Decided to write this short aftermath, not much romance and slight spoilers for Knives Out but without context. Plus some slight salt for Adrien.

Marinette had gotten home and saw that her movie 'date' (she was not certain if she wanted to call it a movie date just yet) with Prince Ali had gone viral in no time so she ignored all messages and remained off her computer. Fortunately she didn't have to worry about any Akumas that day so she could just take a deep breath. Her parents were embarrassing a bit asking the both of them how the date was and waved Prince Ali as he left with his driver with him saying that he hoped they could meet up again.

She told her parents how the movie was like with as little spoilers as possible as she then went back to her room; she deleted the messages on her phone knowing she would have to deal with more drama when she went to school the next day.

Her parents offered to get her a snack and she got some donuts as the movie put her in the mood for one so she could contemplate the holes in them.

She woke up and saw to no surprise of her there were plenty of more messages and emails for her; there were discussions about if she was to be Prince Ali's queen, it was one 'date' for crying out loud!

She ran to school ignoring anyone who recognised her and the crowd forming as she got to the gates and just sighed as she heard the mutterings. She noticed Lila going to class giving her harsh glare to her direction and Lila was being given the cold shoulder by their classmates. Apparently her lies had finally came up to her as she had given the classmates at the party a lie about just messaging Prince Ali the moment the news hit of him exciting the cinema with Marinette.

Lila had exploded at the moment going off on a rant on how stupid Marinette just had to upstage her in retaliations for the threats and lies. Seems that when Lila realised what she had just said, tried to make excuses but she was just kicked out of the party.

She wasn't able to hide the glee from her face happy with this development; she wondered why Lila wasn't Akumatized the previous day then. They had no way of knowing that at the time Gabriel Agreste was busy at an important meeting that would go on for hours.

Marinette had gotten to class and was overwhelmed with apologises and demands for details all at the same time. Though the alienating would still hurt; she was willing to try and fix things with them as she had said. "As for Prince Ali; he came to my door and it seemed that he was giving me secret admirer messages and gifts for the time being." Marinette explained but of course they were not satisfied with that statement.

Pouncing on that Alya was asking why didn't she tell her that she had a secret admirer; "Well we had not been on the best of terms as of late and besides; I was afraid that you would pull a scheme to try and find out who the secret admirer was!" Marinette fired back and Alya was silent as she was unable to refuse her points.

"So Prince Ali just happened to turn up and you two just happened to go out to the movies together at the moment? Is that just an excuse to hide your affair?" Chloe asked rudely as everyone just glared at her but some were wondering if it was more of a coincidence.

"That is what happened: Prince Ali turned up when I was about to go the movies and he turned up so we went together! I told you all that I was going to see Knives Out but you didn't believe me!" Marinette snapped and the class were still disbelieving of her wanting to see the movie. "I like mystery stories okay!" She finished as the classes started.

Lila was a pariah in the class now and her attempts to try and fix things with a smooth talk failed miserably; she tried to say that most of what she said was true but it's just that she had a lying disease about the other stuff and it acted up again at the party. "You think Lila might claim that she has a lying condition that causes her to be sick when she lies?" Marinette whispered to Tikki in her bag and she giggled as she saw the movie as well in Marinette's bag.

Adrien didn't look happy about how the class was now acting towards Lila but no one would listen to him when he tried to say to go easy on her. "Just because Chloe is your childhood friend doesn't mean that you should try helping all the bullies Adrien." Nino had told him and Adrien wasn't happy at that.

Later during lunch Marinette was being messaged by Prince Ali wanting a talk and the girls gave Marinette speech including a giggling Rose who was happy for Marinette despite her crush. Prince Ali had told her that Rose had only just now let him know about the lying classmate that was claiming to be his friend and had explained the situation. Prince Ali was asking how her classmates fell for the false stories but Marinette had jokingly said that she doubts they could tell a prop knife from a real one.

The both of them shared a good laugh at that.