Here we are, at the end of another fic! Enjoy the ride, and thanks for sticking it out! (more notes at the end) - JKR

Chapter 43:

The dark-skinned woman pulled her captive along by a chain attached to a collar. The Fullbringer wouldn't be able to do anything with the accessory on. Urahara was constantly working on things like this that would dampen spiritual pressure. When they arrived at the Cifer residence, she noted that Isshin was there. She could tell his spiritual pressure was strong. He must have been out of his body.


"Yoruichi-san!" Isshin's loud voice was heard through the door before it was opened by Kazui.

"Grandpa is upstairs with Mom," Kazui said in a fearful voice. He had fallen asleep on the couch with Eriko, but woke up about an hour ago. He was worried that no progress seemed to have been made with either of his parents.

"Thank you Kazui. Come Tsukishima," Yoruichi said as she walked inside. She walked through the home and pinpointed where Isshin was, then followed the spiritual pressure until she found him, shoving her prisoner through the door. "Ulquiorra is dying," this was said to Isshin before she turned to Tsukishima. "Fix her. Now."

A heavy sigh went through Tsukishima. He pulled a book out of his pocket. "After I'm done, you'll uphold your bargain, correct?"

Yoruichi glared at him and yanked on chain she was holding. She turned to Isshin. "What is going on with her? Why are you here?"

"She went into convulsions last night, presumably after reading some of her journals. The kids found her with them scattered around her. I've been keeping her safe with kido. What are you going to do to her, Tsukishima?" the older man asked.

"I'm going to undo what I did years ago." The bookmark he pulled from the book transformed into a sword as soon as it cleared the pages. "She may have another breakdown after this-"

Without another word, Tsukishima brought his sword down, cutting Orihime's shoulder. There was no blood where the blade sank into her, and that's all it took to remove himself from her memories. As soon as the blade touched the book, it turned back into a bookmark.

Orihime gasped and sat up quickly, her eyes looking wildly around the room. They landed on Tsukishima and narrowed. "What are you doing here? Where is Ulquiorra? You're an imposter!" she hissed. Her swollen belly moved and she brought a hand to it. "You… You did this to me. To us!" her voice rose and her expression hardened as she brought her hands up, a triangle forming between her palms.

"Orhime-chan!" Isshin shouted, standing in between her and Tsukishima. "Don't; he was brought here to fix you. Ulquoirra brought him back for you. Can you remember now?"

The woman looked at her father-in-law and tears came to her eyes. "Yes. I can remember everything. Where is Ulquiorra? Why isn't he here? Why is he here?" she asked, the latter question regarding the other Fullbringer.

Yoruichi stepped up and answered the questions. "Ulquiorra is currently in Urahara's bunker and we're certain he's dying. He almost didn't make it back. He's here because he was told to fix you or face certain death," the woman said.

"What!?" Orihime stood quickly, unconcerned with her state of dress, in pajamas and nothing else. "I have to go to him now. I'm going," she said in a distracted voice, looking around and then dashing toward the stairs, ignoring the fact that she felt dizzy and had to pee. Those details could wait. She couldn't let Ulquiorra die. Not this time. Not again.

Yoruichi released Tsukishima and followed the woman. "What are you doing Orihime? Consider the state you're in. Are you in any position to help?"

"I have to be. I can't let him die! I need him," she said, setting a hard glare at Yoruichi, although there was no malice in it. "Will you help me?"

"Come on."

Yoruichi carried the redhead alongside her as she used Shunpo to make her way back to Karakura Town and the shoten. The former stealth squad captain was exhausted by the time they reached the place. "They're in the bunker," she huffed as she opened the door.

Orihime ran inside and to the room where she knew the trapdoor to the bunker lie. She threw it open and climbed down onto the platform, and she felt like her heart stopped.

There Ulquiorra was. He looked nothing like any form she had ever seen before. He was so, so beautiful. "Ulquiorra?" her voice broke as she asked for him to respond to her.

"Orihime?" he asked, turning his head to look at her. Urahara was still holding a vigil by his side. He didn't feel like he was fading away anymore. "What are you doing out of bed?"

She could have fallen to her knees in relief, but instead called out, "Baigon, Hanagiku, Lily." A golden triangle appeared at her feet, which she stepped onto and floated down to her lover's side. "Ulquiorra… what happened to you?" she said as she knelt beside him. She wasn't sure what state he was in. He seemed strong and powerful to her, but he still looked weak.

"Mayuri Kurotsuchi happened. He-"

"Mayuri was experimenting with something like Askin Nakk Le Var's poison ball and a hogyoku, combined. Ulquiorra was telling me that when he was first touched with it, he felt pain and other sensations. He transformed. Somehow it fused with Ulquiorra's hollow hole and was killing him," Urahara said, staring at the redhead. "I almost killed him by taking it out. He had to be given the real hogyoku."

"Are you alright now? Is the poison still inside of you? I'd like to reject it," she said, looking at Urahara and then down at Ulquiorra. She picked up his hand and held it tightly before bringing it to her face and kissing his fingers.

Ulquiorra shook his head as much as he could. "I'm even more of a monster now," he said quietly.

"No," she whispered. "You're not a monster. You're my guardian. I love you. It worked, I remember," she said, tears coming to her eyes. "I remember you." She knelt down to kiss his lips.

It worked? She remembered him? Had Tsukishima undone whatever he had done to Orihime? Ulquiorra lifted one brilliantly white, clawed hand to Orihime's face, and kissed her back. "I still feel weak. If you have the strength to… do your thing…?"

She sat up and gave him a watery smile. "Ayame, Shun-o, I reject," she murmured, holding her hands above Ulquiorra.

Immediately relief spread through his body and Ulquiorra could feel power surging behind it. What happened to him? Within seconds he was on his feet and his wings took flight, breaking through Orihime's dome. He was faster than he was before. He had to dial back his spiritual pressure to keep from destroying the entire bunker.

Orihime's eyes widened in awe as she watched him fly through the bunker. He looked angelic. He looked holy. The child in her belly lurched toward him, and her feet took her in his direction without her permission. "Oh," she squeaked in surprise.

As soon as Orihime moved, Ulquiorra was tracking her. He set himself down gently, trying not to blow around a bunch of dust. Flying like that, with the different wings, had been exhilarating. It had been freeing, but he knew that he could never fly like that in the open skies above this place. "Woman? Are you okay?"

"Yes," she said in a shaky voice. "It seems your son wants to say hello, though," she said, an incredulous look on her face as one hand supported her belly.

His son. A small smile played on his mouth and Ulquiorra walked towards her. Seeing her body full of life was satisfying. It was an achievement for him. Not only had he sired one child, but he had another on the way. "You said you remembered me?" he asked as he carefully placed a hand on her stomach.

Orihime felt the pull in her belly subside into a soft flutter. Shinzo was calming down. She looked up at Ulquiorra with a small smile and blushed. "Yes. I remember all of it." She sighed and put a hand over his. How could he have ever spent a moment worrying that she would reject him? What he had done in Hueco Mundo as an Espada had been nothing short of miraculous to her.

"You still love me? You do not hate me? You're not afraid of me?"

"I'm not afraid, Ulquiorra. I've never been afraid of you," she said, gazing into his eyes. They looked different now; completely inhuman, but they were still full of affection. "You taught me what the heart is, Ulquiorra. I couldn't love without you."

He gathered Orihime into his arms and then looked around for Urahara. He was nowhere to be seen. "I love you, Woman. If I may, can I be selfish?"

She smiled and nodded, curious about what he was asking.

"You'll let me make love to you like this?"

Her mouth opened into a wonder-filled grin. "We can do that?" she asked, clearly interested.

"I have a penis. I had a penis when I was an Arrancar," he said. "It might be an inappropriate time, but I almost lost you. I need you right now."

She would not deny him. She couldn't. She didn't care if Urahara was still lurking around. It was easy to pull her nightshirt over her head and toss it into the dusty ground. She wore nothing beneath it. "I am yours, Ulquiorra. I need you as much as you need me."

He smiled back at her and his tail wrapped around her leg to help support her as he parted the cloth that was around his waist. "I love you, Orihime."

Life went on as normal in the Kurosaki-Cifer household. Things went on like they had before Orihime was assigned to bedrest. Her blood pressure went down. She returned to work with the promise to only work half a shift. Ulquiorra only went in on days he had off from school.

The two adults often snuck off to Urahara's bunker to relive that first day of him returning from Soul Society. Often times he would take Orihime flying and then make love to her. They made love even more when he was in his gigai.

Eriko was learning how to control her spiritual pressure and her powers from Urahara and would often spar with Yoruichi and Kazui. Sometimes the Arrancar would join in. His daughter would get cocky and he'd floor her with his spiritual pressure.

The girl learned quickly not to underestimate her father.

Kazui was gaining strength as well. As their training progressed, it became clear that he had not inherited any hollow power from his father, but somehow, his zanpakuto also worked as a fullbring and he was able to wield both a sword and a shield simultaneously. He was not yet very good at it, though, and Eriko would say he was cheating when he threw up a barrier.

As spring approached and Orihime's body grew heavy with Shinzo, the family made sure to have preparations in place. A bassinet stood waiting in her and Ulquiorra's bedroom. A basket of diapers and wipes were on each floor. A bag was packed.

On the evening of March sixth, Orihime felt a tightness in her back. She had been walking from the kitchen to the living room and sat on the couch, bending forward and blowing out a breath slowly. She had almost forgotten how intense this was. She gripped her knees and called out softly, "Anybody?"

Eriko came downstairs first. "You okay?" she asked. The girl knew things weren't okay as soon as she saw Orihime. "Dad!"

Ulquiorra was in the bathroom shaving. It didn't happen often, but sometimes he had to get rid of the sparse facial hair that grew. He quickly finished up and then wiped his face off before following the sound of his daughter's voice. "What-Orihime?! What's wrong?"

A tight smile was on her face as she turned it toward him. "It's time," she said. "Well, it will be time, soon. We need to start timing these contractions."

He scowled and then nodded. "Okay. Eriko, go get your bag and tell Kazui to get his. We're going to Grandpa's. Orihime do you want to come along? I'm sure having Isshin close by would be of help," Ulquiorra said.

"Yeah. I mean, I'm in labor, not antisocial," she said with a laugh after the contraction had subsided. "Let me just use the restroom and we can go."

There was shouting and then two pairs of feet overhead and Ulquiorra nodded. "I'll get everything into the car and then come get you."

The two kids came downstairs squabbling about something. "Shhhh, into the car now. I don't know what you two are arguing about, but into the car. Your mom is having a baby and she's the only one who gets to freak out."

The three of them got their things and bags into the car before Ulquiorra went back inside to help Orihime. "You okay?" he asked, standing outside of the downstairs bathroom.

"Yeah," she said. She had a moment to think while she was in there, and the memory of the realities of her first labor had come back to her. She was scared. "I am just not looking forward to the hard part," she admitted after she opened the door.

"We will get through this, Orihime. I'm going to be by your side every step of the way. There's nothing that would make me leave you. I'm always going to come back to you."

At seven-fourteen in the morning on March seventh, Shinzo Cifer was born with a powerful cry. Orihime's labor had been long, but the worst of it was over quickly after a night full of well-spaced contractions. This birth had been easier on her than Kazui's. It helped that she knew what to expect, and that she remembered the feeling of seeing her child for the first time after all that suffering.

That part was exactly the same. She cried unreservedly when Shinzo was placed on her chest. She looked at Ulquiorra for a moment, before her attention was lost in that perfect baby's face. "I love him," she whispered.

Ulquiorra was shocked and in awe of his girlfriend. She had given birth to this tiny human who was screaming his head off. "I love both of you," he said as he kissed her temple. "This is our son."

Her hand felt for his blindly and gripped it. "I have never been happier than I am right now. Shinzo…" she trailed off, looking at their offspring. He was still red-faced and a bit smooshed, but she could already see how beautiful he was. His fine hair was neither red nor black. It was brown, like her brother's. His eyes were still that newborn blue color; they wouldn't know what they would look like until later. He had his father's fine nose and chin. He settled his cries after a moment and his face turned toward her, seeming to burrow into her chest.

The father smiled and put his hand on the infant's back. "I'm going to take several photos of you and him to send to Isshin so that he can show Eriko and Kazui, okay?"

She smiled and let go of his hand to wipe her face "Okay, let's hurry though, I think he's hungry," she said with an awkward giggle.

The day after Orihime and Shinzo were released from the hospital, Ulquiorra took the woman to city hall where they filled out paperwork. Just like that, they were married in the middle of March.

The next year, Orihime announced she was pregnant again. They had a girl named Mariko. The next year came Hana. Ulquiorra decided that was enough children. They had to have a minivan to cart everyone around.

Five years after Shinzo was born, the two oldest children graduated from high school. Ulquiorra had to smile at the two as Eriko threw her arms around Kazui's neck. The boy seemed to freeze at the contact before patting her awkwardly on the shoulder. If only the boy knew that Eriko still harbored a bit of a crush on him. Maybe she didn't, Ulquiorra didn't know.

The man just shook his head. It was comical. One kid would go off to college in Tokyo for some degree in advertising. Kaz wasn't really sure what he was doing yet. He was talking about staying in the apartment above the cafe and helping out his mom with the little ones. Ulquiorra knew it would be a big help.

The night after their graduation, Ulquiorra lay in bed with his wife and their three year old. He sighed. "Can you scoot her over? Her feet are in my back."

"It's time for her to start sleeping in her own bed, darling," Orihime said with a yawn. He was the one resisting the idea. They both knew Hana was the last baby they'd have together. Orihime was over it. She was looking forward to grandchildren already.

"Eriko can stay at the apartment until she goes to university," Ulquiorra said in a tired voice. "Mariko needs to accept that she has to share a room with Hana. There's too many girls to put in that room. Why didn't we have another boy?"

"We're just lucky Hana wasn't Hana and Hana 2," she said, chuckling. "I'll go put her on the zabuton," she said, referring to the large rectangular cushion on the floor that actually belonged in the living room. They kept it up there for nights like this when they needed space. "Tomorrow we can talk to Eriko. She might like my old room. Besides, Kazui is there; they can keep each other company, as long as we keep the surveillance on. We don't need them throwing parties on the roof."

Ulquiorra gave a quiet snort and after his wife deposited the child on the floor, he rolled towards her, snuggling up to Orihime. "You can break the news to her," he said in a sleepy voice.

Eriko had no problem with moving to the apartment. Hana, on some nights, found her way into her parents' bed until she was escorted back to her own room.

During the month-long break after graduation before departing for university, Ulquiorra decided that he needed to talk to Kazui as an adult for the first time. Kazui had been in the cafe with him when the thought occurred to him, and he asked, "Kazui, are you busy tomorrow?"

"I'm free, what do you need, Dad?" Kazui replied as he put some dishes up in a rack.

"Wanna go to Urahara's tomorrow night? Or would tonight work better?" Ulquiorra asked.

His daughter chose that moment to walk past. "He's free tonight," she said, smiling as if she was teasing him.

Kazui rolled his eyes. "Tonight is fine if you're up to it. I could use to work out some frustration," he growled, wrinkling his nose after his new roommate.

He clapped his son on the back and laughed. After he sent Eriko to Naruki City to help Orihime with the little ones, the two males found themselves in Urahara's bunker. Jinta showed them into the room and then closed the hatch after they both arrived at the bottom of the ladder. Ichigo Kurosaki's battle pass was hanging off a hook at the side of the ladder. "You wanna go first, or do you just want to fight in our meat suits?"

"I have to work tomorrow morning. I'd rather practice swordfighting, if it's all the same," Kazui said, taking a seat and pressing the badge to his chest.

A few seconds later, Ulquiorra did the same thing. He was still that strange angel-like creature with a Hogyoku in his chest, making the lines on his body pulse and glow. "Go easy on an old man, okay?"

Kazui snorted. "Okay, sure, overpowered Sephiroth," he said with a snicker, drawing his zanpakuto and taking the stance the older man had taught him years ago.

"I have no clue who that is," Ulquiorra said. He pushed off of the ground and went straight for Kazui. The kid was a good fighter. He could be better with his zanpakuto, but being Orihime's child, he didn't get many chances to get out of his body and do this kind of stuff. She did not want him getting sucked into the life of a Soul Reaper.

The pay sucked, from what Ulquiorra heard.

"So I was thinking," Kazui said as his sword crossed with Ulquiorra's long claws, "I have an idea about what I want to do when school starts."

"Thank the gods above you're not going to be like Ichiro and be a delivery boy all your life," Ulquiorra said as he blocked another blow from the kid. "What is it?"

Kazui spun around and tried to attack from behind. He didn't even worry about making contact; he had never been able to. "Well, you know I was accepted to study in Kanagawa. I was thinking I would enroll and study to become, um, a teacher?" The orange-haired teen's brows rose, clearly seeking acceptance of his idea. He had always had a deep respect for Ulquiorra as a teacher, and he wanted to have his dad and mentor's seal of approval.

Ulquiorra stopped and caught the other male's sword with his hierro covered hand. "A teacher? You know we don't make all that much, but it's good that you want to teach kids. You've come a long way since I've known you. I remember the kid who got into fights with everyone and was mouthy with me." The arrancar smiled.

Kazui lowered his sword and looked up at Ulquiorra with a self-conscious half-smile. "Yeah, well, I mean," he scratched the back of his neck, "You always made me feel like I could be better; like I had a chance to redeem myself. I hope I can help kids like me feel that way. And I'm not interested in being super wealthy, or anything," he added with a nervous chuckle.

"Every child deserves a second chance to redeem themselves, Kazui. Look at Eriko," he said, studying the kid.

Kazui nodded. Ulquiorra was right. "I know," he said, drawing his sword again.

Ulquiorra's phone vibrated and he pulled it out of his pocket. Orihime had texted him to pick up some rice from the store. "You heard me. I've got to go. Your mom wants something," he said.

He rolled his eyes. He saw the way the older man's lips twitched. His parents were not exactly discreet in their affection for one another. He knew what his mother probably wanted. Pervert. "Don't you two ever get bored? I mean, like, don't you have other interests?"

The green eyed man laughed and nodded. "I like watching your mother. I like watching our children. I like reading, grading papers, teaching kendo… Once you find someone who you'd give your life for, you'll understand. We do more than just have sex, despite what you and Eriko think. I do work, so I can't hump her leg all day."

"Ugh. God. You probably would, too, wouldn't you. So, tell me, how did you make mom fall for you?"

Ooooh. This kid was still mouthy. "Kazui, I just talked to her. I also threatened her friends, denied that I had a heart, killed several people, and then charmed her with my good looks and a bottle of wine," Ulquiorra said and looked at the kid with a bored expression. "Then I knocked her up. Not that I advise that; kids cost money."

Kazui's face raced from shocked to snarky in record time. "Yeah, you should know," he said with a deep chuckle before leaping up the first several rungs of the ladder leading back out of the bunker.

"Look here you little shit, you're baiting me again!" Ulquiorra shouted with a laugh. "I do know. I've got a minivan to prove it!"


Ulquiorra rolled his eyes as he sat at a table with his wife. Their children had put together this ten year anniversary party. There were people there he had known for years. Urahara, Isshin, Yuzu, Karin, Satomi, Endo-san, Ichiro the delivery guy, even Ishida was there. He picked up the wine glass in front of him and took a sip. "I suppose the foodie picked this out, didn't she?" he said to the redhead, referring to Eriko and her expensive tastes. The young woman had a good job to afford this type of stuff. Ulquiorra wasn't used to it, though.

"Oh come on," Orihime teased. "You only say that because Eriko paid for it. This is from the same vineyard that I used to buy from before we had all these spawlings," Orihime retorted fondly, using a word she had picked up from him.

"Speaking of spawnlings, where is she? Where is your son?" Ulquiorra asked, turning his head. He shook his head and saw Hana and Shinzo doing some weird childish dance, while Mariko had her face in a book. The kids were weird. Hana was exhibiting Fullbringer powers and Shinzo was training to fight hollows. Their son already had a zanpakuto. Nightshade's shikai was just like Orihime's Belladonna, and was as deadly as the boy was kind. Mariko saw spirits but chose to ignore them like Karin had. "Weird children."

"They are ours, so it comes as no surprise," Orihime deadpanned. "Well, I suppose, before all the speeches and what-have-yous start, and while I have your attention, I should tell you what I got for you for our anniversary," she said as if it was not anything to get excited about.

"If it's a pregnancy test in a box, you can take it back," he said and smiled at her, teasing the woman. Ulquiorra knew that ship had sailed. "Is it a vacation? I never did get to take you on a holiday."

She was not surprised that he had guessed it. She leaned sideways so her lips were nearly on his ear and grasped his thigh, her fingertips brushing against where she knew he preferred to let his dick lie, and smiled as she whispered, "Yes. It's very far away. The cell phone reception is very, very bad. And so is your wife."

Ulquiorra turned his head and smirked at her before taking another sip of wine. "Why is my wife bad? Do I get to lose the gigai again?"

"Did I mention that it was very, very isolated? The answer is always yes, by the way."

"Monster fucker," Ulquiorra murmured before kissing Orihime. He always teased her about it, but it turned him on, too. "Well I do hope you love my surprise for you."

"What is it?" she asked, blushing at his affection. He still had that effect on her after all this time.

Ulquiorra smiled at her before he pulled a bracelet out of the pocket of the trousers he wore. On it was the star charm Kazui had gotten her years ago, and the bird charm he had gotten her. The charm bracelet also held several other trinkets; there was a heart for Shinzo, an angel wing for his third resurreccion, a cherry blossom flower for Hana, a castle for Eriko, a monkey charm for Kazui, and jasmine flower for Mariko. He fastened the bracelet on his wife's wrist and then picked up her hand and kissed it.

Her breath stuttered as she looked at the gift and realized the sentiment behind each charm, then blinked away tears as she smiled at her husband. "I love you, Cifer-sensei. I will always love you. Thank you," she said, putting her other arm around his neck and leaning her head on his shoulder.

He would have thanked her, but there was a sound behind them. "Mom, Dad," Eriko said. She looked sophisticated and put together. She had to, having the kind of job she did. She stood tall next to Kazui, just a couple inches short from being eye to eye with him. "Kazui has something to tell you."

"Um, well, I got a job teaching in Tokyo. I start next month," Kazui explained.

"Oh! That's wonderful, honey," Orihime said, picking her head up and offering her son a warm grin.

Ulquiorra also smiled. It was nice to hear that. "Don't let those kids take you for a ride, son. I'm proud of you."

"C'mon we've got to round up people for speeches," Eriko said pulling Kazui away from their parents now that the news had been delivered. She needed this party to go off without a hitch.

Ulquiorra looked at his wife later that evening and sighed. "Well, I've had enough excitement for the night." He kissed his wife. "I love you Orihime. I'm glad Eriko dragged me into that cafe all those years ago. Happy anniversary, Woman."

"I love you, Ulquiorra," she replied. She took a deep breath, taking her attention off of the party guests, and refocusing on the real reason she was there tonight. Her husband. The man she lived for. The person who held her heart in his hands. She smiled at him and finally said, "Thank you for this life. Thank you our children. Thank you for giving me my memories back." She kissed him again. "Thanks for coming back to me."


A/N: This fic was written after the Consonance and Dissonance series (still being published) was completed. It was a really nice departure from the teen drama in CAD, and although there were some heavy, serious themes in Back To You, the mature kind of relationship between Orihime and Ulquiorra, after admitting their feelings to themselves, was never really in question. It was a breath of fresh air. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Big thanks to EIV for coming back to it after a haitus and reworking the ending. I think this ending is so much better. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, and let us know your thoughts about the ending and the story now that it's complete! - JKR

HI! EIV here! I know I don't respond to people's comments all that much but hopefully, things will turn around soon and I'll want to be social again. Thank you all for reading! We really appreciate it that the readers take time out to bless us with kudos and kind words. I don't really like writing canon stuff all that much because I'm stuck in a box but JKR is right, this was a breath of fresh air after being immersed in CAD. I hope you all will continue to support us! - EIV