Disclaimer: I own nothing!

I hope you enjoy...


Chapter One

Laurel stood in the shadows; hood drawn up over her head, concealing her light hair. The gathering was small, she hadn't expected anything less, the Argents were not ones for making friends. However, she wasn't there for Kate, she was there for another Argent, the balding man with eyes as cold and hard as steel. Gerard.

She watched from her place just inside the tree line that surrounded the cemetery, her eyes never leaving Gerard's form, so much anger and grief coursed through her veins. She had longed for the day for many years, a day when she could destroy his world as he had destroyed hers.

Laurel was so focused on the man she loathed to notice two boys sneaking up behind her.

She was so shocked that she didn't fight back when she was spun around, back pressed against the trunk of a tree with a boy's forearm pressed across the front of her body pinning her in place.

"Who are you?" the boy asked none to kindly, eyes flashing amber.

A werewolf she surmised.

Another boy stood behind him; eyes wary but human.

The boy who had her pinned, pressed his arm harder into her chest.

"Who are you?" he asked again an edge of anger in his voice.

Her shock was waning and was giving way to annoyance quickly. She pushed off the tree with all her strength, the boy who had moments before held her hostage went flying to the ground. Triumphantly she stepped towards him as his friend backed away looking nervously from her to his friend.

"Someone who doesn't like being accosted," she said angrily, focusing hard on keeping her true form from emerging.

She watched as the werewolf scrambled to his feet, placing himself between her and the human.

Laurel fought the urge to roll her eyes, she wasn't going to hurt him or his precious human.

"What are you?" the other boy asked, the human, his eyes still wide but within them shone curiosity not fear.

Laurel didn't know what to make of the human, he was obviously a part of a world most humans didn't last very long in.

She cocked her head to the side, "does it matter?"

"Yeah, it kinda does," he retorted.

He's got balls I'll give him that she thought wryly.

"You don't need to know," she replied tartly, glancing between the two boys. "Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours."

"That's not good enough," the werewolf said, his eyes glowing brighter. She could feel the air crackling around him, he was going to shift.

Before he got the chance she kicked him hard in the chest, she didn't stay to see him sprawled across the floor, instead she took off running, hoping that the werewolf would stay with his friend instead of chasing her. She was fast but she didn't know if she could out run a werewolf.

When she got to her car which she'd parked several miles away she jumped inside and took off, cursing the werewolf for making her leave.

I'll have to catch his scent later she told herself as she drove.

It was a stroke of luck that Kate Argent had died, she wondered briefly if the boy she'd met had a part in her death, it seemed unlikely, despite his best efforts to seem intimidating he seemed to gentle, his eyes to soft and kind behind the amber. But Kate's death had brought Gerard out of whatever hole he had been hiding in, for that, she was most pleased.

She parked her car outside a diner and jumped out, starving from the miles she had run to get away.

The diner was loud and bright and people stared at her as she walked in. She supposed she looked a little conspicuous, head to toe in leather, from her pants to jacket. She didn't care however, she took a seat, tuning out the noise.

Once she'd ordered and her food arrived she bit into her burger and let the chatter around her back in. As she ate she listened to the mundane conversations around her. A mother telling off her child who apparently had chuckled food all over the place, an elderly couple who whispered sweetly to one another and a group of girls, her age, apparently Scott and Allison were no longer together. She had no idea who they were but the girls at table sure knew who Scott was at least.

She left her money on the table and walked back outside, the afternoon was drawing in and she decided to find a place to park up for the night. Then I'll look for Argent she promises herself.


She found a dirt road that led to a small clearing in the preserve, she parked up, turned the engine off and sighed, her head lolling backwards. She hadn't bothered finding a place to stay, if everything went the way she hoped, she wouldn't be in Beacon Hills long. Just enough time to kill Gerard the thought stretched her lips, glee blossoming in her heart at the thought.

She grabbed the piece of paper with the Argents address on before she got out the car. She knew she wouldn't be able to touch him, not in the confines of his home, but she could get an idea of the mans plans because Laurel knew the man would most definitely have a plan.

To save her senses she let google give her directions, she found the Argent house with ease, a large pompous looking building. She hid in the shadows once again, she didn't want to get caught, that would end badly for her.

"Allison," a voice called from inside the house.

Allison she recalled the girls in the diner talking about an Allison, could it be the same one. Not daring to let herselgmf get closer to see the girl, she listened intently.

"Your grandfather will be taking you to school tomorrow," the female voice said again, it was sharp and unpleasant.

"But Lydia usually takes me," the girl answered, confusion in her voice.

"Your grandfather is the new Principle, he will be taking you from now on," the woman, she presumed was her mother said, no room for argument in her tone.

It looks like I'll be going to high school she thought none to pleased with the idea.

Whatever it takes she reminded herself. She would do whatever needed to be done to get close enough to Gerard. High school it is!


She woke up the next morning stretched along the backseat of her car, a pillow behind her head and blankets tangled between her legs. It wont be for long she told herself, shoving the blankets and pillows into the boot before jumping into the drivers seat.

With her trusty friend google she'd found a gym a better place than many to have a shower. She drove along the deserted roads, it was to early for most to be up, hell, it was too early for her really but she had forced herself awake early, she had a lot to do.

She walked into the gym in the same clothes she'd worn the day before, her bag slung over her shoulder contained the few things she owned. Filling out the forms to become a member and placing a bundle of cash on the desk before the bemused receptionist she strolled straight for the changing rooms.

It was empty, she could hear a few early birds working out in the gym the floor above but paid little attention. She grabbed the complementary towel and wrapped it around her, shoving her clothes into the locker before heading for the showers.

Laurel sighed in relief as the warm water hit her skin, it had been a few days since she had showered, she had barely stopped on her drive to Beacon Hills, wanting to get there as soon as she could. Her need for vengeance had consumed her since hearing of Kate Argents funeral and that the eldest Argent would be attending. She had kept an ear out for years, but Gerard was elusive with very few people knowing his whereabouts.

She stayed in the shower until the changing rooms began to fill with people there for their morning workouts.

Dressed in something a little less conspicuous she left and made for her car. On the walk across the car park she felt eyes watching her. She kept her head down but inhaled deeply, the scent of werewolf drifting in the breeze towards her, though it wasn't the same scent as the boy the day before.

She wasn't surprised, for the Argents to be in town and Gerard staying after his daughter's funeral there were bound to be werewolves. Getting in her car, ignoring the set of eyes still watching her she drove away.

Laurel had no inclination to socialise with the werewolf population in town, she was in Beacon Hills for one reason only, and it wasn't to make friends.


After she'd grabbed something to eat she made her way to the school and parked in the almost empty car park. She wondered if one of the few cars was Gerard's as she grabbed her bag, the one that was nearly empty save a few pens and a notebook she grabbed her coffee and dragged herself out the car and towards the school.

The doors were open, apparently some students liked to get to school early. She wandered down the halls, the smell of teenage hormones rife. She found the administration office easily and smiled pleasantly at the elderly lady that sat behind the desk.

She filled out all the necessary forms and the lady politely told her she could start that day. She handed Laurel books she would need and her locker combination.

"Thank you," she said politely before finding her locker. She figured it was better to find it before the halls were packed with people.

After she had located the various places in the school she went back to sit in her car. There were a few others cars than before but she had time to kill. She switched on the radio and closed her eyes. She wondered how many werewolves were left in Beacon Hills, she assumed Kate Argent had killed a few, she didn't know the woman but her reputation was that of her fathers; ruthless.

Laurel wondered how the werewolf she'd met in woods was still alive, he seemed young, she had heard rumours of an Alpha in town causing havoc before he was killed. Was that boy bit or born? She wondered briefly before pushing the thought aside. It wasn't important.

She watched as the car park filled up, she had seen Gerard heading into the school, a brown haired tall girl who she had presumed was Allison had looked none to thrilled as she had followed him. Laurel wasn't above hurting the people Gerard cared about, he hadn't cared when he'd killed her whole family. She wondered if the girl knew what her family was, what they did. It mattered little if she did or not; Laurel would watch the girl closely.

The car park was nearly full when the two boys from the woods arrived, they jumped out a jeep parked a few rows ahead of her. She sunk down lower in her seat. Of course they are students here she thought bitterly.

She watched the werewolf stiffen, his nose up in the air can he be more obvious!

"What is it Scott?" the human boy asked noticing his friends body stiffen.

"She's been here," he muttered, "the girl from yesterday."

"Great, its not like we have a raging homicidal lizard to deal with or anything is it!" the human boy muttered sarcastically.

Homicidal lizard she found herself thinking, wondering what they were talking about. Of course she had known before she had arrived that Beacon Hills was renowned for strange happenings that humans couldn't comprehend.

Before she could ponder the thought of some lizard creature however another thought caught her attention. The conversation between the girls in the dinner. Scott and Allison are no longer together that's what they had said.

"Bloody idiot," she muttered.

Laurel would have bet money on Scott being the werewolf boy they had been talking about and Allison, the daughter of a notorious werewolf hunting family being the girl he had been dating.

When the Scott and his friend disappeared into the school she got out her car, she was delaying the inevitable, no doubt the werewolf would seek her out but she could prolong it as long as possible.

Laurel made it to her first class just as the bell rang, the teacher just shooed her to the back of the classroom. She took her seat just as someone came hurrying into the classroom, she pulled her books out her bag not bothering to look up until someone sat beside her.

"Oh crap," the human boy muttered as he sat beside her, his brown eyes wide as he stared at her.

She couldn't help but agree with him.


By lunchtime she was seriously regretting enrolling, the human boy in first period had whispered question after question no matter how many glares she threw his way. She had also shared classes with Scott who had stared at her the whole time, much to her annoyance and the teachers. There was another werewolf in school as well, a tall leggy blonde, Erica. She to had kept glancing at her, eyes shining with curiosity.

Laurel was walking to the cafeteria, head down as she listened to the chatter around her. A boy had been arrested, Isaac she heard them say, apparently he had murdered his father. Beacon Hills High was far more dramatic than she had anticipated, the energy of the students like a drug, making her head a little dizzy.

She hadn't been paying attention to where she was going and collided with someone.

"Sorry I-" she stopped apologising abruptly.

She had walked into Gerard, who was staring at her with an amused smile.

"You must be Laurel Child, I heard we had a new student," he said kindly.

She couldn't do anything but stare, he had no idea who she was, why would he; she had been a child when he had killed her family. Plus, she hadn't used her real last name.

"Have you met my granddaughter, Allison, she was new not to long ago," he rattled on, unaware of the growing anger Laurel was trying to squash.

I can't kill him here, there are to many witnesses she reminded herself, over and over.

"Allison," he called out, bringing her mind back into focus.

Allison had been walking passed and Laurel watched as the girl reluctantly stopped.

"This is Laurel, she's just started," Gerard said, his smile doing nothing to rid the coldness in his eyes.

As she tried to quell the murderous feelings that rose up inside of her, Allison gave her a small smile, she tried her best to return the smile but she thought she probably only managed a pained grimace.

"I'm sure Allison will show you to the cafeteria," Gerard said. "I'll see you after school Allison," he reminded his granddaughter before walking away leaving her and Allison standing awkwardly in the middle of the hallway.

"Sorry about that," Allison said laughing nervously. "I can show you to the cafeteria if you'd like." She offered kindly.

Get it together Laurel she thought sternly.

"That would be nice," she replied.

As they walked Laurel wondered if the tension she had sensed between Gerard and Allison was simply because, like she had overheard the previous night, she was being forced to go to and from school with him instead of her friends, or if it was something more.

Laurel glanced at the girl who walked silently beside her, do you know? She wondered, is that why she had stopped dating the werewolf, had she found out her family secret?

"How are you finding Beacon Hills?" Allison asked, breaking the more preferable silence.

She shrugged, "interesting," she replied, let her make of that what she will.

"Allison, Allison," the voice that shouted was familiar and though Allison must of heard it she continued straight on, determinedly not looking back.

Laurel sighed as Scott skidded to a stop in front of them, his eyes warily darting from her to Allison.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked Allison.

Laurel smiled a little, he was clearly trying to get Allison away from her.

"Not now Scott," there was sadness in the brunettes voice.

Whatever had happened between the two obviously hadn't ended well.

"It's important," Scott continued, he watched her with suspicion.

She didn't blame him.

Laurel was hungry and bored of standing there with the pair, their emotions flying all over the place.

"Its fine, I can make my own way there," she said dismissively before walking off without another word.

She did however listen as she walked away.

"She's not human," she heard Scott say to Allison.


"I don't know what she is, but she was at your Aunts funeral, just staring at you all," Scott continued.

Laurel didn't bother to overhear the rest. But she had learnt one thing Allison knows.


She grabbed her food and went to sit in her car, she didn't want to socialise or be stared at.

Unfortunately, her peace was interrupted.

The human boy, she still hadn't learnt his name, and Scott stood in front of her car staring at her pointedly.

Laurel sighed in frustration, these boys just don't quit she thought as she slipped out her car.

She leant on the bonnet and crossed her arms. She stared at the pair and decided she would ask a few questions of her own.

"So what kind a werewolf dates the daughter of a werewolf hunter?" she said coolly, eyebrow cocked as she looked at Scott.

He looked a little startled at the question and annoyed.

"She has a point," the human muttered.

Scott gave his friend a withering look.

"What! She does." He defended himself.

Laurel grinned, her pearly white teeth fully on show. The human boy had proved annoying but entertaining and though she loathed to admit it, he was intriguing.

"Who are you?" Scott asked, like he had the day before, he was like a broken record.

"I'm Laurel," she said simply, still smiling, knowing full well that wasn't what he meant.

She could see annoyance flit through his soft kind eyes.

"What are you and why are you here?" he tried again.

"Why do you want to know so badly?" she inquired, stalling.

It was then human that spoke next.

"Well, you see there is a homicidal creature running around town killing people, so, is it you?"

Laurel chuckled, she truly didn't know if the human boy was brave or stupid but she admired his sarcasm if nothing else.

"I'm not killing people, nor am I a, what did you say early, a homicidal lizard; I promise." She said with a grin.

"Are you sure?" he pressed.

She nodded, "pretty sure."

"So what are you because you aren't a werewolf." Scott said.

She wondered how much Scott knew of their world, if she had to guess it was very little. She could tell him about creatures that would give him nightmares for years.

"I'm not," she agreed.

"So what are you?" the human asked, he was almost jumping on the spot, as if the anticipation was to much for him.

Laurel didn't want to tell them, the fewer people that knew the better and yet she was pretty sure that if she didn't tell them they would hound her until she did.

"My kind have several different names," she said slowly, still not entirely sure telling them was a good idea. Especially if Scott then told Allison, she didn't need Gerard finding out what she was.

"I'm Fae."

The human frowned.

"I thought your name was Laurel?" he said confused.

Oh for the love of God!