HI! I had this idea on a whim once upon a night probably (I can't remember) and that's pretty much all there is to it. Well, that and I basically imagined the InuYasha cast in Pretty Woman, with a few edits here and there.

Full summary: Sango Taijiya doesn't have time for love. Point blank. Not to brag, but she's the CEO and founder of the biggest multinational conglomerate that specializes in armor and weapons making, and as such, she simply doesn't have the time of day for a love life. Her best friend Kagome Higurashi is worried for her, and one day hires a male sex worker, Miroku Houshi, to 'satisfy her needs'. He is to charm her out of her designer Tahari pantsuit, and slowly dismantle the emotional barrier she has put up around her heart.

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, all rights are reserved for Rumiko Takahashi and affiliates.

Chapter one: Craigslist To The Rescue


A punch. "Yeah?" One more.

"Don't ya think you should-" Kagome flinches as Sango lands another fierce punch to the punching bag, hoping it doesn't break. This is the fifth one in two months. "-maybe take it easy?" She continues, and thankfully, her friend stops battering the equipment long enough to give her her full attention. "Hear me out, okay? I know you're a CEO and you're constantly busy, but you've gotten maybe twelve hours of sleep in a collective three days, and it's showing." The blackette gestures openly at the dark circles under Sango's eyes that she has been trying to hide under expensive concealer.

"You know I can't do that." Sango rebukes, although she doesn't deny her lack of sleep. It would be pretty hard to anyway, what with how much of her Mac concealer has been artfully caked on her face in an attempt to hide the evidence of her long hours. Kagome's jaw clenches, her nostrils subtly flaring as she narrows her dark eyes at her friend.

"Do I? Sango, PLEASE just take a day or two off! Let your assistant handle things for once! You are going to run yourself into an early grave; I would know!" Kagome isn't kidding. As the first-born child of Mamoru and Sakurako Higurashi, she was the heir to the Higurashi Corporation, which meant she also had to bear the intense weight of an entire business on her shoulders. Souta was lucky he was so bad at math, he'd never inherit the company, and thus never have to know the absolutely mind-numbing horror of running a corporation. If anyone would know the horrors of being the benefactor and CEO of a multimillion dollar conglomerate company, it would be Kagome. Sango lets Kagome drag her to the bench and sit her down, clasping the older girl's wrapped hands in hers.

"Sango, you're not just ignoring your own health, you're ignoring us. Everyone's so busy lately. Ever since Aya started her Lunar Rainbow line, she's been too wrapped up in fashion shows and interviews and late-night designing sessions to hang out. And with Rin being the number one wedding planner in Tokyo, she can't hang out either. You know she's still up to her neck in issues with Kagura Kaze and Sesshomaru Takashi's upcoming wedding, right? Kagura is nice and all, but she's a bridezilla if I've ever seen one, and she's running poor Rin ragged. I can't even rely on my parents or brother either. Mama and Daddy are in Italy on important business, and Souta is constantly training since he was signed with the Samurai Blues. The last thing I heard from him was almost a month ago! He's engaged. I only heard thanks to him calling at four am to scream that 'she said yes!'. Let Serina handle things for once. You know she's dying to help you any way she can." Kagome doesn't enjoy guilting people into bending to her whim unless she felt it was necessary. And this was necessary. So she pulled up her patent-pending, one-hundred percent success rate Puppy-Dog-Eyes™ and turned them immediately on her friend. Sango held out admirably, but after a few seconds, she relented with a world-worn sigh.

"You're a devil, you know that right?"

"Yes," Kagome agrees amiably, "But I also know that I'm a correct devil, and that makes all the difference."

"Ugh! Fine, you little devil. I'll take the day off." And with this, Kagome is all smiles, clapping her hands exuberantly.

"Great! Take a shower, get changed, and meet me in the lobby! Don't you dare go back to work today either, or I'll call your mother!" Kagome then skips out of the training room, leaving Sango sitting on the bench and cursing her friend mentally.

In the elevator ride down, Kagome smirks to herself. Sango's a tough person, period. Twisting her arm is a very hard thing to do, even as her best friend. But, she's also wicked smart, and can find a loophole in almost anything. Kagome knows her best friend. She'll take the day off, like she said she would, but then she'd be right back at the same old grind of a twelve hour work day by tomorrow. And that's a slow day for her.

An old woman gets on the elevator from floor five, a rambunctious seventy five year old by the name of Amaya. "Hi, Amaya." Kagome greets with a smile. Amaya is great. She's not like any other elderly woman Kagome's ever known. She's wild and rambunctious and refuses to be told what to do.

"Hello, dear. How's your day been?"

"Alright, except my best friend, that huge CEO, isn't giving herself enough breaks and I'm wracking my brain trying to find a way for her to chill out." Amaya stares at her for several seconds, and then one of the oddest things comes out of her mouth.

"Why not try the 'Pretty Woman' angle?" Kagome gives the woman a double take.

"The what?" Amaya laughs.

"The Pretty Woman angle. Don't tell me you've never heard of it!" At Kagome's dumbfounded look, Amaya sighs. "You remember how Vivian was hired to pretend to be Edward's girlfriend, right?" Kagome nods. "Well why not try that now? Craigslist it or something, I'm sure there's someone in need of a job, and it sounds like your friend needs to learn how to take a break." The elevator reaches ground floor and Amaya stalks out with a spring in her step, grinning at Kagome over her shoulder. "You'll figure it out, Sweetie. Tata!"

Numbly, the black-haired woman steps out of the elevator, the gears in her head turning as she pieces through what she's just heard. A smirk spreads across her lips as a plan, a nefarious one, is hatched in her brain, and she grabs her phone from her purse.

Craigslist, huh?

And that's chapter one! Join me next time because this is gonna be a wild ride! Tell me what you think of this idea!
