Chapter 1: Am I Wrong?

Senku dreaded it. He doesn't even want to think of it. But it stuck there. At the back of his mind. It didn't help that Magma had to vocalize what he felt about him. Sure, he successfully hid it behind a facade of confidence. But when the musclehead blindfolded him and carried him like a sack. The feeling resurfaced, like a terrible nightmare.

When he heard Gen's devilishly sweet words, calling his name. He resigned to this fate. If Gen was on it, then there was no hope for him.

He supposed it's for the best...

The village is far better off and safer without him.

He accepted that.

He was willing, like before to jump in blindly and carelessly into death if it meant it would save others, especially those that he cares for. Even if they want to backstab him in the end.

It was for the best.

Tsukasa can have his head on a sliver platter.

He could just apologize to his dad in the afterlife.

That is until the blindfold was taken off his eyes, and the first thing he saw, was the planet Saturn.

Senku was speechless...

They gifted him not just a telescope. But a whole astronomical observatory...

He... Remembered the words he said out loud at school that day. He remembered his old, far more advanced telescope, he remembered his father, and seeing the ISS going to view.

He remembered his dream.

Senku was wrong. And he was so glad to be. Just this once.