Cath read the email for what seemed like the hundredth time. It was from Gemma T. Leslie, author of Simon Snow, the subject of all of Cath's fanfics. GTL had finished reading her fanfic, Carry On, Simon, and wanted to do a collaborative writing project with Cath, code word for book. Gemma T. Leslie wanted to write a book. With her. Cath turned off her phone and smushed her face into the pillow. It smelled like coffee grounds and freshly mown clover. Levi. Cath reached for her phone and texted him.

C: where r u? I miss u:((

L: just finished my shift

L: coming to ur dorm:)))

C: use ur key?

L: u got it sweetheart

Cath jumped up, rushing to the mirror, then backed up a couple of steps, remembering the incident with Reagan in their old dorm.' I should get my own mirror' She thought. She ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to tame it into something presentable. She gave up after a clump of hair came out after a very vigorous shake. It didn't matter with Levi. He was just...Levi. She jumped onto her bed and scrolled through the comments on her newest fic, 'Penny and her Smart Ass Brain.' Cath thought that she needed a change from Simon and Baz since she wrote Carry on for so long. (Not that she could ever get enough of Simon and Baz.)

Cath heard the key jiggling in the lock and quickly pretended to be asleep. Just for fun. She heard the door slam shut with a loud bang. Levi turned around and whispered "Oh. She's asleep. I hope she dreams of me." Cath rolled her eyes in her head. Classic Levi. He set the pumpkin spice latte he brought for her on her desk and climbed over Cath's legs, laying down so that his chest was against her back. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and then hugged her as close as possible. "Levi?" She whispered.

"Cath! Did I wake you up?" He said in an equally quiet voice.

"No. I was pretending." Levi sat up and smiled. "You were pretending?" Cath nodded. "I love the new Cather." She playfully pushed Levi. "You didn't like the old one? What type of boyfriend are you?" She giggled. Levi leaned in and whispered "I liked the old Cath. But I love the new one." His nose nudged hers and their lips pressed against each other, mouths already open. Cath fell onto her back and Levi pressed against her. Their kisses intensified, and they were happy.

'This is a bad idea.' thought Cath as her fingers paused over the keyboard. Levi had convinced her to email G.T.L., accepting her offer to write a book. Cath sighed and closed her laptop. She was feeling adventurous. Cath wanted to party. She called Reagan wondered how she had changed so much. Last year around this time she had been eating protein bars and pulling all-nighters to write Simon.


"What're you doing tonight? I wanna go to a party."

"For real?"

"Why are you so surprised?"
"Nevermind. And I was planning to stay home."

"Are you serious?! The one night I ask to go party you're staying home! No way. Not happening. We are going to a party." Cath was determined to go to a party tonight. She was not taking no for an answer.



"Why don't you go to a party with Levi? He'll fucking love that."

"Hmph. Fine."

Cath hung up before Reagan did, just to make a point. Then she called Levi.

"Hi Cath."

Something was wrong.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"My dad died."

Cath took a moment to take this in. Levi had talked about his dad, but Cath barely knew anything about him. Cath's desire to party had vanished completely, and was replaced with the determination to help Levi.

"I'm coming over."