This probably could have been two chapters, but I have a thing for even numbers. So here it is, our grand finale! Sorry it is a bit long


Kylo rejected the offer of a manservant to assist him in dressing for the final council meeting. Instead, he bathed, shaved, and dressed with care. He wondered if Rey was performing a similar routine and what her mindset might be. Was she carefully selecting her attire? Inspecting herself in a mirror? Preparing in anticipation of presenting herself to her future partner…or dressing to declare war?

His master was overly confident that he'll have his way. His gleeful smirk was plastered on his ruined face from the moment they meet in the parlor all the way to the Great Hall where the rest of the council awaits. Kylo was far less certain of Rey's answer. He knew her far better, had spoken to her, and her uncertainty weighed on him.

Though he tried to assuage her fears, he doubted that will be enough to convince her to leave his mother's side. And damn her, Leia and all of her nobility was a convincing case.

The Great Hall was already full by the time they enter. It seems all of the Summer Court is an audience, along with anyone else from the other court's traveling parties who would not normally be in the room was abuzz, falling to a slight hush when the Unseelie enter and move to their side of the room. He could feel the weight of over a hundred eyes upon him. Some would be familiar, fey he'd grown up with and known as the prince of the Seelie. What must they think now?

His mother was at the head of the room. She looked regal as ever in a gown the color of a luna moth, a stunning necklace of aquamarine at her throat, and her hair piled on top of her head. Her mouth was tight. As their eyes met she inclined her head the barest inch. He returned the gesture.

Behind Leia sat his uncle. Luke didn't make any effort to acknowledge his nephew and formal pupil. Kylo wondered what Luke desired. Did he wish for Rey to make the union? Kylo had no doubt his mother was hopeful of it — they'd been counting on Leia to soften at the thought of her champion with her wayward son. But what of Rey's mentor?

He realized as he sat and looked at the space beside Luke that Rey was not there. Tico sat beside her lover, the human Finn. All of Leia's other advisors were present. Dameron, Captain of the guard and the one who had escorted Rey only a few nights earlier, was there as well. Even blasted Casper, who had been with the family since his grandfather's time, sat among them. But no Rey.

It appeared everyone else had noticed this too. He could hear her name echo throughout the room.

Rey, Rey, Rey, the foundling, Rey.

What will her answer be?

He was asking himself the same thing.

Someone speculated that she had simply run away. Another guessed she was taking her time dressing. A member of the Unseelie sneered, saying that it was far more likely she was a coward. Some champion.

She was being dramatic, he thought, as Lando's party arrived and seated themselves. Not only was she flirting with being late, but she was also making a scene, arrive after everyone else. He half loved her for it.

Finally, after a stressed Leia began whispering frantically to Casper, the doors to the Great Hall opened once again.

Rey walked in with her head high, looking straight ahead at her queen. She wore the same burgundy gown she'd donned for the feast a few nights ago, the one than hung low on her shoulders, though today her short hair hung loose, curling at the ends. Without any preamble or apology, she made her way to the center of the room and curtsy deeply to the assembled nobility.

"Rey," Leia said, relived. "We are pleased you have arrived."

"My lady," she said, bowing her head. "Forgive me for my tardiness."

"You are here now," the queen said graciously. "We are all well aware that this decision has weighed heavily upon you. We appreciate what a significant choice it is. I shall not drag this out longer than it needs to be. What have you decided?"

Hazel eyes landed on his as a long pause consumed the room. Rey's eyes were unreadable as they lingered on his. She took a deep breath before turning back to her monarch and opened her mouth.

"My lady," she said slowly. "This felt, in many ways to be an impossible choice. Despite his pretty words, King Snoke is holding us, hostage, with threats of war should I fail to submit to his proposed marriage."

That was when he knew what the answer would be. Kylo's hands tightened into fists, the leather of his gloves protesting. Rey.

She wasn't looking at him now. Going on, she spoke with greater strength, volume increasing. She reminded him, more than ever, of his mother. Her rage was barely contained, but it was rage and grace and so, so beautiful. How could he both hate her and love her so?

"And while I find myself caring a great deal for him who would be my intended, I cannot abide by bullies, my lady. And neither should the Summer Court." Here she paused. She still wasn't looking at him.

"I choose neither, my lady."

The room was as silent as a grave.

"Neither?" Leia said cautiously, panic rising her tone. "Rey —"

Her champion did not allow her to finish. "And I am afraid with that I must also resign from my position as your champion and, indeed, from the Seelie court altogether. I find I must align myself with another."

There was a deafening sound as the room absorbed this information. Rey stood silently as the reaction moved through the room in waves.

Coward, hissed the Unseelie voices.

How could she? echoed a few from the Seelie side of the room.

She abandons us! some moaned.

Lando, for his part, appeared amused, sitting back against his seat to observe the room at large with a mischievous grin on his face. Rey suppressed her own smile. Soon enough, there would be even more mischief to be had.

It came quickly. Mara Jade stood from her side of the room, addressing the room at large. "I have long considered removing myself from the Autumn Court. I am weary of life as a monarch. I wish to return to a simpler existence. But without an heir, it was an impossible task. Rey shall be Lady of the Autumn court. And as such," she turned to Rey, giving the younger fey a rare half-smile. "There is a formidable ally on your side, Leia."

Snoke stood. "Preposterous," he roared. "You cannot hand over one of the seasonal courts to a foundling!"

Mara Jade regarded the king coolly. "The Autumn court has long been ruled by those deemed unworthy. Outcasts, orphans, and more than one bastard. I believe that the people of Autumn will welcome a new lady with open arms. Of course, I shall assist in the transition."

Leia was still dumbfounded. "Mara — why?"

Her bright green eyes softened on the weathered knight just behind the queen. "I have spent many years regretting what I left behind when I ascended. I intend to cast those regrets off if it is possible."

Luke gazed at her with unabashed admiration. Rey was stunned to see her mentor so taken when over the last few days he'd been so very impassive. It was easy to see now, their responsibilities behind them, how much the two regarded one another. She suspected that Luke was not nearly so surprised by this strange turn of events. Mara must have summoned the courage to approach him the night before….

"This changes nothing," Snoke spat. "The Seelie have still slighted us, and we demand retribution."

Rey turned to the Unseelie. "It changes everything. The Autumn court will not see you threaten the Seelie, not for my actions."

There was another roar from the room. Snoke had begun shouting, Leia was replying with a restrained anger, and Lando merely laughed. All around was chaos.

However, Rey had eyes only from fey seated next to Snoke. Kylo looked almost — almost — proud. His mouth twitched in something akin to amusement.


In a fury, the Unseelie made haste to leave. Snoke swore that he was not done with the Seelie than the Autumn court would not accept a foundling, and with that, they left the Great Hall to prepare to leave the Seelie land altogether. Leia sagged in her seat with relief, uncaring that all of her court and a number of others were present to see her un-queenly slouch. Mara and Luke slipped out as soon as possible, the Autumn entourage dispersing soon after as well. Rey, in the aftermath, was nowhere to be found.

Rose, Finn, and Poe, searched the Great Hall frantically before dividing to look in her room, the stables, the woods, and the gardens. When she was not to be found they reconvened in the kitchens.

"The Unseelie are leaving tomorrow at dawn," Finn said as the trio sat in their corner of the room, nursing mugs of tea along with a healthy bout of worry and confusion. "You don't think…"

"She said she cared for him." Poe was staring into his mug as though it contained all of the answers. Or, alternatively, as though it had personally traumatized him.

Rose patted Poe's arm. "Well, she did spend most of the feast the other night kissing him, right?"

He groaned. "I had hoped maybe that was an accident."

Rose Tico laughed. "Rey doesn't have those kinds of accidents," she said.


The sun had set long ago. The practice yard was empty and dark, unlit save for the moon that hung low in the sky. Kylo couldn't seem to make himself move, despite the slight chill in the air. He wanted one more hour in the place where they'd last sparred. First sparred, really.

Snoke had practically destroyed their parlor in the southern wing. Most of the courtiers took the hint and snuck away as he used his magic to fling objects about. Phasma had rolled her eyes at the sound of the first crash — a table, by the sounds of it — and made her way to the stables to prepare for their ride at dawn. Kylo had wandered to the practice yard, wanting some quiet to think. For the first few hours, he'd hacked away at a dummy, replaying the scene over and over again his mind.

Rey. Lady of the Autumn Court.

She'd not only manage to evade Snoke's trap, but she'd also come out on top. Mara Jade had long been indebted to the Unseelie. It was due to Snoke she'd been installed as the leader of the lower court, following the mysterious death of the Hutt who had ruled before her. As a result, Mara was bound to be allied with Snoke - though she often rebelled against the notion. But Rey was a fresh start…and one who was loyal to Leia. Rey owed Snoke nothing for her new station. She was beholden to no one. The Autumn Court was a lesser seasonal court, smaller, but they had many bannermen and plenty of gold.

There was still a bitter twinge in his chest at the thought that she'd found a solution that had not included him by her side. It was too much to ask that she make that concession. Snoke's apprentice in her inner circle would be a stain on her rule.

Snoke would be livid about this for months, if not years. Perhaps, in time, he could convince the Unseelie King to make him an emissary to the Autumn Court, assuming that Snoke didn't cut diplomatic relations in a fit of rage. At least then he might still see her…

As though summoned by his treacherous thoughts, she was suddenly there. Walking out of the weaponry and swinging one leg over the fence that lined the practice ring. Out of her brocade dress and in a simple tunic and leggings, she looked like a whole new Rey. He had not seen her so relaxed since the day he'd first seen her riding with Dameron, Tico, and that human Finn, months ago. Her shoulders were loose and eyes bright. He almost thought her a vision.

"I thought I might find you out here," she said conversationally as she approached, as though the last time they'd seen each other she'd not shattered his whole world. In each hand, she bore a practice sword. Tossing one to him, she asked, "One quick round, before you go?"

Just like that. Like it was nothing. As though she hadn't, a mere four hours ago, stunned the entire realm by declaring herself Lady of the Autumn Court and rejected Snoke's demands.

He caught it without a thought and stared at her. "Rey —"

"Our usual wager," she added as she took up her favored stance. "A question for a winning blow."

With that, they were off. She quickly beat him, landing a blow on his shoulder in mere seconds. "What did you think of today's council meet?"

"What are you playing at?" he demanded.

"I'm asking the questions," she reminded him with a pout.

Rolling his eyes, he replied. "It was quite a dramatic stunt you pulled. I suspected Mara would abandon her throne someday — it never suited her — but I would have never believed it would have been for you or Luke. Snoke was far from pleased."

Something flickered in her eyes. "He hasn't…hurt anyone?" she asked carefully.

He shook his head. "No, Rey," he said softly, wishing suddenly to take her hands into his.

Relief colored her face and she demanded they start again. This time he fared better and managed to skim his dull blade along her hip much to her chagrin.

"What are you going to do now?"

Thoughtful, she balanced the wooden sword with one hand. "Mara will bring me to the Autumn lands next week. We'll make the announcement, the court will swear fealty, and she'll stay for a few weeks to help me sort everything out. Luke is going with us. I'm hoping Rose and Finn will accompany me — at least until I get my bearings."

"That sounds lonely."

"Yes," she said distantly. "I suppose it might be."

Without warning, she struck, laughing when he barely dodged her. Kylo scowled and surged forward, thrusting as she parried effortlessly. A stark contrast from their first fight. He could feel a touch of the magic behind each blow she dealt, a surge of extra strength guiding her blade. She was so much lighter on her feet too, dancing as she teased him. It was enough of a distraction that she won handily, catching him on the calf.

Rey circled back, stopping just short of his chest. "My turn again."

He looked down at her, suppressing a smile. Already it hurt, knowing that tomorrow he'd turn back to the Winter lands without her. Her teasing, her joy, it was just a twist of the knife.

She took his hands in her, wrapping her fingers around the ones that still held the practice sword. "I don't know how to ask this," she said. There was a sudden quiver in her voice. "But I…I couldn't ask in there. You see, you're right, I will be rather alone. And I'll be a new, untested monarch. It's important I make alliances and have allies in my own right. You would — you could be an asset."

He watched her, processing her words. Was she asking him to…be an advisor? A pen pal? A spy?

"I know it's a risk," she continued hurriedly. "But I believe — I know it would be a good match."


She shivered, biting her lip. "Kylo. Would you marry me?"

There were a number of things he'd anticipating her saying. This had not been on the list. For the second time that day, Rey had stunned him into silence.

Embarrassed, she rushed to speak and fill the space left by his shock. "It would be a tie between us and the Unseelie, you see. You could even have the title of lord if you wanted, though most of the time I think partners are 'consorts.' I know it's —"

He silenced her with a kiss, dropping the practice sword so he could wrap a hand around her waist and pull her flush against him. Rey's fists curled into the lapels of his jacket as she stood on tip-toe to meet his lips. She practically hummed as he pillaged her mouth, leaning into the kiss with as much enthusiasm.

When Kylo pulled away, breathless, he rested his forehead against hers. "I wouldn't mind being a consort. Though you'll need a champion, too. Mara never bothered naming one."

She laughed even as tears wet her cheeks. "Champion, consort, whatever you prefer. Just so long as you're mine."


When Snoke left the next morning, the stablehands were shocked to note that it was without the captain of the guard nor his champion by his side. One dwarf who had spotted the king entering his carriage noted that he was even more livid than he'd been in the Great Hall the previous afternoon.

By midmorning, word had spread that Snoke had left Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma behind. "Spies," some speculate. "Holding us hostage?" others guessed. But that was soon known to be untrue when a scullery maid burst into the kitchen shortly before lunch, announcing that she had seen Lady Rey and Lord Kylo in the gardens — kissing, no less!

A page topped this bit of gossip later in the day when he excitedly told Cook and the assorted maids that Rey had sought an audience with the Queen, accompanied by Kylo Ren. The young brownie had been made to leave by Casper, however, he was certain he'd heard the knight tell the Queen of her intent to marry Kylo Ren, the very fey she'd refused only a day before.

There was so much talk and speculation that by dinner, half the castle thought that Rey had been bespelled by their once-prince. The other half was still sure that Kylo was nothing more than a threat installed by Snoke to spy upon the household.

Rose caught a gaggle of page boys murmuring in the hall outside the queen's offices. Instead of scolding them, as she usually might, she passed with a secretive smile tucked in the corners of her mouth. A short while later, joining Rey in her rooms where she was packing, Rose relayed what she had heard.

Rolling her eyes and blown a lock of hair from her forehead, the young knight laughed. "Well, Leia will make the announcement tomorrow. They'll be satisfied soon enough."

Rose shook her head. She was still in disbelief that Rey was leaving, let alone marrying someone they'd long considered an enemy. "I doubt that will stop the rumors."

Rey shrugged, continuing to sort through her trunk. Even though she'd only been at court for a year, she'd managed to accumulate quite a few papers, trinkets, odds and ends. Her wardrobe was somewhat lacking, especially for someone of her new station. But, Rose observed wryly, the young knight has more than a few weapons spreads across her mattress — three daggers, her sword, a dozen flat knives designed to be easily hidden in clothes. A small light bow that had been a midwinter gift from Poe, handcrafted from a springy birch and inset with mother-of-pearl. And the hatchet she'd brought with her from her former life - handle red with chipped paint.

"Mara said I'll probably need to scale back my time in the practice yard," Rey said when she caught Rose's eyes. "But I figured it wouldn't hurt to bring them along."

Rose heard a note of pain. Despite that this was the best possible ending, she sensed that this wasn't an easy transition for her friend. From an orphan living alone among humans to the leader of one of the seasonal court, in just over a year. Anyone would be overwhelmed. At the very least, Rey's subtle anxiety was tempered by the soft glow of one in love.

Still, they all worried — a new court and only Kylo Ren for company. Rey might vouch for him, but that didn't mean they were entirely convinced. Finn, in particular, had grumbled that if anything untoward happened to their friend, the entire Seelie Court would join him in storming the Autumn palace. Poe's grim agreement proved that it was not an idyl threat; as captain of the guard, he had the pull to make it a reality.

"We'll come to visit in a few months," Rose said softly as she moved to the wardrobe and began sorting. There were some articles that were a little too worn and not befitting someone of Rey's new station. What couldn't be mended by next week they would simply need to replace. She wondered if Mara had a lady's maid who oversaw such things. Perhaps she could advise them what Rey might need….

A knock on the door startled their steady work. They exchanged a glance. Rose went to the door after a beat.

There stood Leia. Her brows rose at the sight of her lady assisting her former champion, but she made no comment as she strode inside. She held a small bundle against her stomach. It was strange to see her in casual attire, a loose and unadorned dress, her thick braid simply swinging against her back. She paused as Rey and Rose executed quick curtsies.

"How is it coming along?" Her hazel eyes flitted to the trunk Rey had just been rummaging through.

"Very well, my lady, there is not much to pack."

The queen nodded, making to sit in one of the room's two chairs. "I've been thinking. Of course, you must take Mallow. She's fond of you, and it is important to have a good horse. It is my understanding that Mara arrived on horseback, not in a carriage. It would be too much trouble to bother about returning the mare."

Rey swallowed roughly. She's been sad at the thought of leaving Mallow, the horse that had been assigned to her time and time again. Knowing that she'd have yet another friend in the Autumn Court made her heart swell.

"Thank you, my lady," she said. "She is a good mare. I am grateful for your generosity."

The queen smiled. "That is hardly generous," she said dryly. "I believe the poor creature would wither without you. She is quite attached. But that was not the only thing I have brought you."

She unwrapped the bundle in her lap, removing first a brass buckle twisted like a vine, a few finely wrought flowers cast throughout. It formed a "V" shape in its center. Next came a delicate circlet, a crosshatch of silver with crystals inset at every meeting point, a few delicate silver chains coming from either side to attach it to the head. The crystals winked at her. Rey was transfixed.

"These belonged to my mother," Leia began, holding the circlet aloft. "They're not particularly old pieces, but I thought you ought to have them. As the wife of my son, you're entitled to a few things. This circlet was the one my mother wore when she met my father. And this buckle was one of her favorites. I'm having belts made ready for you. She often wore this center to her chest, with additional straps reaching around her shoulders."

"My lady," Rey breathed.

The queen raised a hand. "This is the least I can give you." She softened slightly. "You will be my daughter-in-law soon. I had hoped that, should the day ever come, I could give the woman marrying Ben a few of the family relics. Unfortunately, circumstances dictate that I can only offer these meager trinkets."

"They are —" Rey struggled to find words. "The finest things I have ever seen, let alone owned."

Leia laughed. "As lady of the Autumn Court, you will soon have many finer jewels. Mara was never one for jewelry, so you'd assumed otherwise, of course. But I know that you will soon have some fine garnet pieces at your disposal."

With that, she stood. "I will leave you to your work. I have a feeling tomorrow after my announcement, you'll rarely have a moment to yourself."


He hadn't spoken to his uncle one-on-one in…years? Decades? He hadn't planned on starting now — the sign of the old man still filled him with an old frustration, like the surface of a scar that got prickly before a thunderstorm.

Luke appeared to have no such reservations. He calmly sipped his tea from across the scrubbed wooden table. Of course, of course, the blasted old knight had beat him to the kitchens. Luke had lived here longer than Ben had, and he wasn't loathed by most of the staff as Ben was. And, being Luke, he rose well before the sun for a modest breakfast. Something that his nephew had picked up after years of his uncle's tutelage. He couldn't physically sleep in beyond the first rays of dawn.

Ben winced when Cook violently slammed a bowl of porridge before him with a sniff. A few drops had spilled out the side. He sighed and reached for the honey, adding a healthy drizzle. He would just ignore them all — his uncle, the angry servants, Rey's disgruntled friends. They were only here five more days.

But the old knight had other plans. "You've learned moderation. Your porridge used to be more honey than oat."

Kylo looked up with a frown. "I've grown up."

Luke's blue eyes twinkled. "Indeed."

Uncertain of his uncle's intentions, Kylo looked away and kept eating. Of course, Luke wouldn't leave it alone. Sitting back with his tea, he spoke again.

"What convinced you?"

Irritated, Kylo set down his spoon. "What?"

Luke repeated himself. "What convinced you? To join her?"

This was not a conversation he wanted to have with anyone, let alone estranged family. But it was clear that Luke wasn't going to let him to eat in peace.

With a deep breath, nostrils flaring, Kylo replied. "She did. It's as simple as that."

Luke's brows rose. "What did she promise you?"

"Nothing beyond herself," he scoffed. "What, do you think she paid me? Promised me power? I'm taking a demotion as her husband."

"Exactly. So what did she give you?"

A teenage Kylo Ren would've done something dramatic by now — cause his uncle's tea mug to explode, perhaps. But with a sigh, he crossed his arms.

"I don't have anything to prove, old man. Especially not to you."

"Ah, but you do," Luke corrected conversationally. "Rey is ten times the fey you are. And she is claiming the court of my beloved. I want some assurance that six months from now that it will not mysteriously be in your grasp"

Kylo scowled. "If you're so uncertain, surely Rey can convince you."

"I want to hear from you." His gaze was steely now.

There was an interlude of silence as the two mages stared at one another from across the table. The bustle of the kitchen slowed as the room's occupants realized that two of the most powerful magic users in the realm weren't merely having a tense conversation over breakfast.

Kylo broke first. "She offered me nothing more than her love," he said finally. "And that was enough for me. Once I might have thought we could take on Snoke together. But she showed me that outwitting a bully like him is better than responding with force. I am happy to have a peaceful existence with her and nothing more."

His uncle's eyes stayed locked on his for another moment before allowed himself a small smile.

"If you hurt her or your mother again, I will not hesitate," he said, resuming his tea.

Kylo slowly picked up his bowl. Together they finished their breakfast in companionable silence.


Of course, it had to be Casper.

He was rather bitter that his mother's closest — and most annoying — advisor had to be the one to marry them. But Rey said it would spare them the pomp and circumstance of a proper wedding. Which was both of their preferences. And besides, Mara said it would bring them favor to arrive in the Autumn Court already wed.

"It's important you show you are a united front," she'd said seriously as they'd gathered in Leia's study at the beginning of the week. "You're both unknowns. But it will be a show of strength, one of the Unseelie and Seelie bound together."

He didn't ask which was which — whether he was the Unseelie or Rey was. Was your chosen alliance overridden by blood?

Truly it didn't matter. Rey had squeezed his hand as his mother, uncle, Mara, and his mother's advisors all spoke. They were making big plans, beyond their impending wedding. Holdo was supposed to follow them in a few months, their first diplomatic visit, with Finn and Rose. Mara was outlining the strategy for introducing Rey to her new people. And Luke was quietly discussing offensive strategies with Phasma, Ackbar, and Mothma — the Unseelie wouldn't likely making an outright attack, but undoubtedly they would not take this slight lying down.

That has been six days ago, a length of time that simultaneously felt like a blink and six full years.

Phasma stood beside him, the only person he felt remotely relaxed around among the small crowd. They were in one secluded corner near the rose garden, everyone beneath a pergola heavy with bleeding heart flowers. Beyond his mother, uncle, Mara, and her assortment of courtiers, Dameron was there with the human. Holdo was present, standing beside Mothma and his mother. Ackbar was socializing with the crowd from the Autumn Court. Tico was absent, though she was likely with Rey.

He'd not ever envisioned his wedding day — such things were so far off the realm of his desires, that it had simply never come up, despite being raised with the knowledge that as future king he'd need to. Kylo did realize, however, looking at the assembly, that he was missing his father. Han Solo would have embarrassed his wife with some bawdy jokes — but she would have blushed and laughed along. His uncle Luke wouldn't be looking so grey. And Kylo, if Han were here, Kylo would be an entirely different person.

It was rare that he bore the memory of his father. And he wondered, not for the first time since arriving home, how his mother could stand to look at him. She'd not done more than greeted him gently every time their paths had crossed since his arrival nearly two weeks ago.

Would Han be proud? Would he like Rey?

Phasma interrupted this flow of thought with a nudge on the shoulder.

Rey had appeared in the garden, accompanied by Tico. Everyone's eyes were instantly drawn to her. She appeared calm, taking measured steps. She wore a dress of ivory that was loose, sliding off her shoulders and hips like rain. On her brow was a diadem - his grandmothers, he'd seen his mother wear it a handful of times. Aside from that, she was simply presented, there was nothing to suggest that this was the wedding of a great noble lady. Then again, he was hardly dressed up. Kylo cast these musings from his mind as he caught her eyes. She had a subdued smile, eyes only for him. He couldn't help but return the expression.

Words were said quietly, Casper joined their hands, and just like that they were bound — once and for all.

He almost didn't hear the applause that rose from the small gathering as they kissed. Kylo was too focused on the quirk of Rey's mouth against his and the indescribably feeling of rightness that had blossomed in his chest.

Rey pulled away first, her eyes glazed with joy.

Later, when his mother hugged him fiercely for the first time in decades, when Poe grudgingly shook his hand, Tico behind him with her eyes glinting, when he caught sight of his uncle in one corner of the garden with Mara Jade, their heads bent together, he knew that this was the only way things could be.

They left the festivities long before anyone else had, slipping away when the dishes were being cleared from dessert. She led him, hands clasped, to her room. It was nearly bare - they were leaving tomorrow just after dawn - and her bed way tiny, but they managed to squeeze on it together. Their breath matched in time, her back to his chest.

"I'm a little frightened," she admitted drowsily. "What if they don't like me?"

He ran the tip of his nose along her neck lazily. "That would be impossible."

Rey shivered happily at his attentions. "You didn't like me."

"I've always liked you."

"Is that why you kept trying to fight me?"

With a theatrical sigh, he nuzzled his wife's - wife! - brow. "You were irresistible. They will like you. You are fair and kind. It shall be a peaceful transition of power."

She turned in his arms to face him. "And you'll be there."

He kissed her as a response.

With that, they drifted off to sleep.


We got a little fluffy towards the end, and tbh I'm not entirely pleased with the last section, but I also didn't want to delay an update. I might go back and change it late. Who can say!

Please review, favorite, and feel free to check out my other works!