Here we are with the second chapter of the By the Will of the Goddess.

Also, since the weight system in Legend of Heroes is basically non-existent aside from Torim which is 1 ton, I've added Nalim which is a kilogram.

It was the year S. 1204 that saw to a young black-haired man being violently awoken by the weight of a flying little girl.

"Wakey-wakey Rean!" a diminutive light blue-haired girl wearing a black and yellow jacket, black striped socks and a cat-eared beanie yelled as she flew through the air like a missile before landing dead-centre on the boy's torso.

"Oof!" the black-haired boy grunted as he was forced into the land of the awaken, sweet oxygen leaving his lungs in a great exhale. "Millium… can't… breath…" Rean choked out as the blue-haired girl stayed atop his torso, squeezing out the last dregs of air from him.

Fortunately for him, two large hands hooked themselves from beneath the little girls' arms and lifted her off him with ease. "Come now Millium… I said to wake up my son, not to use Airgetlam to catapult yourself and squeeze the life out of him. He has a long day ahead of him as it is," a deep, baritone voice reached Rean's ears as oxygen returned to his lungs.

Rean looked up as Millium apologised.

"Hehe whoops… sorry, Gramps!" Millium apologised with a mock salute as one large hand ruffled her head through her beanie.

Rean looked at the stern-faced man above him.

Wearing a long black imperial coat with a red sash hanging down one side along with two medals on the other was a man with a rugged stern and intimidating face, atop it a head of brown with one streak of white. This man was the man known as the Imperial Chancellor and was the representative of Erebonia's government that was entrusted with complete control of domestic politics, international negotiations and military affairs by Emperor Eugent II.

But to Rean, with a warm familial spark in the stern-looking man's eyes, this man was his father, Gilliath Osborne.

"Thanks, dad," Rean thanked with a yawn, rubbing his sore stomach as he did so. "Good morning, you too Millium."


"Good morning, Rean," his father smiled down at him. "Breakfast is ready, Lechter and Claire shall be joining us today. I trust you are ready for today?"

Rean nodded, making a motion to the already packed suitcase by his door.

Gilliath smiled. "Very well, I shall bring this one with me. Go shower and meet us in the dining room once you're ready." he rumbled out, one of his arms hooking around Millium's waist before picking her up like she weighed little more than a nalim. With his part said, he walked out of the room with Millium hanging like a limpet.

Rean stared as his father and pseudo-little sister walked out of the room, shaking his head as the door closed.

Taking one last look at his suitcase, he decided now may have been a good time to begin getting ready.

After taking a quick shower, Rean looked at the uniform splayed across his bed.

"Thors Military Academy huh?" Rean mused to himself as he looked at the red uniform that had a unique insignia on both shoulders of a horned-lion. Realising he was taking too much time once again, Rean quickly donned his new uniform and exited his room and made for the dining room.

An icy blue-haired woman greeted him with a smile, her body donned in the grey uniform of the railway military police. "Oh, good morning Rean," Claire's red eyes crinkled as she smiled at him.

"Morning Claire, Lechter." Rean nodded as he sat down beside Millium at the long table that made up most of the room. Opposite him was a young man with bright red hair and green eyes in a nicely pressed suit reading the Imperial Chronicle while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Good morning, kiddo!" Lechter gave a cheery wave before Gilliath gave a pointed cough, Lechter giving a sheepish laugh before folding the newspaper to the side.

Giving a moment to give thanks to Aidios, the five began to dig into the breakfast meal. After a quiet breakfast and cleaning up their plates the five began to get ready for the day.

"Your Excellency, Rean." Claire addressed both Gilliath and Rean. "We shall be departing for Heimdallr Central station at 0730 hours, is that a sufficient time frame for the both of you?"

Both nodded but Gilliath spoke up. "Claire, I've told you many times before that you can simply call me Gilliath in my home. Your work has yet to start after all," he said gently causing a light blush to dust the Icy Maiden's cheeks in embarrassment.

"Be as it may, Your Excellency. It feels… wrong to do so." she explained lamely.

"C'mon Claire! You know Gramps doesn't care what we call him- Mph!" Millium said peppily with smatterings of bacon grease on her cheeks which Rean cut her off by wiping her cheeks rid of the offending oil.

"Lighten up a bit Claire," Lechter added. "You're going to get wrinkles if you keep being so serious," he said with a mischievous twinkle in his green eyes.

Red eyes looked at him in offense.

"Now, now children. There's no need to team up against Claire," Gilliath's voice rumbled with the warmth of a father. All three of them ducked their heads while Rean watched the ensuing show between the Ironbloods in amusement.

"Well, as I'm sure Lechter and Millium have duties to attend to, how about we clean up and get ready for the coming day?" Gilliath asked, gaining nods from all of them.

Watching the four clean up, years of familiarity allowing them to get the job done in record time, Gilliath couldn't help the pang of wistfulness the rang through him. How he wished Kasia could have been here with them, to see the young boys and girls he'd come to see as his own children alongside his son. How easily they enjoyed each other's presence and gave Gilliath the warmth of a home once more.

But that was all it was. Wistful thoughts that would never come to fruition. Gilliath sighed, pushing away the pang of regret of the past in favour of looking to the future. Shaking head of the past that continued to come and go in wistful thoughts, Gilliath stood up and began to make preparations for the day ahead.

"I've heard the Olaf's son has decided to attend Thors as well," Gilliath's deep voice rumbled as the two sat in a limousine, slowly making their way through the early morning traffic of Heimdallr.

Even with the straight road from their house 200 arge off Valflame palace, there was still the road from Valflame Palace to Heimdallr Station, a road spanning 600 arge and was nearly always heavily congested with traffic.

"Really?" Rean asked, his head shooting up at the mention of another of his friends joining him at Thors. "I thought Elliot said he was going to the Musical Academy here in Heimdallr?" Rean asked confused, as far as he knew Elliot had his heart set on music.

Gilliath shook his head in disappointment. "It seems my old friend has become quite stubborn in his aging years. The two fought apparently, Olaf wanted his son to attend a military academy but it seemed Elliot disagreed," Gilliath explained as they moved through the traffic, "They came to a compromise on Thors since apparently it has a Wind Orchestra club."

"I can't see Elliot being happy with that…" Rean muttered, "And I thought Elliot doesn't have any combat experience?"

"He doesn't," Gilliath confirmed. "I trust you'll be able to guide him onto the correct path?"

"Of course!" Rean said, almost offended. "I just hope he'll be alright with Thors… He was so excited when he applied for the Music Academy…"

"I'm sure as so long you are with him, he shall come to a decision of his own if whether this was right for him," Gilliath advised wisely. "Additionally, Carl's son shall be joining you."

"Machias?" Rean was surprised a second time. "I didn't realise he'd be attending as well."

Rean had met the son of the Imperial Governor, Carl Regnitz, at a small event at one of Heimdallr's many parks a number of years ago, something about watching an upcoming diva at the time. Rean wasn't particularly fond of opera, but the woman who was singing certainly was quite the singer, something he and Governor Regnitz's son had bonded over before they became close friends.

"Carl's informed me that his child placed second in the entrance exam, quite a high-achiever if I do say so myself," Gilliath nodded, reminiscing of the times the Imperial Governor had gushed over his sons' achievements.

"I'm not surprised… he's always been smart…" Rean replied.

The two would have continued but were interrupted by a knock on the divider separating the driver from the occupants of the car. "Your Excellency, Rean. We're approaching Heimdallr station now." a feminine voice called out.

"Very well, Claire," Gilliath acknowledged before turning back to Rean. "Do you have your swords with you?"

Rean merely nodded, showcasing two long clothed bundles on the seat beside him, one noticeably wider while the other was slim and long.

"Excellent…" Gilliath smiled as he looked into his son's grey eyes, so similar to his mother's. "I'm afraid you won't be taking my name when you attend Thors. I have made far too enemies, I just can't let you walk around with such a large target on you. Instead, you've been registered under Rean Schwarzer, adopted nephew of Baron Teo Schwarzer."

"Understood father," Rean nodded, noticeably struggling. "Does Uncle Teo know about this?"

"He's been informed, yes. As have Lucia and Elise."

"I see…"

"Your Excellency, Rean. We've arrived…" Claire called out as the limousine rolled to a stop to the side of Heimdallr Central Station.

"Rean…" Gilliath called out as Rean opened the door to leave. "Do take care, and may the goddess watch over you… I'll always be proud of you."

Rean's eyes seemed to lighten a little from the storm clouds that danced within them earlier. "…Thank you, father. May Aidios watch over you as well." With that said, he left the comforts of the limousine.

Gilliath watched for a few moments from the tinted window as Rean walked up the steps into the station. As soon as he was no longer visible he spoke, "Claire, take me to the outskirts of East Heimdallr. I believe it's time I have a talk with Alberich again."

"Of course, sir."

I'll be honest, I've lost all muse for this fic at the moment. Maybe it'll come back but my muse for Trails of Fists and Steel is running too high for that to be likely at the moment. I can't even write anywhere near the same quality of writing either.

The main reason why this chapter was written was that I said I'd update this after flipping a coin in ToFaS so I wouldn't feel guilty.