The farm was in chaos. Christmas decorations were strewn all over the place, Chris was chasing Shelby around the farmhouse, Jon who was just starting to crawl was causing his own brand of trouble, Lois and Clark were busy trying to bring order to the chaos, his Mom was busy getting all the cooking done, and Conner was using a can of whipped cream as a mic as he sang Christmas carols.

All in all, it was a regular day at the Kent farm.

"Conner, you can sing later. Make sure Jon gets back into his playpen and make sure he stays there until everything is done. Chris, stop chasing Shelby! Help me clear out this mess! Clark, are all the decorations been brought down from the attic?" Lois was getting a little impatient and frustrated with how much chaos that was occurring around the farm. So she decided to bring in a little military discipline.

Conner set the can aside, scooped up Jon and placed him in this playpen. Jon pouted for a minute before being distracted by his toys. Soon he was absorbed in one of his toys, pressing various buttons that made noises and caused the toy to light up in different colours.

With Jon occupied, Lois and Clark quickly delegated some of the more manageable decorating tasks to Chirs and Conner.

Conner had already celebrated Christmas with them before, but this would be the first time for Chirs and Jon.

Chris once again wanted to hear the story behind the holiday. He was so curious about this new planet that he was on, and he wanted to learn as much as he could about it. He was particularly fascinated by the 'Baby's First Christmas' ornaments that were placed on the lower branches of the tree.

One of them was Clark's, another was Lois'; there was one for Jon, one for Chris and one for Conner as well. Conner had appreciated the sentiment when he had first gotten the ornament, though he protested the 'baby' part of it.

Chris had been surprised when Lois and Clark had presented him with his own ornament.

"But why?" he asked them.

"You're part of our family now Chris," said Clark. "So you get an ornament as well."

Chris smiled, tracing the outline of the ornament. "Family. My family." He was still trying to get a hang on the English language, but he was doing much better now that he was when he first arrived.

Conner opened up the last box. "It's time for the star. We always save the best for the last." He handed Lois and Clark the star and went to pick up Jon from his playpen. "Come on, little guy. You need to see this as well."

His mother came forward, camera raised, ready to take pictures.

As per tradition, Lois and Clark placed the star on the tree together.

The family had dinner, sang Christmas carols consumed tons of hot chocolate and eggnog and finally settled down to watch It's a Wonderful Life.

Clark couldn't help but think of the way his and George Baily's lives were similar. Neither of them got what they wanted when they were younger, but what they did get was so much more valuable - a loving family.

And just like George Baily, with his family around, Clark felt like the richest man in town.