Behold! A story of mine that isn't Elsword based! Yeah I kinda came up with this idea when I was thinking of a story that could be based in Naruto-verse. Though unlike my other ones, this one (so far) has no OCs. Instead, its based off of one possible thought...just how rushed was Minato when he made the seal? Thus I came up with this. And yes, while I know essentially the first half of chapter one is straight off based from the original story, I do not own that, only the way I wrote it and how it impacts the rest of the story. So sit back and enjoy!

DIS-FREAKING-CLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto, its characters, the locations, or any part of the franchise, be it anime, manga, or so on. Those belong to Masashi Kishimoto and the property of Shueisha, Viz Media, TV Tokyo Co., and Shonen Jump, as well as many, many other content creators who shouldn't sue me just because I wrote a fanfiction based from their work. If I did own it...well I probably would have made the Kyuubi female or have the personality of a pervert for amusement. Now onto the story!

Chapter 1: Malfunction

Unnamed Bridge, Country of Wave

In the middle of an unnamed, unfinished bridge, clouded by mist, in the middle of an island country, trying to connect itself to the mainland in an effort to escape the clutches of a tyrant, a battle had unfolded...well two battles. Battles between two different groups of ninjas that ultimately would decide the fate of the island nation.

In one battle it was two jonin level shinobi pitted against each other. The famous Kakashi of the Sharingan with his gravity defying silver hair and mismatched eyes, against the infamous Zabuza Momochi, a man with short brown hair and if you would believe it, no eyebrows...and also a very, VERY large sword. The two were quite even in their fight, even with the disadvantages Kakashi had. Though in the mind of the silver haired ninja, things were going according to plan in the fight with him.

On the other hand though, Kakashi was much more worried about the other fight going on.

The second of the two fights taking take was occuring in a dome of ice mirrors, where two of Kakashi's students, Naruto Uzumaki, a spiky blond haired, hyperactive ninja, and Sasuke Uchiha, the duck haired emo edgelord himself, or as what Naruto thought of him as, were up against the ice wielding Haku, Zabuza's one and only partner at this point in time. The masked ninja had been using his unique jutsu to move between the mirrors at high speed to shred the two with his senbon.

And in comparison to the first fight, this second one was going badly for the side of the Konoha ninjas. Both of them had been riddled with senbons by the masked ninja, but were still standing against Haku. Well, one at this point since Naruto was essentially immobilized by the senbons.

But there seemed to be at least one silver lining for the two of them. Sasuke had finally achieved something he had long worked on gaining. The Sharingan. The Copy Wheel Eye. With it, Sasuke could finally pick up on Haku's movements. With it, Sasuke felt they could probably win this.

However, that's where things took a turn.

Haku made his move out of the mirror, causing Sasuke to prepare to jump in. But he then noticed just where Haku was going.

Right towards Naruto.

"Crap! Make it in time!" the raven haired ninja said as he dashed over to protect Naruto.

It was moments after when Naruto started to undo some of the senbons' effects when he looked up to see Sasuke had been riddled even further now by Haku's senbon. Even worse, it seemed like he was on his last legs, even bleeding in a few places.

"Sa...Sasuke? W-why? Why did you protect me!?" Naruto said with a bit of fear.

Sasuke then fell down, during which Naruto happened to catch the Uchiha mid fall. The Uchiha looked at him and said "I don't body moved on its own...idiot…I wanted to defeat my brother...revive my clan...but...I guess a part of me didn't want die..."

Sasuke then passed out in Naruto's arms, though at the time, it seemed much like the Uchiha heir was dead.

Haku overlooked the scene from one of the mirrors as he spoke "To protect someone dear to him, he was willing to jump into a a shinobi, he has my respect...I am sorry, but it's time to end this fight…"

Naruto put laid the Uchiha's head down on the ground, and then spoke. But it was the tone of this voice that even Haku couldn't help but flinch at.

"Shut up."

And orange energy then began to spill out of Naruto's body, circling around him. Haku couldn't help but wonder just what kind of monster he just poked.

On the outside, the battle halted for a moment, and while Kakashi could tell the seal was leaking...something felt odd. However, he put that to the back of his mind as the battle resumed.

It was at this point, two things happened.

One, a spark of red electricity jumped off the boy...and two.

Unknown location

Somewhere far away, the Shinigami, bringer or death, misfortune, and the summon used for the greatest sealing jutsu of all, was in the middle of drinking his tea before he suddenly felt agonizing pain coming from his stomach. It lasted a few moments, but then after calming himself, he noticed something…

"Why am I missing that man's soul? whatever."

Back at the bridge

"I'll kill you!" Naruto said, his eyes temporarily turning red with a slit pupil. He could feel other changes as well, such as not only an improved sense of smell, but hearing and so forth. But at this point, to him it didn't matter.

Someone just killed his best friend, and they were going to pay.

Haku in his fear than sent out a wave of senbon at Naruto, who with a simple roar blew the senbon away from him. The roar didn't just do that though, but it also in its force managed to shatter all of the remaining mirrors, leaving Haku out in the open. He then rushed at Haku and then punched them in the face, the punch sending the shinobi flying. It not only broke his mask, but also very much disheveled their clothing.

Naruto then rushed forwards, ready to deal one last blow before he noticed that it was none other than the girly boy...or as he could now tell DEFINITELY a girl, was the one in front of him. He stopped his punch just short of Haku's face before he spoke.

"Why...why did it have to be you Haku? Why are you doing this?"

Haku looked at him with dead eyes before asking him "And why did you stop. I killed one of your precious people, so why?"

Naruto gave a single punch, knocking Haku to the ground, before he said "He...he was my friend, and you are why…"

Haku got herself off the ground before she said "In order to fulfill Zabuza's command it had to be done...even if I didn't like doing it…"

Naruto then yelled "So why? Why do you serve a guy like that then!?"

Haku looked at him before she spoke "I owe him my life...he gave me purpose when all was lost, he protected me from the purges that came from this cursed bloodline of mine, the ability to use ice...and also from those who would want to abuse it. Thus I have chosen to follow his dream."

Naruto then retorted "Then what about this country!? What about these people?"

Haku looked down and replied "It doesn't matter anymore...if I can't be useful to him...I might as well be dead...slay me and go forward...for your well as your friend's"

Naruto was thinking about listening to her and ending her life...but then he started to pick up the sounds of another fight which he believed to be his sensei's...the sound of several large dogs biting someone...and the sound of birds chirping?

Haku, while not having Naruto's senses, also noticed this. She then said "Nevermind, it seems I have one more use!"

Haku then shunshined away towards where the fight was happening. Just as Naruto was confused, he heard a voice of a man say to him.

You want that girl to live, then MOVE! And make sure you grab the wrist!

Naruto in slight panic from the voice, did as it said, and he also noticed that while he no longer felt that bloodlust from before, he could feel that he was faster than before. But he didn't have time to think on it.

He then came to a scene where Kakashi was dashing towards Zabuza with his hand covered in lightning, aimed to lunge straight through the missing nin. But more importantly, Haku was rushing to intercept the attack.

He then dashed forwards, even faster than before. And in particular, he remembered what the voice said.

Just as it seemed like Kakashi was about to turn Haku into a living shield, Naruto got there in time from the side, catching Kakashi's lightning blade by grabbing his wrist at the last moment with all of his strength. The attack ended up being centimeters from the ice kunoichi's chest...much to her surprise and deeper in her mind, relief.

Now at this point, Zabuza would have probably attempted to make an attack on Kakashi...however two things had caught him completely off guard.

First was the fact that Haku nearly just sacrificed herself to protect him. He hadn't wanted her to do that in all honesty. While not telling Haku, he wanted her to grow up as a strong kunoichi that could fend for herself. But his teaching methods did not go quite to plan. He was fine with it. After this though, he thought he probably should take care of that issue.

The second was Naruto. Due to a variety of things. Especially considering he managed to catch an attack that was rumored to cut lightning...with HIS BARE HAND no less. Even he had to admit that was impressive...but there was also the changes he was noticing.

Meanwhile in Naruto's head.

Wow, that was fucking awesome! They're awed by the sheer awesomeness I displayed I bet!...though why is it that for some reason I can hear, smell, and see better than usual, and I think I feel something on my butt...maybe it's a senbon or something...weird...oh well I'll figure it out...also what was that voice? I don't think it was the Kyuubi...but what if was?

Meanwhile Kakashi was still in surprise in the fact that Naruto caught his Lightning Blade of all things, and supposedly, there was very...VERY few who could accomplish that, such as Ai at one point, and Kakashi's deceased sensei, Minato Namikaze, who happened to be Naruto's father. Only reasons he couldn't say anything were the laws and the threat that could come from Earth Country.

However, neither of them had the time to really think or notice the REAL issue at hand.

That was because of what happened next.

"Well well well, seems you couldn't even handle a bunch of brats Zabuza?"

This caused the three to turn towards the end of the bridge, revealing Gato, a short old man who was as greedy as they come, and a large amount of mercenaries.

"What are you doing here Gato!?" Zabuza yelled out in annoyance, this was clearly not part of what they agreed on.

Gato let out a laugh before he said "Are you an idiot? Let me make this simple for you then. I had you go and do your little fight so that afterwards, I could finish you...or them, off and then send your head to Mizu for a nice little reward. I bet I would get in that crazy bastard Yagura's good graces with that too! I'm a bit surprised though only one of you is...well dead, but it doesn't matter. All that does is you die here, I keep your pay, and I get the nice, nice bonus from the bounty office."

At this point Zabuza sighed as he said "You know in hindsight, I really should have seen this coming…"

Haku then noted "I did say that we would have been better off killing him. While I know we're trying to keep out of Mizu's radar and I normally despise killing, that scum is definitely an exception."

Zabuza hummed before he turned his head to Kakashi and said "Well, since our job is basically voided now, I guess it would be best to work together."

Kakashi just shrugged and did a nod while Naruto looked at Gato with contempt. From what Inari and the old man told him, he definitely would make sure he got what would be coming.

Though he also noticed another thing or two...such as what he heard from the other side.

"...uh...the fuck is that?"


"Are we sure this is a good idea?"

Naruto shrugged these off, thinking it was either just like the dumb and clueless villagers not understanding, or they were saying that about the guy who used a very large sword that also happened to have no eyebrows.

However, the next words that came out of Gato's mouth would be ones he would regret in hell.

"Oh, do me a favor and kill only the men, I bet we could put those women to use…"

Sakura paled at the thought, Tazuna couldn't help but glare at the man to no effect, Haku was very angry but couldn't really do anything since she was out of chakra. Kakashi was a bit annoyed at the thought, thinking that Gato was definitely a piece of trash…

Zabuza and Naruto however...they started giving off killing intent…

Naruto looked over to Zabuza and said "...first to that bastard gets to kill him?"

Zabuza looked at him as well and said "…"

Naruto used his shadow clone jutsu to spawn at least 15 clones of himself, all of which pulled out two kunai. Zabuza pulled Kubikiribōchō off his back, ready to dash into the fray. Meanwhile Kakashi decided to head in along with them so that Naruto wouldn't get himself killed.

Of course Sakura couldn't really help, but then she noticed Sasuke's body on the floor and quickly dashed over there. As she sat down and laid his head on her lap, she checked his pulse and noticed two things.

Oh thank Kami he's alive!...and has really nice hands...huh, neat she thought. Meanwhile Haku came over as well, noticing that despite what she did, Sasuke was still alive. She simply shrugged it off for the time being before approaching so she could get the needles out safely. Maybe it would keep them in the good graces of the leaf shinobi.

Meanwhile, Tazuna simply supervised them, taking a glance as he watched the trio of Naruto, Kakashi, and Zabuza make their charge at the mercenaries...oh who am I kidding, they're goons, they're weak enough to be called goons in this story.

But to be put bluntly and without going into extremely gory detail, the three overwhelmed them all with ease. With Zabuza brutally slashing them down, Kakashi killing him with his finessed style, and lastly, Naruto beating the snot out of them.

By the time all that was left was Gato, the man was on the ground begging for his life.

Though at this point, all three of them were ready to take the bastard down...and let's just leave what something that should not be noted.

"You know, that felt great to get out." Zabuza said as they walked away from Gato's remains.

Kakashi said "Meh, he had it coming to him with that."

Naruto looked back at what was left of Gato before he said "...well, I think we went a little...overboard...but as they kill like overkill?"

Kakashi shrugged while Zabuza laughed.

As they approached the others, they noticed that Sasuke was stirring, meaning that he was alive.

"HOLY CRAP YOU'RE STILL ALIVE SASUKE!" Naruto yelled in happiness.

"Shut up dobe…" Sasuke said with a bit of annoyance.

And with that things seemed to calm down...before escalating by 100%.

Sakura then said " the way Naruto...what's with the ears and tail?"

Naruto and Kakashi stopped dead in their tracks before taking notice of the blond boy's changes. Zabuza also did, but not in the terror both Kakashi and Naruto felt.

Naruto human ears were now gone, replaced by a pair of orange and black fox ears, similar to the Kyuubi's, stood on top of his head. He also had a tail that was orange and black. It was at this point both Kakashi and Naruto realized what had happened.

As a result, teacher and student ended up speaking in unison.

"...oh fuck."

Naruto: So let me get this made me an actual fox boy...

WVH: Yep

Sakura: ...not gonna lie...the ears kinda look cute...

Naruto: ...I'll let it slide

Kakashi: What am I gonna tell the Sandaime though!?

WVH: Blame Madara

Kakashi: ...why?

WVH: Cuz other than the whole Zetsu thing...everything is his fault...think about it

Sasuke: ...he's not wrong

The Voice: Agreed

Kakashi: ...wait...WVH is that who I think it is?

WVH: Shh! Next chapter! In any case readers, don't forget to R&R and come back for the next chapter!

Naruto: And you better come back DATTEBAYO!