Chapter Thirty-six

Evan Cole Delko and Ethan Carter Delko made their grand entrance days ahead of their due date. Each weighed slightly over six pounds. Their parents were over the moon. The birth took less than eight hours. And Eric Delko got to help deliver his boys. It was the surreal and emotional experience his best friend and boss had said it was. Their complexation was fairer but they had their father's dark hair and eyes.

"They are beautiful boys," Aimee said scrolling through the pictures sent to her by the thrilled new papa.

Kyle laughed but agreed. "Do they make you and dad want another one?"

His father was at work, getting the same images. Kyle wondered what effect the photos were having on the man. They said they didn't plan to have more children but Kyle personally wouldn't put it past his parents. Hunter being just nine months old helped stop any "baby fever" Aimee might get. It had nothing to do with how quickly Hunter was born either. She had her plate full. Especially with Rachel starting kindergarten in September. It was hard enough to care for two children while pregnant, let alone three.

"There's always that if and we don't see it in the cards," Aimee smiled. "Sorry to disappoint you."

Kyle did know what that if meant; his parents wouldn't terminate any pregnancy for convenience.

"So we're still getting a dog when he's about two?" Kyle said, gesturing to Hunter who was in his play area.

"Yes. Your father is still out voted, remember?"

Horatio could admit it. If he didn't have an eight-month-old at home he would likely be trying to talk his wife into having another baby right now. His godsons were adorable. It was an unbelievable feeling to hold your newborn for the first time, especially skin-to-skin. With a little bit of help Eric had been able to hold both his newborn babies to his bare chest. Eric looked so happy in that photo, taken by Calleigh, and only sent to him and Aimee because they had felt that moment. Since Eric's family would visit the hospital the following day Calleigh told Horatio that he and Aimee were next up tp meet their boys once they were all settled in at home. They wouldn't bring the girls for a few weeks, even though Eric and Calleigh wanted them to. The Caines had experience, the new parents were exhausted enough. They didn't need a thousand questions for two little girls. Horatio had a feeling that Eric and Calleigh would have more children now that they were started.

Coming home to a full house was never something Horatio expected. Not when he met his son, or when he met his wife. Now it was something he couldn't see his life without. Age was nothing but a number. If he had let that hold himself back he would still be just existing, not living. A leap of faith paid off.

"So, this dog thing," Horatio said, brushing his wife's hair after meeting Ethan and Evan Delko. Another baby might have out but a new addition with four paws wasn't. "Do I get a say in it's name?"

"You can argue with your daughters about that. Besides Our little man next door will be in his terrible twos before that happens. Tell me something," his wife said. "We got called a modern family earlier today. Does that bother you?"

For Horatio, as long as it included four of his favorite people. He didn't what they were called but to him they were just family.

And they had been worth the wait.

Well,ˆreaders, this story has come to an end. I hope you all enjoyed it. I am worrying on a sequel in pre-Trump and COVID-19 world. Stay safe, everybody!