Authors Notes: If you have not seen Star Wars IX: Rise of the Skywalker, and are easily upset with Spoilers or things close to spoilers, I recommend you stop reading now. But if you've seen it (multiple times myself already) or are just a masochist who wants to keep reading, Welcome!

I ultimately loved IX; but I've got this weird feeling in my heart whenever I think of Ben's story line. I loved the death of Kylo Ren, the rebirth of Ben Solo, and I loved watching the body language change through all of that. And then we got to his ultimate death and I ... I feel crushed by it. I get it on some levels. But he's just another sacrifice on the altar of good and evil when there's a world of opportunity for this Dyad story to rebuild and restore the Force. So with that...

This story take place at the end of the battle of Exegol. It's one thread of the story that I would have loved to see as an alternative; but which most of will likely never be able to happen canonically with Ben's death. Thankfully, we have the outlet of fanfiction to ease our mind into this acceptance of a Canon that Ben is dead; but he doesn't have to be in my heart and mind.

The stone bit into his flesh; but Ben held on with all his might. He hadn't come this far to fall again - not when she needed him. "Help me," he grunted through his tightly clenched jaw. "Help me!" He pleaded as every molecule of his being stung with the effort just to hang on.

"You're not alone."

"Keep moving! She needs you. WE need you."

"Get up, you must!"

The voices that called out to him were energy for his soul. He felt them all around him, fueling his ascent until at last he was at the top. He needed to catch his breath, but as he looked up, he saw the white robed figure lying on the ground motionless.

Ben stood - or tried. He nearly fell on his face as he realized the pain shooting up from his left leg. Catching himself, he shambled towards the figure. She didn't stir as he approached. Not a twitch or a hint at all that she knew he was close.

When he saw her eyes - her glassy, lifeless eyes, he crumpled to the ground beside her. Everything inside of him was screaming as he pulled Rey into his lap. Tears streamed down her face as he held her lifeless body against him.

Not like this. It's not supposed to be like this.

Rey who had come from nothing. Rey who had showed such promise. Rey who pursued the good in him when he was at his worst. Rey who killed the Dark Side in him and healed his mangled body.

… healed… that was it.

It was a long shot, something he'd never been able to do before. To give of one's life force was not the Dark. It was Light. Was it possible? He had to try.

Ben held her tightly in his left arm. How was it done? He laid his right hand across Rey's stomach - her core. He closed his eyes and focused on the Force. The energy inside of his being that allowed him to sense others motivations and intentions. The tether that bound the two of them was broken. He needed to repair it. Send his energy into her. Give of himself to her.

It was a warm sensation at first. Gathering the Force inside of him and channeling it into his hand and out into Her. Knit the tether back together. Repair the bridge. Breath life into her. Give of his life force so that she might live.

It hit him like a stone. Force meeting Force as an old friend. He felt her hand upon his - no longer cold.

Ben opened his eyes and stared down into two warm, hazel pools. He felt a lump in his throat as all manner of emotions bubbled to the surface and he could see it on her face too. She was alive. He was alive. And the Emperor was defeated.

Was it Her or was it Him? It didn't matter. All Ben knew was that his hands were cradling her face and her soft lips were pushing against his. He had never felt so alive. So thankful. His heart was bursting. Love. This was love.

"Jedi aren't allowed to love," he whispered as they parted.

"Weren't," Rey breathed, her eyes searching his. "The Emperor, the last of the Sith is Dead."

"When there's an imbalance, the Force compensates."

"Look at us," Rey agreed.

"What do you propose?"

He felt Her fingers tighten around his - the Sith temple fell away from them. They were standing on the top of stone steps overlooking an expansive training ground. People of all ages and species walked around them. They turned to look back at the building but the vision given to them was hazy - all they could see was the emblem above the doors. The wings of the Jedi Order wrapped around the Sith diamond.

The emblem faded like a shut door as the temple returned around them. Ben stared into Rey's eyes. He knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Balance," they said in unison.