Author's Note: Happy Advent! I'm sorry I didn't release this sooner but I had finals at school. To keep this format I'll be writing/posting six drabbles per chapter. It was fun writing this so I hope you have fun rereading it!


Shopping Spree

"Can I just say this Kyoshi Warrior budget is fabulous? Like we get to have a shopping spree before we defeat an empire."

Azula seized Ty Lee by the arm and hissed menacingly into her ear, "Talk a little louder, circus freak. I don't think the whole upper ring heard you."

"I'm sorry, Princess," earnestly whispered Ty Lee.

Ty Lee brought her lips towards Azula before swiftly moving to the side and kissing her face, touching her to the to the white makeup before retreating.

"I kinda love that this makeup tastes like peaches." Ty Lee turned to today's third wheel. "How do they do that anyway?"

"I don't know and I don't care," answered Mai.

"Well, feel lucky you're wearing this makeup. Your usual totally depressing makeup probably tastes awful."

Azula smirks. "How on Earth could that matter when she will never have anyone to taste it?"

Mai rolled her eyes and the dangerous ladies resumed their shopping spree.


All I Ever Wanted

"All I ever wanted was the world. Is that too much to ask?" snarled Azula, done with being questioned about her hopes and dreams.

Ty Lee blinked once. "I don't really want anything anymore."


"I guess there's one thing.:." ty Lee nervously drummed her fingers on the table.

Azula crossed her arms with a haughty expression and wicked glint in her eyes. "Oh?"

"I've wanted a family with you since we were just kids." Ty Lee blushed and averted her gaze.

Princess Azula was, on one of the sole occasions in her life, speechless.

She did not know how to respond to that so she simply leaned down and pressed her lips against Ty Lee's to avoid further discussion.



Azula and Ty Lee thought they were being so discreet after leaving the Ember Island house party. They cannot blame it on adrenaline or alcohol.

Therefore Azula demanded the slip out in the morning while everyone still slept in order to work this out.

Unfortunately, they were not.

The post-bonfire walk together in a shady, secluded area near Lo and Li's house that seemed so private and intimate made it shocking that it was surprisingly easy to have an accidental witness when the madness struck. And the ensuing panic.

They lingered together for ages as the sun began to rise.

Their hushed, half-drunk conversation turned into a passionate kiss, and then another, and another as the pink fingers of dawn rose above the wine dark sea.

Briefly, Azula looked up and saw Mai, watching, unsurprised.

In a burst of panic, she shoved Ty Lee to the ground and ran towards the sunrise.

Oh, thought Ty Lee as she picked herself up, such a romantic morning.



Ty Lee pouted at the Ember Island sun. It seemed like it almost intentionally wanted to ruin her plans today.

"It's too sunny," complained Mai.

"I'll go get an umbrella," said Zuko, rising to his feet and walking back towards his house.

"Azula,"" said Ty Lee in her most seductive tone, "the sun is too bright today."

The princess glanced at her once and returned to sunbathing.

"I cannot control the weather, Ty Lee."

Ty Lee wanted to be offended, but she loved her princess too much.

She rolled over on her side and kissed Azula on the cheek.



It sometimes seemed as if their daughter knew no other form of speech than whining.

Azula figured she got it from Ty Lee, while Ty Lee figured she got it from Azula.

One night in bed, Ty Lee decided to propose a solution." We should take her to the poor areas. Maybe she'll stop whining if she sees how most people live."

"That is absurd. I refuse to take our daughter to peasants. I want her to know that she is on a much higher level than them. She is a princess of the Fire Nation."

Ty Lee touched her finger to Azula's lips and then kissed her. And then did it again. The night became heated and wonderful until they heard pounding on the door.

"Mommies, the nanny gave me the wrong blankets and I'm thirsty and it's too hot out!" cried their daughter as she swung open the door.

Her mothers sat on the bed, looking equally dejected.



Break ups are rarely easy. The one between two young women standing in a palace courtyard was not an exception.

"This is goodbye?" weakly asked Ty Lee, her lip trembling and eyes watering due to unshed tears.

"I can't do this anymore. You make things too complicated."

"How?" croaked Ty Lee, tears starting to flow.

"Because we don't have a future together. Only a past. And I'm done living in the past."

"What about us?"

Azula walked to her ex and touched one of her silken hands.

She leaned and whispered softly to the girl she still secretly loved, "Maybe someday we'll be different people meeting again for the first time."

Azula kissed her, and then walked away without another word.