Naruto has improved somewhat after the training with trainer-san. The improvement is not noticeable to people that don't look for it, but it's still there. The improvement was mainly focused on the body. Naruto's punches and kicks were very weak since he hadn't done much strength training, and his ramen addiction didn't help that fact one bit.

Naruto's kicks and punches were still one the weaker side but were much better than before. It may not seem impressive, but Naruto has at least improved to the level of an average civilian academy student. Which is much better than being dead last.

Currently, Naruto was sitting on his bed, thinking about the start of the academy tomorrow. Every year the start of the academy was one of the worst times of the year for Naruto. Since everyone knew that he was held back, and often insulted him. Sure, he was insulted all throughout the year., but the beginning was worse.

"Damn, why did I have to fail the darn test" Naruto muttered to himself. Each year he had failed the same exact test. At first, he failed everything on the test, but the second time he only failed half of the test, and this time he had only failed the clone part of the test. Even though he was close to failing the other test. If he could get a perfect score on one of the tests. That should balance out the fail from the clone test.

"Well, I guess there is no use worrying about it now," Naruto said with a little more motivation. "Might as well just make some ramen, and go to sleep. I can deal with tomorrow's problems tomorrow" Naruto said while getting up.

Naruto walked over to his box of ramen. He used to have more, but Aka took them away. He said that he can only have a box per month. So, he uses his ramen more carefully. He grabbed a cup of ramen and proceeded to place it on the table. He poured some sink water into the electric kettle. Then he turned it on, after a while, it started to boil, and create steam.

Naruto poured the now boiling water into the cup of ramen and put a small plate to cover the cup ramen. He sat down on the couch, counting every second. After reaching 180 seconds he stood back up and grabbed the ramen. He got out the chopsticks and proceeded to eat the ramen.

After he finished eating his ramen, he got up and changed into his night-wear. He went into his bed with the moon shining brightly over Konoha. He closed his eyes and realized. He couldn't sleep.

"DAMN IT!" Naruto yelled. He then realized it was 1 AM, and he may have disturbed some people. He cringed inside and hoped that he hadn't woken anyone. He knew that he would need the sleep for tomorrow to have a chance to make an impression that wasn't bad. This hadn't happened before, so Naruto didn't really know what to do.

After trying, and failing to go to sleep. He changed into his day day-wear and walked to the Uzumaki Hideout, or as Naruto called it, UHON, which starts for Uzumaki Hideout of Naruto. Aka did say that was a selfish name but never told Naruto to stop using it. So, he didn't stop. Naruto quite liked the sound of UHON.

Naruto walked to the path in the forest. Naruto understood how UHON would be very hard to find without any directions, and basically near impossible to find on accident. The path there had many curves, and at one point you had to get off the path to get there. When I'm talking about a "path" it was more like a line of rocks that you would have to follow, since a real path would be too obvious.

Once Naruto was at UHON, all he had to do was put his hand on a seal right next to the door. This seal would read if you were an Uzumaki. If you were it would open the door, if you weren't it would shoot kunai at you. You can add people that would be allowed to come in. Just like giving a spare key to your home to a friend.

Once Naruto was inside the building he went straight to the dojo. He put his hand on the blue orb and came trainer-san. "Naruto-sama, I would always like to train with you, but doesn't it seem quite late?" Trainer-san asked questioningly

"That is the reason I came here" Naruto replied while putting his hands behind his back in an embarrassed manner. "I couldn't really sleep, so I decided to come here and train a little bit. Then I will hopefully I will be tired enough to go to sleep" Naruto added it

" Then shall we do a light spare?" Trainer-san asked hopefully. Trainer-san's favorite way to train Naruto was by sparing him.

"Seems about right to me," Naruto said, getting into the basic academy stance. This is already a major improvement since Naruto used to not have any style. He was more of a brawler, trying to outlast his enemies, and not caring if he got hit if he could land a hit. There were many problems, but first of all, Naruto couldn't even do that correctly. Brawler's need to be able to hit their enemy two times harder than their enemy could hit them. Naruto couldn't do that at the time.

"Then let's begin," trainer-san said had she sent out a punch

Naruto dodged the punch by jumping up in the air, but before Naruto could land. Trainer-san grabbed his foot and threw him on the ground. Trainer-san then tried to land a kick on Naruto's stomach while he was down, but Naruto barely rolled out of the kick. He then quickly stood up and tried to land his own kick which was parried by Trainer-san's arm.

They both then jumped back to gain some distance. "Doomed Needles!" Trainer-San yelled. 30 needles then shoot directly at Naruto. "Substation Jutsu!" Naruto yelled barely avoiding getting hit by 30 needles. Damn, that would be a pain in the ass. "I see you have improved on the substation Jutsu, but that still took far too long, and he had to yell it out, also I suggest you look behind you," Trainer-san said

Naruto turned around to see another trainer-san with a kunai in hand heading straight for Naruto. His senses kicked in and jumped far away from the second Trainer-san forget about the first one. Naruto was surprised to feel himself getting kicked straight towards the other trainer-san, but to his surprise, he went through her. Once he landed on the ground trainer-san grabbed both of his arms and put them to his back.

"DAMN IT! The clone Jutsu sucks" Naruto yelled in frustration for losing. This wasn't new by any means, but it was still annoying none of the less. Naruto really did hate losing to anyone, young or old. Hell, even a Hologram.

"So, what's all this yelling I hear while I'm trying to sleep?" Aka said, coming from seemingly nowhere. Aka can use the body flicker jutsu much better than most ninja's. He is so good at it that some people may confuse it with the 4th Hokage's flying thunder god jutsu.

"Sorry Aka," Both Trainer-san, and Naruto said. Trainer-san then disappeared into the blue orb. "Cheater" Naruto thought. "So, what are you doing here so late?" Aka asked

"Well, I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would come here, and train so I could get tired, and fall asleep. Naruto replied sheepishly. "Well, since I'm guessing you're tired now. I will let you sleep in the guest's room since it would take a while to get to your home, and you already lost enough sleep."

"Thank yo-" Naruto was about to say until he realized that he was now in the guest bed. "Go to sleep," Aka said and left the room

He was still in his day-wear, but that didn't matter much since it was so fluffy. Naruto thought about how cool, and bad tomorrow was going to be. After thinking for 20 minutes, Naruto was finally out cold.