I'm not sure if I should continue with this story but I couldn't get the idea out of my head. I was thinking what would happen if House met a girl who was perfect for him in every way? How would Cuddy react to this? Please review and let me know if you'd like me to continue with the story. This takes place post bombshells. I'll be updating my other stories soon. I don't own House or Fox or anything.

House was leisurely relieving himself at the urinal lost in thought about his latest case when the bathroom door swung open and a woman walked in.

She was tall, thin and had flowing blonde hair. She was wearing high heels, a tight black skirt, and a white sweater. She begins walking around quietly examining the mirrors, the faucets and then turns towards House.

"And who are you?" The woman asked curtly

House turns in surprise to a female voice coming from behind him then turns back to face the wall.

"It's not as much a who as a what. This is a men's room. So, what's your name fella?"

"I'm Sydney Harper. Pardon the intrusion but I am here to inspect your light fixtures. Apparently the word is the men have better light fixtures than the women do."

"Sydney Harper? The same Harper who donated 7 million and basically bought this place Sydney Harper?"

"The very same."

House began shaking it off and zipping up, he turned to face Sydney and extended his hand. "Greg House."

"Surely you intend to wash that first." Sydney stated with a raised eyebrow.

House kept his hand up and leaned in closer, "I keep an extremely clean penis." He said as he made his way to the sink and began washing his hands.

"I know all about you Dr. House."

"And I you. There's a lot written about you in stall number 2. I pictured you younger. Much."

Sydney let off a slight laugh, "a smart man like yourself, you should really be able to tell who you can and cannot rattle."

House turns to face Sydney and places a hand in his pocket, leaning his back against the sink. "He also knows a good rattle when he sees one."

"Since I'm your boss's boss, I can't return your sexual banter, but I will say for the record that if I were looking for a rattle, he would be taller, he would be better looking, he would be more evolved than a junior in high school..."

House smirked, "I prefer juniors in high school."

Sydney continued, "and he would be more than a self-loathing narcissist with a god complex, and yes, judging from what I got a glimpse of in the mirror when I walked in..." Sydney stepped in close, close enough to where House could smell her shampoo, as she put a hand on his chest, "he'd be bigger." She whispered, then leaned into his ear, "much." She turned and walked out the door leaving House speechless.

"Huh." He said to himself.


Cuddy and Sydney were sitting in her office as Sydney began going over everything she needed to fix, the only thing that was really an issue were some light fixtures. Once Sydney was done she turned to Cuddy and was about to speak when House barged into Cuddy's office.

"Sorry." Cuddy apologized, "this is-"

"Dr. House." Sydney smiled, "we've met."

Cuddy turned to Sydney in surprise but her eyes were fixed on House and his eyes were on Sydney. It was almost as if Cuddy wasn't in the room.

"Yes, she was in the men's room earlier." House stated.

Cuddy looked horrified, Sydney remained calm with House's banter.

Sydney turned to Cuddy, "examining his fixtures" she defended then turned to House, "I'm a bit of a micromanager." She said to him causing House to smirk at her pun.

"What did you need House?" Cuddy asked quickly feeling uncomfortable.

"Need a biopsy to determine if my patient is bleeding into her liver. But I mean, how serious can that be?" House said as he handed Cuddy the file.

Cuddy skimmed it briefly as House and Sydney exchanged looks.

"Fine." Cuddy said handing the file back to him.

House took it out of her hand without taking his eyes off Sydney. "By the way my fixtures remain available for further inspection." He said softly as he turned to leave.

Sydney laughed. Causing Cuddy to look at her suspiciously

"What? He's funny." Sydney said as she watched House walk out of the clinic


Sydney entered her new office as a board director and put a box of her things on her desk only to find a present was neatly placed in the center of it.

It was a blue box with a white ribbon neatly tied on top of it. She opened the lid and inside was a side mirror of a car, she read the inscription on the bottom that said 'objects in mirror appear smaller than they actually are'. She smiled and put the mirror on one of her shelves to display it to the world. She knew exactly who this was from.


Cuddy was in her office being productive. Almost too productive, in fact she has been ahead of her work for the first time since she hired House. This was mainly because she hasn't seen House. His entries into her office became less frequent until he seemed to just stop asking her for procedure sign offs in general. Once Cuddy made this realization she made her way to House's office to see why he stopped being the lunatic she hired.

As soon as her heels began clicking against the fourth floor she heard laughter coming from House's office. To her surprise he was chatting with Sydney.

"Cuddy, man of the hour. What can I do for you?" House said cheerfully.

Cuddy was taken aback by his happy demeanor, she expected him to be avoiding her because of their breakup not because of Sydney.

"Uh, just checking on your patient."

"A little late for that just solved it, thanks to Sydney here. It's why we're celebrating."

Sydney shook her head, "he's mocking me, I didn't do shit. You know, underneath that gruff exterior you really are a douchebag." She said with a slight smile as she took a sip of her liquor.

Cuddy felt like a third wheel listening to the banter, but was oddly frozen still not being able to resist the urge of listening in.

House laughed as he took a swig of bourbon. "You must have a thing for guys like that."

Sydney raised an eyebrow, "and what's your thing Dr. House?"

"You've already seen it."

Cuddy began blushing realizing she really shouldn't be here for this, it made it sting worse by the fact that they seem to have forgotten she was even in the room.

"Congratulations on solving your case." Cuddy said

House just nodded briefly before turning his attention back to Sydney.

Cuddy felt like dying as she walked out the room, she knew she was being over dramatic but she couldn't help it. She could have had House all to herself forever, but she threw away that chance because of one slip up. It made Cuddy's eyes water with grief, rage and jealously as she headed to her car thinking about how hindsight truly is 20/20.


Cuddy was bitter about how House barged into Sydney's office the way he used to barge into her own. She didn't even know why she subjected herself to watch House oogle over another woman.

"Have you heard? House and Sydney are the talk of the hospital." Wilson said as he put his lunch tray down joining Cuddy.

"Yeah. Apparently the latest news is that they're dating."

"Are they?"

"I wouldn't know." Cuddy said with a hint of sadness creeping out of her voice.

"I think it's good for him. He's on time to work every day now, he's less reckless..."

"He's on time?"

"Gets here before me some days. People are saying Sydney is the only woman capable of taming House."

Cuddy pierced her salad aggressively, "I thought I was the only one able to do that."

Wilson realized what he said was offensive to Cuddy and tried to make amends. "Cuddy, he's not dating her. If he was he'd run to tell me. If you really love him, I'd tell him soon before he decides to start."

"He already knows I love him. There's no point." Cuddy said

Wilson sighed, "you broke up with him, he was begging that you'd take him back you refused. You dug your own grave on this but you still have a window of opportunity to get him back."

Cuddy bit her lip, Wilson was right. This was her only chance. "Will you come with me? On a date with House? I feel like it'd be less awkward."

"Of course. Call him after work invite him to a bar we've been meaning to try."


"Thank god you compensate." Sydney said as she entered House's office.

"I do?" House asked without looking up from his case file.

"Your crotch rocket parked out front. I wanted to find the owner but realized you were the only one with something that needed…" Sydney sat in the chair across from House's desk and intentionally uncrossed her legs giving House a glimpse of her lips as she whispered, "compensation."

House smirked, looking back onto his file, "you came all this way just to insult me? I'm honored. Why did you need to know who to owns the bike?"

"I have this dream to ride a motorcycle with a handsome man to grab onto."

House smiled and removed his reading glasses and clasped his hands together on the desk, "handsome? I thought you were interested in taller, better looking men."

Sydney leaned over his desk seductively, "I'm not wearing my heels today."

House smirked, "a ride on my bike or...?"

Sydney put a finger to his lips stopping him from continuing, "both."


House and Sydney were passionately making out in House's living room moving quickly to the bedroom. They danced around each other as they removed clothes while still remaining joined at the mouth. House's phone went off causing Sydney to moan in annoyance into his mouth and slap his chest gently.

"Ignore it." She whispered into him

House was tempted to, but he just dropped his newest case on the team and he was sure it was the ducklings calling for backup.

"One minute." He whispered as he fetched his phone out.

"Hello?" He said in the most professional tone he could muster.

"House? It's Cuddy."

As soon as he heard her voice he knew it wasn't a medical case and his brain began to lose interest as his blood went elsewhere.

"Listen I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight."

"Mmhmm." House moaned as Sydney began slowly and softly kissing him once again.

"Really? Okay, wonderful. It will be me you and Wilson."

As Cuddy continued telling him the location and time to meet, Sydney had already unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down slowly as she wrapped her lips around his shaft causing House to moan softly in euphoria.

"Yeah. Uh yeah, sounds good." He mumbled not being able to keep a coherent thought.

"Great! I'll see you in two hours. Bye." Cuddy said cheerfully

"Yeah." House said to the dial tone not fully registering the conversation was over.

The phone fell to the floor as he pulled Sydney up into her feet and slammed her into the wall sliding her back against it towards the bed. They didn't make it that far and made love on the floor behind his couch, the fact that his door was still unlocked made the sex more exciting.


House began putting back on his t shirt as Sydney remained on the floor, wrapping herself in his blue button down.

"Where are you off to in such a rush?"

"Oh, Cuddy called, she wants me to go to a bar with her or something."

"Can I come?" Sydney asked innocently.

"I... don't think so."

"Oh come on, she's not intimidated by me is she?"

House chuckled, as he reached for his jeans. Sydney grabbed his hand stopping him from picking them up. "Are you in love with her?"

"I don't know." House said nervously as he began putting on his jeans.

"It's a yes or no question."

House sat on the edge of the couch, "maybe. I mean, I do. But I feel like it won't work out so what's the point."

Sydney nodded, "do you feel like we'd work out?"

House shrugged, "I feel like I can be myself with you, we're basically the same person."

"Who do you have to be for Cuddy?"

"Someone else I guess."

"Sooo. Do you want to date me?"

The question was a valid one, they have been spending almost every waking second together for the past month and now they're talking about feelings after sex, an activity they both don't entirely enjoy much.

"I feel like I have more in common with you."

"So you feel like we'd work out."

House nodded, "I don't have the fear that we'd break up like I did with Cuddy."

Sydney stood up and sat on his lap leaning her head on his shoulder, "I don't want to make this more complicated, but I'd be happy to date you."

"Just like that?" House asked with a raised eyebrow

"Yeah, just like that." Sydney smiled as she leaned back forcing them both to fall onto the couch.