Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or The Heroes of Olympus. I just love the entire 2 series' (More than Glee, which is a very hard thing to do.)

Thank you so much for all the reviews! It really made me happy to see that people liked my writing and its just really awesome so thanks. The reason why I haven't updated in so long is because over Christmas (around the time I stopped uploading) I moved school, and house, and I was very busy with all that and stuff. And then I met some awesome friends at this school and I got a boyfriend and I was really happy because of that and to be honest I completely forgot about Fanfiction. Then I moved school again (I still have my boyfriend though, and all my old school friends, since I didn't move house and they all live near me). Finally, a few days ago I opened up my email that I used for this account and saw loads of notifications, and I read through them all and noticed that people really wanted me to continue this. So urm, yeah. Here you are. I know it's short but I had to write it during a live lesson because I really hate French. Thanks for sticking with me! : )

The Cry

Chapter 3

After finishing breakfast, Percy and Jason were dragged off too Annabeth's cabin, and were sat down on chairs as if they were getting interrogated by the police. Which, in a way, they were.

"Explain. Now" Said Annabeth.

"I promise, we didn't have sex, I promise I was just sleeping with him for tonight because of something that happened last night and oh jeez Ijustmadeitworsedidn'tI…" Percy rambled, trying to dig himself out of this hole, but only managing to bury himself.

"So, you DID sleep together?" Piper frowned while Annabeth raged in the background, notebooks and pencils flying so close to Jason's face, he had to move to the edge of his seat so that he was nearly falling off it.

"Well, yes, but it wasn't like that!" Jason said, trying to convince them all the while dodging anything and everything that Annabeth could, and did, throw at him.

"We we're only doing that because Jason was the only one who could make it stop and by the time it did, I was already asleep in his bed, I promise it wasn't anything!" Percy said, throwing his hands up in the air for extra theatrical points from Annabeth.

She didn't seem to notice. Percy was disappointed.

"Did he sleep next to you? Did he talk to you? Did he give you a hug? Was he wearing anything?" Piper narrowed her eyes as she looked over to Jason.

"Yes, Yes, Yes (many) and sorta." Percy mumbled.

"What do you mean, sorta?" Annabeth shouted, finally running out of things to throw at Jason. Jason felt very relieved at first, then remembered the predicament he was in and how bad Percy was at talking under pressure.

"I don't wear a shirt or trousers in bed. That night was no different." Jason said, in a flat tone.

"So you slept with him, sorry, on him, and was only wearing pants?" Piper screamed, probably letting the entire boat know.

"…" Percy stayed silent

"…" Jason also stayed silent

"…" Piper and Annabeth stayed silent, waiting for an answer

"Yes." Percy said

"No." Jason said

They looked at each other and Jason bit his lip

"No." Percy said

"Yes." Jason said

They were kicked out of the room and left outside for the girls to invite them back in, for more shouting.

Leo walked round the corner and stared at them solemnly.

"How'd it go?" He asked

The groan from Percy and the shake of Jason's head was all he needed.

"Right, come on, we're going to get you something fun to do before you each get ruined mentally by the nutcases." He pointed behind him at the door and took Jason and Percy to the Common room. Leo had to go fix something in the Engine room, so they were left there alone.

"So, that was pretty crazy, huh." Percy said

"It sure was." Jason replied

"I want to say thanks, by the way, for last night. You really helped me. I don't like lightning."

"I could tell." Jason smiled. "No problem. Anytime, Percy. Even if it means we get into trouble like this again."

Percy smiled back at him and leaned his head back against the wall. Jason stood next to him and crossed his arms. Percy looked over to him. Jason stood up slightly straighter. Percy moved closer, so they were face-to-face. Jason kissed him.

Jason didn't know why he did it. He just did.

And then all hell broke loose when Annabeth and Piper walked in on them.