Disclaimer: I own nothing except my imagination

A/N: Thanks to everyone who left a review on the last chapter. Alright so I thought that this story was done but while I did some cleaning in my files, I found a chapter 3 where Kevin gives Roman a piece of his mind.

Kim slipped out of the bullpen and into the locker room at the end of the day. It had been a long and eventful day and she was more than ready to go home. She stuffed her clothes in her locker and changed into a pair of flats, her boots cutting into her ankles for an unknown reason. When she closed her locker, she finally got a good look at her hand. Her knuckles had bruised from the right hook she had landed on Sean's cheek. She didn't even feel the pain until now. She ghosted her knuckles with her fingers and sighed.

"Everything okay?" She turned around and found Kevin leaning against a row of lockers.

"Yeah, everything is fine." She smiled at him.

"What do you call that then?" He pointed to her hand.


"Those bruised knuckles ain't nothing Burgess."

"I sort of clocked Sean this morning."

"Say that again?"

"He was accusing Adam of not being man enough to be in a relationship and I sort of yelled at him and he kind of grabbed my wrist as I tried to leave and I sort of turned around and punched him in the mouth."

"He did what again?"

"It's nothing Kev, just let it go."

"And what exactly do you think Ruzek will do when he sees those bruises on your knuckles and the finger marks on your wrists?" Kim pulled her sweater down immediately, not having realized that they were visible. "You know that boy will lose his shit more than he already did and that ain't going to end well."

"I know. That's why you are not going to tell him anything." She stood up and grabbed her coat.

"No way, nuh uh. Burgess, I ain't lying to him."

"And I'm not doing this." She walked past him and went to join Adam that was finishing up some report. "I'm ready to go home."

"I'm almost done."

"I'll see you later at Molly's? Kevin eyed Kim as he walked up to his desk.

"Yes, I'll swing by later." Kevin patted his shoulder and was out of the bullpen, one destination on his mind. If Kim didn't want to tell Adam that was her deal but he was going to make sure that the reason that she was hurt was going to regret laying one finger on her. The drive wasn't all that long because he knew he was staying at a hotel in the outskirts of the city. His badge helped him get the room number and Kevin climbed the rooms two at a time. He walked the halls and when he found the number he was looking for, he started banging on the door. His patience was nowhere in sight and when no one answered the door, he banged on it harder.

"Sean Roman, open the door, I know you're in there." His voice echoed in the empty hall but he didn't care who heard.

Sean stepped out of the shower as the banging on his door started. His body was hurting everywhere and Kim's right hook had done nothing to help. After the previous night at the Silos, he wasn't looking to stay in Chicago longer than he needed so he was heading back out of town later that evening after having a visit with his sister. The banging was loud and he was more than willing to let the person on the other side bang until their face became blue but when the person talked, he had no doubt that it was a hostile visit. He got dressed and went to face the man head on.

"Someone doesn't answer, you stop knocking and you leave them the hell alone." Sean opened the door, but Kevin pushed directly past him.

"And when someone tell you to leave her alone, you stay the hell away from her." He stopped in the middle of the room and turned to face him.

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to talk to her before I left."

"So, talking becomes bruised knuckles and bruises around her wrist?" Kevin took a step forward and something in his eyes made Sean take a step back.

"She's the one that hit me, I just wanted to talk."

"How about you get out of town before I feel the need to finish what Ruzek started last night."

"So I get it." Sean finally found his arrogance once again in the face of Kevin even though he knew he could be in another world of pain. "Ruzek can't even show his own face and deal with this like the joke of a man that he is."

"Oh trust me." Kevin smirked. "You get me because Ruzek doesn't know about it because you wouldn't be standing right now."

"I'm flattered." Sean rolled his eyes and tried to turn his back on Atwater to tell him the discussion was over but Kevin wouldn't let him get away with it that easily so he spun him back around to face him, taping a step forward in Sean's personal space.

"Don't flatter yourself too much Roman. Kim, Adam and the baby that they're expecting together." He emphasized on the together. "Are going to be just fine without you causing trouble anymore."

"Ruzek, a dad." He scoffed. "He's going fuck that kid up so bad that he's going to need therapy just to get over it." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Atwater's fist connected with his jaw and he fell to the ground with a thud.

"Get out of my city because I see you here again and I promise that whatever Ruzek did to you will seem like a walk in the park." Kevin didn't even wait to get a reaction out of the very stunned Roman before he left. He returned to his place to Adam waiting for him on his front steps.

"Took you long enough." He smirked.

"Had some errands to run." He walked past him and unlocked his door, Adam following close behind.

"That errand have a name?" He was pretty sure he knew where his best friend had gone while he made sure Kim made it home.

"I'm only looking out for my family." He shrugged, grabbing two beers and handing one to Adam. "No one puts their hand on our girl of the little homie she's carrying, simple as that."

"Thanks for looking out, uncle Kev." Adam smirked, raising his bottle in a toast.

"It's surreal Ruz. You're gonna be a dad." The two of them sat at the kitchen table.

"I hope I'll be a decent dad." He mused. "I know Kim will be a kick ass mom." He grinned. He had all the faith in the world in her.

"How's that going with Burgess?"

"We're good. We came to an agreement."

"You still love her don't you?"

"I do, always will. I'm going to do everything to do right by her and this baby. If a relationship comes out of it, even better but that's down the road. I'm going into this with my eyes wide open."

"Good to hear and don't sell yourself short, you'll be a great dad."

"Good to know someone has faith in me."

"I've got your back." He clapped a hand on Adam's shoulder and the two of them stayed in a rare moment of silence. "All three of yours."

"That's love." He nodded. "No one I'd rather have watching our six."

"Till the end."

"Till the end." Adam finished his beer and stood. "I promised Burgess I'd pick her up for Molly's."

"I'll be there." Kevin stood and walked Adam to the door. "I'll see you later.

"Later." Their handshake was a well-practiced move and Adam let himself out. He drove back home and got in the shower, ready to wind down and just relax with his friends. He wanted to forget about Sean Roman ever coming into town and disrupting their lives but he was glad that the truth was out in the open now and it was finally time to move onto a new chapter.

Adam changed in Kim's favourite flannel and pulled on some jeans, deciding on his favourite pair of Converse before he was out the door, firing a text to Kim saying that he was on his way. She had promised that she'd be ready by the time he got there but he was not as convinced she would be. He knocked on her door and when she let him in, she was wearing her robe, heading into her room to change.

"I'm almost done." She yelled from behind her door.

"We're in no hurry." He called back to her, heading straight for her fridge and a Pilsner. He took a first swig and waited patiently for Kim to return.

"I'm sorry about that." She walked out of her room. "I had a little incident." She had emptied pretty much all the food she had eaten all day upon arrival and she stayed in her shower longer than she should have.

"It's okay darling." He smiled at her. "Something I can help with?" He set his bottle down and walked to her.

"Make this morning sickness stop?" She rolled her eyes, the word morning not applying on most days.

"Sorry about that, I wish I could." He pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. "You look beautiful."

"You're just saying that to get in my pants." She chuckled.

"Just on your good side." He smirked. "Ready to go?" He gently rubbed the bruises against her wrist, a silent agreement about not talking about it passing through them after they had raised their voices earlier about it.

"Not until you tell me what happened between Kevin and Roman."

"I don't know what happened between the two."

"You want to be on my good side?" She countered. "Tell me what happened between Atwater and Roman."

"Kev didn't tell me what happened between him and Roman but I know he's got our backs, all three of ours."

"That decision is pretty much a given right?

"Never had a doubt in my mind." As soon as Kim had told him she was pregnant, he knew that Kevin would be their kid's godfather. "Ready to go now?" He questioned.

"Yeah." She smiled at him "Wouldn't want him to wait for us now would we?" He released her wrist and followed her and waited for her to lock up behind them and he drove them both to Molly's where Kevin was already waiting for them with a beer for Adam and a soda for her.

"Burgess." He pulled her into a hug. "How you feeling?"

"Oh no we're not doing that Kev." She pulled out of his embrace. "I have enough hovering from this one." She pointed to Adam who was already downing his beer. "The two of you will not gang up on me." She pointed an accusatory finger between the two of them.

"Oh trust me." Adam snorted in laughter. "There will be hovering and you will be fed up by the two of us, no matter what you say darling." He was damn proud to throw it back in her face that he would be by her side every step of the way.

"Oh God please help me." She sighed dramatically and Kevin pulled her into his side before letting her slide in the stool next to him.

"Uncle Kev is taking this job seriously."

"You mean Godfather." Kim smiled at Adam and nudged Kevin's shoulder.

"Hell yeah." Their best friend was excited and they spent the rest of the evening laughing and rewinding, the next few months a brand new experience for the brand new family.

A/N: Alright so as I was writing the last parts of my chapter, I realized that making it a three part story would not be enough because I sort of took a different path than my original one so I hope you liked this one and be prepared to have some Burzek co-parenting coming your way and lots and lots of hovering from the boys. Please take a few seconds to review before you go, your thoughts mean the world to me. - Sarra