Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, all rights are reserved for Rumiko Takahashi and affiliates.

Chapter three: And the Urgent Care too

"Grande double shot mocha!" Miroku sighs, standing and going to the counter. "Venti triple shot dark roast!" He grabs his order, vaguely noting the hand of a woman reaching for the other cup that was just placed on the counter.

As he's grabbing his jacket, he notices that the woman he'd seen at the counter is none other than the one Kagome needed him to 'woo'. Lovely. How's he going to do this? Suave one-liner or the classic 'you dropped this' move?

His question is answered all too quickly as he bumps into her on accident, somehow managing to spill both his coffee and hers all on himself. He yelps, already feeling the scorching pain of scalding hot coffee soaking his shirt and burning his skin. "Oh my god! Are you okay?" He hears her ask and he shakes his head in a firm 'NO'. "Come with me, there's an Urgent Care across the street!" He lets her drag him out of the coffee shop and over to the medical facility, hearing pretty much nothing but white noise. His skin still burns, and his shirt is uncomfortably hot, and he can't tell if the November air is making him feel better or not. All he knows is that even from the back, she's beautiful.

She's gorgeous at any angle. Thank god Kagome didn't set him up to romance some withered crone.


They ended up spending a few hours at that Urgent Care. And getting treated for burns hurts like hell, Miroku discovered. It was about thirty minutes after being taken to a room to be seen that Sango had dipped out into the hall to call her assistant. It couldn't have taken more than five minutes before she was returning to the patient room where Miroku's chest was being treated for those first degree burns. She hoped he wouldn't sue, that wouldn't do her or the reputation of her company any good. "You know, Miss, I know I'm hot stuff, but the coffee was a bit unnecessary." He grins at her cheekily and she blinks owlishly, wondering if he's maybe gone into shock from the pain or just naturally that ridiculous.

Seeing an opportunity, Miroku gains the nurse's attention. "Excuse me, Miss? Could I please get a Band-Aid?" Locking eyes with Sango, he grins wildly. "Because I scraped my knees when I fell for her." He watches with a mad grin on his face as Sango's flushes a pretty pink, still shell-shocked.

The nurse giggles indulgently. "Well Miss," She says to Sango, "You sure have a sweet-talker for a boyfriend." Shocked and unsure of how to respond, she keeps her mouth shut. Miroku grins to himself, expression only breaking as the skin on his chest tingles painfully.

After finally being discharged, Miroku and Sango are making their way out of the building. "I'm still very sorry, Mister Houshi. Honestly." She says genuinely.

"That's alright. You didn't have to pay for my bill, though." He smiles. The bandages on his chest are itchy. Miroku can feel a couple of aspirin calling his name at home.

"Of course I did, it was the right thing to do. I spilled my coffee on you, so it's only right that I pay for your treatment." Rooting around in her purse for a moment, she yanks out a card. "This is the number for my office. In case you need insurance information, just call that." She says, awkwardly handing him the card. His hand is careful to brush against hers as he retrieves it, giving her a charming wink.

"You have my eternal gratitude, My Lady." He purrs, watching as her face turns bright red.

"Y-yes, well, uh..Have a good day!" She sputters, whirling around and making a speedy exit. He watches her leave, grinning wildly.

This'll be one fun job.

Well, I'm sorry that took so long, and that this chapter is so short! I'm sort of strung thin at the moment, what with The Lucky Seven and All In The Family. I also have two other WIP's that I need to tend to.

Thanks for your patience, and I'll be back with a hopefully longer chapter soon!

-Silver Sin