Disclaimer: I don't own Hazbin Hotel. It belongs to Vivziepop.

"Really? You wanna keep Jazz?" Charlie asked.

"Hell yeah." Cherri said, holding Jazz, who returned to her puppy form. "I hadn't had a dog like her in a long time. It'll be cool to have one again."

Charlie taps on the dining table nervously. "Um…you're not planning on making her tomorrow's dinner, right?"

"What? Fuck no."

"Speaking of dinner, it is served." Alastor announced, with a snap of his fingers, bowls of gumbo appeared before everyone.

"What is this, radio man?" Cherri asked as Jazz leaped to the kitchen floor.

"It's gumbo, sweetheart. A cuisine famous in southern Louisiana." Alastor answered. "A wonderful stew of stock with various meats, roux thickener, and three vegetables: celery, bell peppers, and onions. Back in Louisiana, we've called it the 'Holy Trinity' of vegetables. Down here, I call it the 'Unholy Trinity'. Ha-ha!" Alastor's laugh track played.

"First off, don't call me 'sweetheart'. Second, that's pretty cool. I'd never thought that the famed Radio Demon is a foodie."

"I am a man of many mysteries, my dear."

"I'll say." Cherri checks him out. "Hey, Angie, have you boned this guy yet?" Alastor grew stiff. "If not, I want dibs."

Angel snorted. "Nah. But, I hate ta break it to ya, Sugar Tits. Al don't do hanky-panky."

"Really? With a bod like that? I'll be surprised if no one tried to jump ya yet."

"If anyone tried, then they'll be turned inside out." Alastor said dryly.

Cherri snorts a laugh as she slaps Alastor on his back. He tensed up from the contact. "This guy's a riot. I like your new friends, Angie."

"Then would you be interested in becoming a patron here at the Happy Hotel?" Charlie asked, taking out a clipboard. "I have an application form that helps me find a way to help quell your vices!" Because of her enthusiasm, she has the clipboard so close to Cherri that she needed to lean back. She uses a finger to push it back.

"Yeah, no."

Alastor puts two bowls of gumbo on the floor for Fat Nuggets and Jazz. He sees Angel looking at him. "What?"

"You like her now, don't ya?"

"Don't be absurd. I am simply rewarding her for getting rid more…vermin."

"Uh-huh. Sure."

"So, I guess your hate for dogs also extends to dog-like demons, huh?" Charlie asked.

"Yes." Was Alastor's answer.

"Okay. We ain't gonna talk about what the fuck just happened to the dog?" Husk asked.

"That was weird. I didn't know regular animals could do that. Even for hell. I mean, some dogs can become hellhounds, but that depends on the breed…" Charlie said thoughtfully.

"I wonder if Fat Nuggets could do that." Angel wondered, trying to picture the little piggy demonic and scary. He couldn't.

Alastor noticed Vaggie glaring at him. "Is there something wrong, Vaggie?"

"You did that to Jazz, didn't you?"

The red stag lets out a hearty laugh. "I assure you. I did no such thing. I will not waste my energy on a mutt."


"Thanks for having me over, Char." Cherri said, standing outside of the damaged entrance with Jazz in her arms. "I might comeback to hang out or some shit. I'll even bring Jazz along."

"That's good. Fat Nuggets is gonna miss her a lot." Angel said.

"We're all gonna miss you, Jazz." Charlie said. She glanced at Alastor. "Well, most of us. Have a safe journey home."

"Pfft. Where's the fun in that?" Cherri said before leaving. "Be sure to not double-die on me, Angie."

"Same to you, Sugar Tits."

In some bushes nearby, Bulldog peaked through the leaves. Jazz spots him and starts to growl, her eyes glowing red. Bulldog ducks away.

Husk glances at Alastor. "You gonna miss havin' her around." he asked, but he already knew the answer.

Alastor gave a flat, "No."

Did I mention that I like Cherri? I love her spunky attitude. I can see her visiting Angel at the hotel every now and again.

What do you guys think: Did Alastor give Jazz that ability? For all we know, he did it so Cherri could be impressed and take Jazz away from the hotel.

Please, leave a comment!