The Sun Goddess Son

Chapter 1: The Beginning

There was no sound, nothing but a barren wasteland. All around him stretched nothing but a wasteland, yet he continued on. He didn`t have a destination in mind, there wasn`t anything to consider it as one anyway. He just kept walking and walking, he was okay with that.

He was a sight to see, a beautiful creature with white fur with a black end on his tail that gave ceartain shine, red markings, long white mane, Solar Flare, golden eyes and wing like shaped fur on his shoulder and paws.

Deep in his heart she felt the need to do something other than just keep on walking, so he stopped and looked around himself. Up in the sky was a fiery orb along with a smaller one that was silvery white. The bright org was warm, all the while the other one didn`t have any light but still gave a calming presence.

He thought for a while, then made two vertical lines and rain started to pour. Creating rivers, seas, lakes and streams.

He made dots from witch giant trees grew and then he bloomed said trees and beautiful cherry blossoms fell. He ran around making flowers and grass grow.

And then he used all his power to create living beings. He created humans, dragonians, oina, celestials, moon people, poncle, mammals, lizards, birds, fish and so much more.

Each creature found their place in the world, he himself helping them all understand everything around them. The humans and animals made their home on the world they were born on. The Dragonians went into the depths of the sea. The Celestials went to the Celestial Plain where they were joined their creator. The moony people went to the moon and started the Moon Tribe. The Oina made their home in Kamui. The Poncle hid in a tree stump in Yoshpet.

But Shiranui wasn`t the only one creating new life. The Lord of Darkness Yami created many different demons whom in turn made more of them. The demon Yami created Spider Queen, Crimson Helm, Orochi, Blight, Tube Foxes, Ninetails, Lechku and Nechku, Master Anura, Witch Queen, Bullkhead, Renjishi, Asteroidean, Akuro and many others.

There were many a battle over the years to keep the balance between good and evil. There would be times of peace and times of darkness. But things turned for the worst when a meteorite crashed on Earth.

The meteorite contained a seed from witch a giant tree grew. And humans started to call it the God Tree while in reality the tree hadn`t of been put there by Shiranui at all. And soon enough was and bloodshed consumed the humans despite Shiranui trying to stop them from killing each other it was no use.

And then came the Otsutsuki clan and with them came an almost end of the God Tree, when Kaguya ate it`s fruit and turned into the Ten tails. And her children split it into nine.

By then the Otsutsuki clan had come to terms with Shiranui and they understood that he was the only one able to defeat the demons that no one was able to. The being respected each other and leaned a lot. But there was one thing the otherworldly beings were never told about.

That Shirauni was the one who created life and they definetly didn`t know that the Sun Gods were the only ones keeping this world alive and that without chakra.

Over the millennia there were many new clans, each clan having their uniqe abilities or kekkei genkai as they were called.

Some hundred years before the Third Great Shinobi War even began, the Moon Tribe`s people died and Shiranui meet Waka. Whom later on gave him a prophecy.

˝Goddes of the Sun will fall in love with a man, both parent`s lives will come to an end and only their child will live. To whom the burden of keeping this world alive will fall onto.˝

Shiranui never told a soul about it and neither did Waka.

And then things went south when Orochi attacked the Celestial Plane and all of it`s inhabitants boarded the Ark of Yamato only to be slaughtered by demons that were impirsoned there.

And so Shiranui waited for the Chosen One and in his wait he got a visit from an old friend in the form of a ghost,Hagoromo.

˝I see that you aren`t doing anything about Orochi.˝ The man said.

Shiranui looked at the man besides him and answered. ˝It would be futile even if I tried. I need to wait for the Chosen One to be born.˝

˝In what way do you even play a part in this?˝ The Sage of Six Paths asked.

˝I will help him in defeating Orochi.˝ Shiranui said.

˝What will happen to you afterwards?˝

The white wolf fell silent, looked into Kamiki village below and thought about the question. And as he thought about it and the prophecy about his grandchild. And came out with only one anwer.

˝I will die.˝

The Sage of Six Paths looked at the white wolf in slight horror at the answer and exclaimed. ˝But what will happen to these lands? Won`t demons attack them?˝

Shiranui looked at Hagoromo and answered. ˝That is why I created this.˝ The wolf got up and walked. Hagoromo confused followed none the less and the two soon came upon a small sapling. ˝this is Konohana and inside lives a Wood Sprite.˝

The Sage looked around confused. ˝What do you mean by Wood Sprite?˝

And in that moment before the two appeared a child. The toddler was a girl with black hair tied back into a knot with two strand parting before her face and a pair of leafs in her hair, she had purple earings, pink kimono with green leafs covering her breasts and there is a purple aura surrounding her.

The girl looked around until she spotted Shiranui to whom she walked to and curled up next to. The white wolf whom had laid down in the grass looked at the other man. ˝This is Sakuya. She will protect the lands. And in this bag are seeds of the Guardian Saplings, they are the offshoots of the roots of Konohana tree.˝

˝But you still haven`t explained as to what will happen to you.˝ The Sage countered back.

Shiranui looked at the man beside him, at Sakuya and back at the man with no emotion in his golden orbs. ˝I will die.˝

Hagoromo couldn`t believe the word he had just heard. ˝But who will be the next Sun God, you never had any children. Why didn`t you ever found yourself a mate or… or… I don`t know, do something to have an offspring. Or-˝ Before the man could continue Shiranui silenced him.

˝I will be reincarnated as a new God. Or more accurately Goddess of the Sun Amaterasu. She will continue on by fighting the demons on the Ark of Yamato. She will also regain my memories. She will also go on a journey to find all the 13 Brush Gods. Sakuya will summon Amaterasu when the world falls into darkness once again.˝

The Sage of Six Paths sighted and nodded understanding what Shiranui was saying. ˝Very well then I will take my leave. May we meet again Great God of the Sun Shiranui.˝ And with that the man faded into nothing.

A few months after meeting Hagoromo for the last time the Chosen One Nagi was born. And the babe grew into a man. But before Shiranui could even consider going to the Moon Cave he had to find all the 13 Brush Gods and on his journey he was accompanied by a Poncle Ishaku who became his 6th Celestial Envoy. The two were fighting demons in the Ice Room when they got frozen into a block of ice. But were later freed by his grandson and a human boy.

When Shiranui had laid his eyes on the white pup, he hadn`t believed his eyes. And yet here really stood a snow white pup with red marking, gold eyes and a Divine Instument floating on his back. Shiranui could only guess that the pup had traveled back in time for wthever reason. But Shiranui was okay with it.

He went to the Spirit Gate where he traveled into the future leaving a disgruntled Ishaku behind.

He came in time to aid Amaterasu in her battle with Lechku and Nechku. He even saved the rambuctious Oina's man life when the other thought that he could take on the twin demons all by himself and paid the price. The Oina man- Oki stayed by his side until Ishaku came.

The little Poncle was older than Shiranui last saw him, though it probably had something to do with traveling into the future and so on. Later Amaterasu, Ishaku and Iskau's grandson Issun led him to the Spirit Gate from where he returned back into his time.

He returned to Kamiki village only for him to be unable to find Nagi, although he heard Namis raging cries of someone stealing her kimono. He took to the Moon Cave where he found his next incarnation, her Poncle companion, an Oina girl on the wolfs back, Oki and Nagi wearin- Wait! Wheren't those Nami's clothes! But if he thought about the whole thing it was kinda hilarious.

He saved Nagi from being crushed by a boulder using the last of his energy to do so. Nagi picked and carried him back to Kamiki village. Where Mr. Grapefruit, Nagi, Ishaku, and his grandson stood by his side. While Akuro attacked.

Shiranui saw a ball of evil energy heading straight for Kamiki village, the great wolf gathered every ounce of his strength and jumped into the balls path. Effectively saving everyone. he heard both Ishaku and Nagi begging him to stay alive, even his grandson was there to be with him.

And the last thing Shiranui saw was his grandson.