Author Notes: Thank-you so much for the follows and the feedback! I don't promise "smut" but there will be romantic times ahead. Not yet.. but soon. There's still some important set up to get through.

"There's talk already of a Summit," Maz Kanata announced down a long, wooden table where the Leaders of the Rebellion sat. "Planets all around the Galaxy want to send representatives to discuss the formation of a new government."

"That's fast," Rose marveled as she grabbed a piece of flatbread from a platter.

"There is a vacuum and we need to act fast to maintain order. Prevent another tyrant from rising to power."

"What good do Politicians serve when they sit idly by while oppressors rise up and destroy people?" Poe snorted. He sat at one head of the table. The last Leader of the Rebellion.

"There's talk of a Galactic Army - a voluntary service made up of people of all planets," Maz smiled at him. "I heard your name bandied about to lead them."

Poe winced. He wasn't fond of politics. But a standing Army was what the Galactic Republic needed. A Unified force of volunteers from every system - as many races as possible, serving as the defense of the Galaxy. He could get behind that.

"I assume," Maz continued, "That you'll want to be in those discussions, Rey. As the last remaining Jedi, your opinion will be highly sought."

Rey sat at the end of the table - forming the second head. Finn was on her right and offered her an encouraging smile; but she knew she was about to let them all down. Even Rose who, on her left, looked hopeful as ever. They all had come to depend on her. They considered her their greatest weapon. But deep down inside of her, she knew that that was the problem.

"Actually," she began. All eyes turned towards her - even those at the neighboring tables. She wished Ben had decided to join them, she could use his strength now with all these expecting eyes staring at her. But she had to respect his desire to be alone. He had so many things to work through on his own.

"I'm not convinced that the Jedi should be directly involved in the dealings of the Government," she told them.

A hush swept through the room. A chair creaked as someone leaned closer.

"You don't mean that, do you?" Finn chuckled. "The Jedi kept order in the Galaxy."

"They meant to," Rey agreed. "But in the end, they were little more than an instrument of the Galactic Senate. No longer serving the will of the Force - but the wills of man."

Maz smiled. "I see you've been reading more than the texts. Good girl."

"But you intend to rebuild the Jedi Order, right?" Finn asked, an urgency in his voice.

Rey gave him a reassuring look. "I will do my best to teach others the Will of the Force. Whether that means rebuilding the Jedi Order - I do not yet know. I will help any I can to follow the Force. But I do not feel my place is in the rebuilding of the Galactic government."

Poe raised his glass to Rey. "Whatever path you choose, Rey. We will support you."

Rey smiled. She knew that he meant it. The real question was if the rest of the Galaxy and whatever government they formed would share the same opinion.

"Where will you go?" Rose asked. She was wide-eyed as ever - her chipper smile replaced with deep concern. The girl only ever seemed to emote in extremes.

Rey had been thinking about that. There were planets in Jedi and Sith lore that were strong in either the Light or the Dark. And the sorted histories of both orders were embedded in most of those planets.

She must have been wearing her expression on her face because there was a warm hand on her forearm. Maz had come around the table and was staring at her with that knowing twinkle in her eyes.

"I have some things you should see."

Rey didn't need to think twice. She excused herself from the table and followed after Maz. They wove through the encampment, pausing to shake hands and bestow quick agreements of congratulations with other rebels. Maz led Rey to the tent she had erected for herself.

Inside, the floors were covered with ornate rugs. Paper lanterns in red and gold hung from the ceiling to give light to the small shack. Stacks of crates lined the walls around the small cot that served as Maz's bed. The small woman made her way to one of the crates and retrieved a small metal pendant and a book.

Maz clicked a button the pendant and a holographic map of the known Galaxy displayed. Rey's eyes were immediately drawn to two planets highlighted on the chart - one, near the center of the Core Worlds, and another, red, near the Outer Rim..

"Tython and Korribon," Rey observed.

"Thought to both be the origin worlds of the Jedi and Sith," Maz agreed. "Whether the original home of either order is still a debate. What we know to be true is that both have strong connections to their respected orders, as well as the Light and Dark side of the Force."

Maz clicked the button again and a small, yellow planet appeared in a space between them, south of Mandalore. "This is the planet of Katarr," Maz explained as she held out the book to Rey. "I obtained these documents many years back. Someone pilfered the old Jedi Academy archives. They are the notes of one Master Oorallon. The Master had been interested in tracking wells of Force Energy. This small planet held a lot of interest of the Master; but his work never came to much fruition. It wasn't long from his discoveries to the outbreak of the Clone Wars and the extinction of the Jedi Order."

"You're saying that this planet is a tie to both sides?" Rey asked as she studied the map.

Maz nodded. "Please take these. Master Oorallon and his apprentice made a few journeys to the planet. But there isn't much known about it. It's a small planet, with little interest in the say of resources to mining guilds. It may be just the place you're looking for."

"How can I ever repay you?"

Maz smiled brightly. "You already have. Just promise to put the will of the Force above any man."

Rey took the pendant and the book from Maz's outstretched hands. There was an air of importance and finality as she took the disc. "I promise."