The Courtroom was deathly silent at what was last said.

"I call Lord Harrison Ravenclaw to the stand."

As the doors to the Courtroom opened, in came the Lord in question. He was dressed in a black kimono, and a green haori. His hair was tied into the chonmage style haircut, minus the shaving of the top of his head. His weapons were all confiscated, as far as everyone knew, and as he walked, he gave off an intimidating aura.

What had the whole room strangely on edge, though, was the fact that he walked in with his eyes closed.

The camera flashes stopped just after he sat in the center of the room. When he opened his eyes, the intensity he held within them caused all who saw them to flinch slightly, much to his internal amusement.

A certain redhead with the same eyes was also amused at the Wizengamot's reactions. She used to do the same against death eaters.

"I thank you, Lord Ravenclaw for your willingness to appear before us this day." Madam Bones began, to which she received a nod in return. "After the Auror gives you the veritaserum, we will begin the questioning."

Harry held his tongue out as an Auror came forward and placed three drops on it.

"Now to see if it worked. What is your full name?"

"Harrison James Potter Ravenclaw."

"Where did you go to school?"

"I received private tutoring from various teachers and took multiple N. E. W. T. approximately a year ago."

"So the potion works. Now we can begin the questioning. Now, Mr. Ravenclaw, will you please tell the Wizengamot your first interaction with Mr. Dumbledore?"

"When I was five. It was right after he convinced the Potters to give me away so they could focus on the Boy-Who-Lived. He also tried to convince the-"

"Point of order! I fail to see what this has to do with the current list crimes." Dumbledore interrupted.

"Albus Dumbledore! You do not speak until I call on you. You will remain silent while the witness is being questioned!" Madam Longbottom emphasized this by banging her gavel.

With a harrumph, Dumbledore sat back down in his seat, very upset at what was about to be revealed.

"What else did Mr. Dumbledore tried to do before you were sent away?" Madam Bones brought the questioning back on track.

"He tried to convince the Potters to transfer all of my magic to Richard which would effectively turn me into a squib."

Shocked gasps and angered exclamations circulated the chambers.

"Fortunately, Lady Potter adamantly refused to do so. I would assume she already felt guilty for planning on sending me away." Harry finished.

"And it was after this that Mr. Dumbledore brought you to live with the muggles?"


There were a lot of muttering and grumbling in the crowds. While they knew the story, it still upset a lot them.

"May I ask what your living conditions were like?" Madam Bones asked.

"They treated me like a Malfoy would treat a house elf."


Several more people were thrown out of the chambers while Madam Longbottom slowly regained control of the crowd.

"Would it be willing to share your memories? I would understand if-"

"You may."

Madam Bones just nodded and signaled for an Auror to flip a switch. Immediately, Harry's seat was pulled backwards a couple feet while the center floor opened and revealed a very large pensieve.

An Auror walked up Harry with his wand out. "Are you familiar with how pensieves operate, Lord Ravenclaw?"

Harry nodded and focused on the three years of Hell he was forced to endure. He nodded once, and the Auror pulled out the long ethereal tendril out of Harry's temple and guided it in the large bowl.

At once, the trauma that Harry experienced as a child was on display for everyone to see. Every punch, slap, cut, and whip. Every grease burn, every thorn from gardening, and every stomach ache from not eating.

Harry never really looked back to those years. When he was training, his main focus was to honor the second life that was given to him, but a minor goal of his was to never be weak again.

While watching his abuse again, he felt indifferent to it. It took him a moment, but he realized that he was no longer that hurt little boy that is being shown on the pensieve. He's grown stronger, mentally, physically, and thanks to the family he has in Japan, emotionally.


Richard discreetly casted an evanesco and vanished his vomit from the floor. He has never felt more physically ill in his life.

He is currently in the chambers with the rest of his family due to the fact that they were called as witnesses.

His sister was currently weeping into their father's clothes while his father tried his best to comfort both her and their mother.

Seeing his mother in obvious agony caused a new type of pain in Richard's chest.

He didn't know it yet, but witnessing both his mother's and Harry's pain caused a fundamental change in him.


Lily Potter was a mess.

Her sobs and wails of anguish were mostly ignored due to the fact that everyone was engrossed in what was being shown.

She's failed as a mother, and now she's watching just how much she's failed.

She knew her sister hated her. Petunia was always jealous of the fact that Lily had magic and she didn't. Their parents never made her feel as if she was less important. They were always treated as equals, but Petunia remained jealous. That jealousy turned to bitterness, and bitterness turned to outright hatred.

Lily never hated her sister, but watching her hit her son with a skillet because he overcooked eggs stoked the anger and hatred to the point it became a towering inferno.

She desperately wanted to jump over the railings and go hug Harry. She wanted to give him comfort, and to swear to him that she would never abandon him again.


James Potter has never felt more like a shitty person than now.

His parents would be angered and ashamed at his actions.

Watching firsthand the abuse his progeny was made to suffer through put an an ache in his heart.

Hearing both his wife and daughter weep just added on to the immeasurable amount of guilt that piled.

To think he almost agreed with Dumbledore to transfer his son's magic to his other one. Clearly, without Harry's magic, he would be dead.

That thought made some bile rise, but he forced it down to comfort his wife and daughter.


The final memory played which showed Harry being stabbed and thrown off a random cliff in Japan.

As Harry reclaimed his memories from the pensieve, Madam Bones took a moment to compose herself to continue with her questioning.

"M-mr. Ravenclaw. There didn't seem to be any accidental magic shown. Surely your magic would've lashed out to protect you. How is it that you survived in these conditions?" She asked.

"My magical core had multiple binds on it so it couldn't do any more than heal me."

The cries of outrage were louder than before.

"Binding a child's underdeveloped core is a serious crime. It permanently damages their core, not allowing it to properly grow. Do you know who committed this heinous act?"


"Who bound your magical core, Mr. Ravenclaw?"

"Albus Dumbledore."

"I have no further questions Chief Warlock."

Madam Longbottom had even more people thrown out of the courtroom before once again regaining control.

Reigning in her temper, she looked to Dumbledore. "Do you have anything to add, Mr. Dumbledore?" She asked icily.

Dumbledore, slumped in defeat, just shook his head. He had lost. His reputation in tatters. The Elder Wand broken. And now he would be seen as another Dark Lord.

"In that case then, I sentence you to the Veil."


"Born as the Child of another prophesy, the samurai will rise...

"Raised as a warrior, he will defeat the Dark Lord who used Light as a disguise...

"Through the actions of others, he will lose old and created new family ties...

"And thanks to newfound love, he will grow happy and wise..." Amaterasu quietly intoned.

"What was that?" Ryuujin queried. He was in her office to give her the monthly report of the happenings of Magical Japan.

"Another prophecy has just been fulfilled. It won't be long until Harry-kun comes home."


As Harry was walking through Ministry, he heard someone calling him and frantically chasing after him.

He turned and saw Lily barreling towards him. She stopped just in front of him, trembling. Her eyes still overflowing with tears, silently asking for permission.

Knowing what she wanted, Harry opened his arms, and she flew into his arms. Her sobs racked her body as she continuously apologized into his chest.

He was keenly aware of the several camera flashes that caught the moment between the two.

Emilia also caught up and hugged Harry from behind, also weeping.

He just kept Lily in a comforting embrace while she let out shuddering breaths. When she finally composed herself enough, she reluctantly back away from him, wiping her tears away.

"Can we talk? Please? Because of my and James' mistakes, we don't know a thing about you. I would like to get to know my firstborn, even if I've lost the right to be your mother." Lily asked pleadingly.

Harry sighed. He might as well close this chapter of his life. "Very well, Lady Potter. I'll accompany you to your home."


"That fucking, dick licking, piece of shit." Daichi muttered to himself. "Now I'll be able to kill that shithead. No giant lizard will save him this time."