Ianto was a box of birds, singing as he walked the hallway with a twin on each hip, their little faces glowing with delight as their Dam showed his fine gift. A Boeshanninan art some had been hunted down for once upon a time. At fifteen months of age they were solid and alert little men, each with distinct personalities.

He entered the main room to find Rhiannon waiting, her face flushed. "Sissy? What were you up to? You using my vid-com to purchase more furniture poor Rhys knows nothing about?"

Ianto sighed, Rhiannon had booked up so much for the house that Rhys had forbidden anymore, so she was now coming over to use his account instead as she knew Ianto would never deny her.

"Actually I was talking to Sean" she replied calmly, "He would like to say hi."

She stepped aside to show the Vid-screen and Sean who was looking at Ianto expectantly. Ianto paled, bending to place the babies down as Sean craned his head to see them, Rhiannon picking one up, "This is Jax. He was first born, the other tiny one is called Kit."

"Hello brother" Ianto settled in the chair to look at the screen taking in his brother's haggard face drawl look.

"Hello Ianto. My gods, look at you. Still so young and vibrant. Those Boeshane genes, eh? Wish I had inherited some" his brother huffed, "And a First Prime so I hear. Good for you."

"I have a Hive" Ianto said with pride, "I have a mate, we rule a Hive together and we have a sister-wife who is chaste, amazing children."

"Rhiannon was telling me about the other sister wife, the mad one" he huffed, "We almost lost you."

"Well, you know me. A survivor"

"We all are brother" Sean's face became softer as he looked at the handsome man who sat not like a Gentile should, more as an Alpha and he saw it. "Ianto? Are you an Alpha?"

"I always was" Ianto said sadly, "you do not remember before. You blocked out everything including me before the attack. I understand, a defence mechanism you are capable of. I wish I could do that but my mind will not allow it. I was always an Alpha, claiming Gentile status was the only way to ensure we were not fostered to the four corners of the universe."

"My gods, you gave up your freedom so we could have ours?" Sean gaped.

"No. I merely waited a while before I became myself" Ianto smiled "I am no longer a Gentile. I am free to be myself, I found a mate who not only encourages my individuality … he loves me for it. Of all of us, I now think I have the best deal"

"Well … and me" Rhiannon grinned "Ianto is giving me and Rhys a new life here."

"Well! Go sissy" Sean laughed softly, "My Gods. To see you both … it does me good. Tell me Ianto. Do you still suffer with your Hyperthymesia?"

"Ah. My Hyper Superior autobiographical memory?" Ianto teased and Sean laughed, having forgotten the right term Ianto preferred.

"Yes, your H-SAM" he replied.

"Still there but not as strong. It is not an instant thing, more like … I can access it. I think as I matured the ability to close the door on that room of records became easier. But I do still remember everything." Ianto confided.

Sean saw the sorrow on his brother's face and sought to change it "So. Twins. Just like Bella and Lauren. They usually skip a generation, don't they?"

"Jack had twin daughters to Gwen" Ianto grimaced, "Both sides prone, I guess it was a chance"

Sean looked at him blankly then frowned, "Do you have the recipe?"

"You have a son" Ianto snapped back with glee, his brother's eyes widening as he heard what was not said.

"Unbelievable, Granny never shared with anyone! We all thought that recipe went to her bloody grave. I mean … how old were you when she died? Four? Five?" Sean folded his arms.

"Yep. Four, but I had been helping make them for over a year. H-SAM remember?" Ianto tapped his forehead and Sean groaned.

Little snot, always won mind games.