The Best Mistake Ever

Chapter 1.

I Can't Stay

The mood is set with soft candles burning and the moonlight streaming through the large bay window of the master suite. Fitz knows he should not be here but this beautiful being of a woman he can't seem to resist. From the moment he saw her he couldn't take his eyes off of her. He knew he needed to tell her. This can be his way in. But this can also be the demise of their time spent together. When did he become this person, controlled by the look in her big beautiful brown eyes? He's conflicted because she now has his heart in the palm of her hand. He needs to take back control of his life. He's lost in desires of this goddess. "Liv we need to talk." He says finally finding his voice.

Liv slowly walks to him as the soft R&B classic music plays from Liv's personal IPhone. As Luther Vandross "Superstar" speaks for her she releases her hair from its pinned up position allowing it to fall over her shoulders and back. Placing a single finger over Fitz lips, "We talk after." She slowly removes Fitz shirt as she kisses him on his chest releasing his pants while she does this. Once his pants hit the floor he steps out of them. "Ok we talk after." He agrees while lifting Liv's dress over her head. Only clothing left are his boxers and socks and her matching sexy underwear. Liv turns and reaches inside of her purse on the bed and produces a condom. She opens it and places it in her mouth as she slides Fitz boxer down and places the condom on his stiff harden dick. Once in place she lays back onto the large California king size bed and calls him to her using her come here finger. Fitz walks towards the bed and kneels down removing her small underwear and begins to place soft kisses on her wetness. He begins to hungrily lick her between her slit taking her clit into his mouth.

Olivia arches from the pleasure. Letting soft moans escape her mouth as she grinds into his face and pulls him ever so strongly into her wetness more. Fitz loves everything about this woman he's so caught up in the moment he will do whatever she asks of him without a second thought. After bringing Liv to an explosive orgasm Fitz moves up and with pure lust and desperation of this woman's love he enters her as he attack her mouth. She arches and releases herself from the kiss and calls out his name over and over. Something is different this time around. She's never experienced Fitz in this manner. He's making her lose her thoughts, her senses, her control, her emotions are boiling over as tears comes to her eyes as she takes in his words. "I love you Livvie, baby I love you so much." Not giving Liv a chance to think he switches positions deepening his penetration hitting her G-spot over and over making her cum with no reservation. Finally he reaches his peak and releases his own orgasm with such force he fills the condom to the brim.

As they both lay holding each other and just enjoying the music as it plays Fitz call Liv's name. "Livvie."

She doesn't respond. So he continues. "Livvie, I'm not who you think I am." He pauses. Liv lifts her head from his shoulder and looks at him. "What?"

6 Months Earlier…..

"Liv I need you to meet with the new CFO, and show him the ropes I have to fly out to New York."

"Chase baby…your…company. Why do I have to meet with him?"

"Because I have to fly to New York, and you're Olivia Pope love. This guy comes highly recommended."

"Fine Chase who is he? And when will you be back?"

"Theodore Thomas and as soon as I get the New York company up and running properly I have some very important investors to meet with. I really need this account and to win these guys over. So I need you to hold it down here until I get back. Remember baby you are my secret weapon. No one knows you are my wife except a hand full of people. Once we get this second company up and running we can go public." Liv agrees and Chase Kisses her before he leaves for his flight to New York.

Two hours later a tall handsome young man is seated in the conference room awaiting Liv's arrival. Five minutes later Liv walks into the conference room. "Hi I'm Olivia Pope, you must be Mr. Thomas?"

"Yes but please call me Fitz. I go by Fitz. It's a family nickname, Theodore is my father, and Mr. Thomas is my grandfather." Liv raises an eyebrow to this but agrees and shakes Fitz hand when a sudden wave of sexual energy hits her and him at the same time. Both become speechless upon contact.

Wow this woman is beautiful Fitz thinks to himself. He immediately checks for a wedding ring and sees none. In that moment he made up in his mind this woman would be his. Liv on the other hand, could not believe she was so turned on by this man. Even though no one knows she and Chase are married, most know they have something going on. Fitz is the first man to even get her attention since she started dating Chase. She never gave any man the time of day and Olivia was definitely a stunner in the look department. Her name rung bells in Washington, but this was California. She and Chance move here after getting married. She and he dated for a year, and Olivia fell head first for Chase's charm and good looks after being black balled for being a woman and a bad ass Lawyer. Liv was tired of the Lawyer scene and the male chauvinistic attitudes and wanted to look into opening her own crisis management firm. But after meeting Chase and falling hard she put her time and energy into helping him get his business out of the hole and expand under the assumption he would do the same for her.

Liv was very smart and a wiz at management and problem solving. Chase knew this and has been using to his advantage. When she and Chase first met Liv was in a dark and broken place in her life after an assault she suffered at the hands of one of her father's work companions. If Chase had not come into that conference room when he did. Edison Davis would have also raped her. She was angry at her father for forcing her to work with Edison even after she told him she had a bad feeling about Edison. He made her feel so bad about wanting to no longer be a lawyer Liv stuck it out for the sake of her father. With Edison now behind bars and expelled by the BAR association for assault and attempted rape, Eli is still working hard to repair their damaged relationship which is hard to do now that Liv depends and trusts no one except Chase now.

"Fitz…It's a pleasure to meet you, and welcome you to CM Investments. Again I'm Olivia Pope COO and wife of founder and CEO of this great company Chase Montgomery. Now only the top employees know that Chase and I are married and we'd like to keep it that way. Will that be a problem for you Mr. Thomas?"

"Anything you say Mrs. Pope. If you don't mind me asking why didn't you take your husband's last name?"

"I do mind. So let's get these forms filled out and show you to your office so you can be brought up to speed."

If Liv only knew Fitz would follow her anywhere in this moment. But for the life of him he couldn't understand what was up with the need to keep their marriage private. One of the many questions of things going on at CM Investment and he would find answers.

Back to present time….

She doesn't respond. So he continues. "Livvie, I'm not who you think I am." He pauses. Liv lifts her head from his shoulder and looks at him. "What?"

Fitz guts tells him she is not ready to hear the truth about her husband's business practices or who he really is.

Always being a man who thinks fast he changes his original confession. "What I mean is I'm not some pretty boy player type. I'm a man in love. I have fallen in with you Olivia Pope, and I want more than just stolen moments."

'Fitz….we said no feelings."

"Olivia I know you love me, I can tell you've fallen in love with me too. Look at me and tell me it's a lie."

Liv drops her head in her hand as she looks away from Fitz. She removes herself from the bed and begins to dress. "I have to go…"


"Fitz I am married."

"I can't tell, he's never around, he always out of town. How many people do you get to say that too?" Liv head swiftly turns in his direction. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that, Liv please stay?

"I can't stay…Fitz. I have…to go."

" I have feelings too and you can't keep dismissing my feelings, Liv I just told you I love, I'm in love with you, and all you can say is you have to go? Liv please stay with me tonight."

"I can't stay Fitz, Chase will be home today. I really have to go."

"Liv if you leave I won't wait for you this time. He doesn't love you Olivia there is things you don't know about him Liv. Livvie please don't go?"

Liv walks up to Fitz and gently rubs his face as she kisses him. "Don't do that Fitz. Don't become that guy. I will call you." She leaves feeling in her gut there is something more here, but Fitz confession has her all out of sorts, because if she was to be honest with herself she could admit that she was in love with him too, how was this possible did she ever really love Chase. What she feels for Fitz is so deep and real, and she craves him constantly. Always thinking of him, missing him when they separate. She doesn't even miss Chase when he's away anymore, not since Fitz. Everything with Fitz was different now. He said that he was in love with her. The shit just got real.

After Liv leaves Fitz becomes very angry. He hates that Liv has his heart in her hand and she's not his. He wanted so badly to tell her about her so called husband, but she wasn't ready to hear the truth. He can't keep playing this game. Yes he knew she was married, yes he became involved with her anyway, how can she not see this clown? Fitz decides in this moment that he's done. If she doesn't trust him enough to hear him out she would have to find out about her husband the hard way. But he would keep all he found out about Chase's crooked company to himself. If chase and Liv goes down it won't be because of him. Since she chose Chase over him even after he professed his love leaving himself open and looking like a fool he was crushed. He meant what he said when he told Liv he would not wait for her this time. She would regret not choosing him. It will be her biggest mistake ever.