, let me finish!" Will demanded, raising his voice for the first time to cut her off. Lizzy stopped talking and pursed her lips together, a silent signal to allow him his way. Will reached out to her and placed both hands gently upon the points of her folded elbows. "I'm not embarrassed of you, it's just the situation. I don't know about you, but I've never been caught with my dick in anyone before – at least not so directly." Lizzy bit the inside of her cheek to quell the unwanted laughter that was bubbling up. "I'm not trying to dash out the door at all, that's why I wanted to text Rick; he can keep the family from beating down my door until we decide where we go from here. I didn't want to just invite myself over to your family's Christmas celebrations without talking to you first, but I was hoping to spend the day with you. I was hoping to stay in bed, of course, but eating pancakes with the Bennets is good, too."

Lizzy's eyes dropped to the floor where their bare feet mingled; she could just see them over the swell of her pillow. "You don't really mean that."

Will tipped her chin up, forcing her to lock eyes with him. His soft, snowy gray irises were filled with earnestness. "I do mean it. You've finally given me a chance – one that I probably don't deserve, but am not stupid enough to pass up – and I don't want to waste it. If I thought anything would be open today, I'd take you out and parade you around to everyone I know! As it is, I intended to settle for announcing our relationship to our families. For now."

Lizzy could feel the pain and anger in her chest beginning to thaw. She took a small, shuffling step closer to Will and allowed him to wrap his arms more fully around her. "You mean you don't hate my family anymore? And you don't want us to sneak around?"

"I think 'hate' is a strong word, Lizzy. Your mom and Lydia might annoy me, but I never hated them. I reserve that for…," Will paused as a disgusted expression spread across his face, almost as if he had tasted something rancid, "...well, never mind. And I was an idiot to ever suggest that we hide our relationship from everyone just because you aren't rich or well connected. I'm ashamed to have ever said that to you."

"As well you should be," Lizzy replied, but she was smiling again as she felt a sudden up swell of indulgence. "I'm a catch, you know."

"And I'm so glad I finally caught you." Darcy punctuated his statement with a swift, yet somewhat desperate, kiss. When he broke away, he didn't move far but instead rested his forehead against hers. "I'm so sorry I ever made you feel like you were less than me, Lizzy. You're more than I deserve."

Lizzy kissed him again at a slower tempo, savoring the sweetness of it. She pulled her lips away from his just far enough to ask, impishly, "Do you think we have time for makeup sex?"

She could feel Will's surprised laugh in the roots of her teeth as he drew in for yet another kiss. His words were muffled as he said, much disappointment in his tone, "No, not with Charlie and your sister in the next...mmm...room..."

Lizzy raised her hands and curled her fingers into the thick, wavy hair at the back of his head as she tilted her face to the side and slid her tongue into his mouth. She had meant to agree with him and shoo him away to go find his pants, but instead she found herself pressing up against him with that blasted, interfering pillow trapped between them. She wriggled until it fell to the floor and then kicked it to the side with one foot.

Will seemed to be caught up in the same spell as she as he made no further attempts to get their ablutions on track. His hands fell from the points of her elbows and slid down the arched curves of her hips before resting against the plush flesh of her bottom. He cupped each cheek with one palm and pulled them tighter together so that she could feel his throbbing desire against her belly.

Knock, knock. "Will? Lizzy?"

Will broke away from Lizzy with an exasperated groan. He looked up toward the ceiling as if begging God for patience, causing his new paramour to giggle, before calling out, "We really need to discuss your boundary issues, Bingley."

"Sorry," came a chagrined voice through the door. "I found some of your clothes in the living room and thought you might, um...need them."

"I certainly don't want them right now," Will grumbled directly into Lizzy's ear. She buried her face into the crook of his neck to prevent herself from laughing out loud. To Charlie, he said, "Leave them by the door and I'll come get them. Then go back to the living room and stay there."

"Aye-aye, Cap'n." Knowing Charlie, he was probably saluting the door as he said that. Thankfully, his footsteps began receding down the hallway and into the more public portions of the house.

Lizzy raised her face and pecked Will on the cleft in his chin before saying, with no small amount of reluctance, "I guess we should get dressed and go out there."

Will huffed. "I guess so. If we don't, one of them is liable to barge in here looking for us again and far too many people have seen me naked today already."

"Come on, then." Lizzy released the soft waves of hair she was still clutching and stepped out of the warm circle of Will's arms. "I'll make it up to you tonight."


"Unless you have other plans..."

"Hell no!"


"I still can't believe you're dating Will Darcy. Didn't you hate him last week?"

Lizzy disguised her sigh by blowing gently on the surface of her piping hot peppermint mocha latte. "First of all, Jen, hate is a strong word; I don't hate anyone...except maybe Greg. That asshole can go eat a bag of rancid dicks, as far as I'm concerned."

Jen, who normally defended everyone regardless of how little they deserved it, diplomatically refused to either agree or disagree with Lizzy's sentiments; she had always been a champ at not saying anything at all whenever she couldn't otherwise say something nice. Instead, she focused her attention on the subject she had raised. "Semantics aside, I know you didn't like him very much for a long while and had no idea that you'd changed your mind about him until...well, you know."

Lizzy snorted and felt the hot sting of coffee in her sinus cavities. After dabbing away the dripping liquid away from her nostrils with a napkin, she teased, "You mean until you saw us twisted together like a knotted string of Christmas lights?"

"Yeah, I think that was the moment I suspected a change in your feelings."

Both sisters laughed and settled more deeply into the cushions of their fashionably worn coffee house armchairs. It was two days after Christmas and Will had, most annoyingly, been forced to return to work which left Lizzy feeling lonely for company after being so constantly in his presence for so many days together. After surviving the Bennet Family Christmas Morning (or, in their case, afternoon) Extravaganza, they had returned to her tiny little house and spent the following forty-eight hours reveling in the endorphin heavy haze of their newly founded Relationship. They had made love, of course, including that crazed round of makeup sex that Lizzy had promised him after their little tiff, but more of their time had been spent talking and snuggling than anything else. They were getting to know each other properly after having neglected it during the early portion of their acquaintance when he had been a snooty ass looking for a booty call and she had complimented herself on despising him for his insulting attitude. It turned out that they had as much in common as they did differences and it was rather fun determining which things about their personalities were alike and dissimilar.

After sending Will off with one final round of "I'll miss you more, no I'll miss you more" sex early in the morning, Lizzy had been somewhat adrift. She wasn't due back in her classroom until after the new year began and so, instead of being idle and lonesome, she had called her sister to meet up for coffee. Jen wasn't flying out until Tuesday and was equally desperate to get away from the Bennet household for a bit, and so here they were catching up with warm holiday beverages at a chain coffee house.

"Speaking of changing feelings," Lizzy said once they had gained control of their giggles, "how are things with Charlie? I know the long distance thing has got to be hard."

Jen shrugged. "Yeah, but it's not like I live on the moon – and even if I did there are enough ways to communicate these days that it wouldn't make much of a difference. We're going slow for now, rebuilding the trust, but I think it's going to work out. I have a good feeling."

"So do I." Lizzy reached out and squeezed Jen's hand, a gesture her sister returned. "But how is Carrie handling it? I know she wasn't super excited about her brother dating a lowly nurse not that long ago."

"Carrie is…," Jen paused, probably searching for something diplomatically kind to say, "okay, I guess. Friendly."

Lizzy wanted to laugh at the thought of Carrie Bingley ever being "friendly" to anyone – perhaps even throw in a quip about her "resting Grinch face," as Lizzy had taken to referring to Carrie's imperious sneer of superiority lately – but chose to let the opportunity pass. "At least she's trying."

"Yeah. But, seriously, how did this thing with Will happen? Last I knew, you were still pissed at his frenemies-with-benefits proposition, and now you're inviting him to Christmas with the family. Had I been asked, I never would have guessed – not in a million years – that he would be your boyfriend."

Lizzy rolled her eyes upward, indulgently exasperated at her elder sister. "And here I was counting on you to help explain it to everyone else! Seriously, though, my feelings for Will have been growing for awhile now, since before all that...unpleasantness between Greg and Lydia. Remember how I bumped into him a few months ago?"

"Over the summer, right? While you were at the beach?"

"Yeah, then," Lizzy confirmed. "Well, we kinda...had a thing."

Jen's jaw slackened into a comical expression of surprise. "No. You've been sleeping with him for six months and I didn't know about it?"

Lizzy shook her head swiftly back and forth negatively before leaning forward. "Of course not! No, it wasn't like that then, we just...I dunno, we made a connection. After all that awkwardness at Easter, we were both ready to apologize and it led to more than that...nothing physical, just a better understanding of one another, I guess. We didn't even kiss for the first time until he showed up on my doorstep on Christmas Eve. When I got your call about Lydia, it kinda put the kibosh on what was happening between me and Will and I thought after that he just couldn't deal with all my baggage anymore and I was too scared to reach out to him again."

"So how did you reconnect?"

"Well, first, did you know that Will was the one to track down Greg?" The astounded expression on Jen's face indicated that she had not. "Yeah, I know. Lydia let something slip about him being at the airport and so I asked Aunt Maddie about it at Thanksgiving. She thought that Will had already told me everything, but filled in the blanks anyway. A week later, I sent Will a Christmas card and, when he didn't respond to it at all, I thought that was the end of it, but it turns out that he hadn't seen it until Christmas Eve. Then...well, you know how it turned out from there."


"I know, right?"

There was a beat of a pause and then Jen asked, "So...how is he?"

The sisters spent the next hour hogging their comfy spot in the coffee house and gossiping about the prowess of their new lovers – "Shadow puppets, Jen? Really? I guess if it doesn't bother you..." – what they'd gotten for Christmas this year – "seriously hot sex" – and future plans to meet up before the holiday break was over – "I'll, uh...get back to you on that." They were interrupted finally by the soft chirrup of Lizzy's phone.

When Lizzy noted the name on the screen, her lips spread into a pleased if bashful grin. Jen raised The Family Eyebrow, inherited by each Bennet daughter from their father, and made the obvious guess. "Will?"

"Yep," Lizzy agreed, pausing long enough to type out a short message, full of suggestive emoticons and playful double entendres, before she finished her thought to Jen. "Looks like he managed to escape work early and I'm on Booty Call. Thanks for the coffee, Sis, I'll see ya around."

"This is revenge for ditching you all those times in high school for Jeremy, isn't it?"


"Fair enough. Tell Will I said hi."

Lizzy parked her car and then eagerly leaped out of the driver's seat, only barely remembering to lock it behind her with the push of a button. Will grinned at her from the front porch of her little craftsman bungalow as she doubled back to do so, waiting patiently for her to ascend the three steps and unlock the door.

"I missed you," he said against her mouth once she'd made the required pilgrimage to where he stood on her festively cute snowman doormat – "There's Snowplace Like Home!" – his thumbs stroking the upper curves of her cheekbones.

Lizzy darted her tongue out to taste the seam between his lips, a teasing promise for what would happen once she'd managed to open the door, and hummed in agreement. "I missed you, too. Let's go inside where it's...warm."

"Warm is good…"

Somehow, Lizzy managed to rein in their make out session long enough to unlock her front door and let them inside, Will walking her backwards awkwardly with one hand on the curve of her waistline and the other...lower. They sealed themselves in and then, unable to make it so far as the bedroom, collapsed on the couch in the front living room where everything had started on Christmas Eve. With Kitty barking in the background from behind the kitchen door and their layers of clothing scattered haphazardly around them, they made satisfying love on Lizzy's threadbare sofa.

When they were finished, at least for the present, they lay curled up together with Lizzy's head nestled into the crook of Will's neck, her front pressed against the nude plains of his and her backside wedged against the cushions. Will used the arm trapped beneath her to wrap around her shoulders and rested his hand against the slope of the uppermost one. They only barely fit on the couch together basically stacked atop one another and one of Will's feet was braced against the floor to keep them balanced, but Lizzy was sure that her lover was as comfortable as she was.

When their breathing had settled into a normal rhythm and they had basked for several minutes in the warm afterglow, Lizzy ventured a question she had been wondering about. "Will," she said into his chest hair, "when did you fall in love with me?"

She felt a soft kiss against her hairline. "I don't know."

"Don't know or won't say?"

"Don't know, honestly. It was so long ago and I was already in deep by the time I'd even noticed." Will's fingers were lightly stroking the curve of Lizzy's shoulder with light, tickling trails that raised goosebumps all across the rest of her body. She nuzzled closer to him and enjoyed the tingles he raised, more comforted than aroused by these ministrations.

After a long minute of relaxing and returning the favor with absently traced shapes upon Will's stomach, mostly concentrated in that long line of hair which traversed the length of his torso, Lizzy craned her neck back so that she could kiss behind her lover's nearest earlobe. Then, she whispered against his aftershave scented skin, "I guess I could say the same. After our...fight, I didn't really know how to feel about you for a long time. Then we met up again over the summer and you were so different from what I always thought you were, so sweet and shy, that it only confused me more. It wasn't until after the thing with Lydia, when you were suddenly gone from my life again, that I realized I loved you. But you seemed to be avoiding me after everything, and..."

Will raised his other arm to wrap around her waist and pull her closer, practically on top of him, and squeezed tightly. "I'm so sorry, Lizzy. I assumed that, considering my role in all of it, you wouldn't want to see me again. I thought that you would blame me for not speaking up before Greg could...I was stupid."

"Just one more thing to add to your list of faults, Mr Darcy," Lizzy quipped against his throat. "Seriously, though, I could have tracked you down myself, but I was a coward about it. Even when I did reach out, it wasn't in person because I was afraid that you would send me away. When you didn't reply to my card, I assumed that you really didn't want to see me...at least I was wrong about that."

"If I hadn't been pouting like a toddler, I would have read my mail sooner and come for you. Had I even the slightest hint that you returned my feelings, nothing could have kept me away."

Lizzy dipped her chin so that she could rest her cheek against Will's chest. She sighed happily against the place she could hear his heart beating within. "Well, at least that's all cleared up. Hey Will?"


"I know it's kinda late, but Merry Christmas."

… … o0o … …

Author's Note: Just a cute little idea that got out of control. It started with the idea of Lizzy responding to Will's letter with a Christmas card and then spiraled into "what if they got caught on Christmas morning?" It's best to read the "Nice" half of this story first, I think, but it probably stands alone.

In case you're wondering what the Wickham of this universe did, he was trying to sell Lydia to a human trafficking ring. He didn't do the same with Georgia(na) because he wanted to keep her around for her money, but since Lydia was more expendable...anyway, I figure the characters might have a tough time actually saying out loud what very nearly happened to the baby Bennet child, hence all the dodging around the subject.

Please forgive any anomalies and/or grammatical mistakes; I'm flying unbeta'd and wanted to post this before Christmas was over.

Merry Christmas!
