Rey walked away from the stranger she had encountered. She gazed at the couble sunset on Tatooine with the droid by her side.
She had decided she would not, nor ever, use the name Palpatine as her own.
Although she understood where she came from and her heritage, she refused to let it define her. She would never be a Sith, and would never turn to the Dark Side. She had chosen the Light a long time ago.

Rey walked into Luke's old home. She stopped in place, turning her eyes to take everything in. So this is where her Master grew up. Every piece of this place, every memory was his. She felt so close to him here, as if he was standing beside her. She felt overwhelmed with the history that was shown here.

She felt a familiar warmth in her heart, something she felt whenever she connected through the force with Ben Solo, or when he was near.
She searched with her eyes but didn't find him...she turned around, and there he was. He was a force ghost, like she had seen Leia and Luke just moments before. A tear ran down her face, and a grin spread across her lips. He met her with the same smile, his eyes filled with emotion.
They ran towards each other and held each other in their arms in a tight embrace. ''Ben!''

''Rey,'' Ben crooned against her ear. ''I'll always be with you.''

Rey pulled back from their embrace. ''But can I touch you?'' she stammered, running her hands through the hair by his cheek. Ben smiled.
''We are connected by the force Rey,'' he breathed. ''All I have to do is draw on your link to the Force, and my presence can be more physical.''

Rey gasped with joy. ''I thought I'd never see you again.''

''You saw my mother and my uncle. There's no reason you couldn't see me, too.''

She smiled. ''I go by Rey Skywalker now, to honor Luke and Leia for training me, and to honor you.''

Ben nodded. ''I never believed you would go by Palpatine,'' he answered. ''Rey, I wanted to tell thank you...for bringing me back to the Light. When you told me you would only take my hand as Ben...I knew what I had to do.''

''You're saying you threw away the Dark to be with me?''


''Ben...'' tears streamed down Rey's face. ''I'm so sorry. I wish I could have saved you.''

Ben shook his head. ''You did save me, Rey. I may not be alive, but I saw the Light before it was too late. You saved me from the point of no return.''

Rey exhaled sharply. ''I just wish you didn't have to die,'' her lip trembled as the words came out. ''I want you here with me.''

''I am here with you. Rey...I love you, Rey.''

Rey smiled. ''And I love you, Ben Solo.''

Ben leaned down and his lips met hers, and they shared a hot, passionate kiss. Rey's hand snaked behind Ben's head and she pressed his face into hers, as his hands on her back pressed her body into his. They kissed long and hard, until they both pulled away to catch their breath.

Ben stepped away slightly, and looked into Rey's eyes. He held out his hand. ''Rey...I know this may sound unusual, but I want to be yours. Even in death, I want to remain at your side always. Rey, join me as my bride, and together we'll make our own family.''

Rey smiled, but then furrowed her brows in confusion. '' would that work?'' she asked.

Ben smirked. ''We'll make it work, my love. All you have to do is say yes.''

Rey grinned. ''What the hell. Yes!'' She reached out and took his hand. Happily, Ben pulled her into an embrace and kissed her once again. He looked deeply into her eyes. ''There, look under the blanket on the bed.''

Astonished, Rey released herself from Ben's arms and walked over to the makeshift bed inside the shelter. There were a few blankets, of which she pulled back. There were scattered belongings, but what drew her eyes was a jewelry box. She picked it up. ''Is this it?''

Ben nodded. ''Open it.''

Rey tentatively opened the box, and inside were two wedding rings and an engagement ring. Her eyes watered.

''They belonged to Luke's adoptive parents,'' Ben whispered. ''I want you to have them. You can put the engagement ring on now, and we can exchange the other two at the wedding.''

Rey slipped the engagement ring on her finger. It was beautiful, with a generous lilac-colored stone. She pocketed the wedding rings and turned to him. ''Who would marry us? I don't think we would be legally recognized anywhere as married.''

Ben paused for a moment to think, then he shrugged. ''Legality is not what I am concerned with. I want to be yours, and yours alone, beyond life and death. A simple bonding ritual will do if you wish.''

Rey turned to see the droid beeping at her. ''I'll do it, I know many customs of many different planets. There is such a thing as a ghost marriage on Ben's home planet. I believe this would be perfect for the two of you.''

Ben and Rey looked to each other and nodded in agreement. ''I'd prefer it just be us,'' she sighed. ''Our families are dead. I am not sure who I could bring that would approve.''

''I think C3P0 and R2D2 would do it, they witnessed Anakin's wedding from what they told me,'' the droid beeped. ''I'll call them from the ship. They are only a day's flight away.''

''What, now? You want to marry us tomorrow?''

Ben smiled. ''Why wait?''

Rey smiled back. ''Alright. I suppose it's right I earn the Skywalker name the right way.''

The droid rolled away to Rey's ship.

Upon his arrival, he sent out an encoded signal to the droids.

''Come to Tatooine for secret wedding,'' the transmission read.