Episode 9

Chris: Last time of Total Smash Island 2. The two teams looked to both be relaxed and had no care in the world. The Master Swords had won their second challenge in a row and banded together like an actual team to make sure they won their third challenge in a row. And then there was a Chaos Emeralds, they lost another team member, but they were really happy about it, considering it was Palutena who was eliminated. And yes, I will keep rubbing salt into the wounds. But their happiness was cut short by myself as I introduced their most gruelling challenge yet, a book writing challenge. Bet ya didn't see that one coming. The two teams were tasked for each of their team members to write as many pages as possible for a book in twenty four hours. All they needed to do to win the challenge was the get the most points at the end of the twenty four hours. But... I never told them how they would be earning their points. Which was a fairly good move on my part. During the challenge, it seems the wrath of Wolf once again struck as he was able to convince Corrin to not do any writing at all, which he knew would cost his team the challenge. Which in turn, after the twenty four hours were over, it was the Chaos Emeralds who came up victorious after Chrom stayed up for the whole thing. What a crazy dude. And because of Corrin not writing down a single word on a piece of paper, she was voted off. Though it seems she didn't leave quietly, as after the challenge, she blamed Wolf for her costing the Swords the challenge, which made Robin extra suspicious. But Will Robin find out the truth in time? Or will Wolf once again get away with the crime? And what painful challenge do I have in store for today? Find out right here, on Total... Smash... Island 2!


We see the two teams outside of their cabins. We first go over to the Swords where we see Daisy, Nana and Meta Knight all sitting down with Lucario and Wolf leaning against the cabin itself.

Nana: So….

Meta Knight: Back to losing ways huh?

Daisy: Looks like it.

Lucario: Still can't believe what happened in the last challenge. It still baffles me.

Meta Knight: Yeah. It almost seemed, out of character for someone like Corrin.

Nana: I thought she was super nice and a team player. I guess not.

Daisy: Hey, maybe we shouldn't be saying these things. She's still a nice person.

Wolf: I agree. We don't want to upset Robin any more than she was last time.

Meta Knight: Speaking of which… where is Robin?

They all look around to see that Robin is nowhere to be seen.

Lucario: Did anyone actually see her come out of the Cabin?

Wolf: I don't think so.

Nana: Perhaps she's still in there.

Meta Knight: Why don't you go check Daisy?

Daisy: Why me?

Wolf: Well out of everyone here, you're probably the person closest to her that wasn't Corrin.

Lucario: Plus, I don't think she wants to see the people who ultimately forced her best friend to leave the Island.

Daisy: I guess so. Alright, I'll go see how she is.

Daisy enters the girls' side of the Cabin. When she enters, she sees Robin laying on top of her bunk and looking dejected.

Daisy: Hey.

Robin: Hey.

Daisy: The rest of the team and I didn't see you come outside so they asked me to check up on you.

Robin: I'm fine.

Daisy: Now I know that's not true. Come on, you can tell me. What's bothering you.

Robin takes a deep breath and gets up to sit on her bunk.

Robin: I just… I'm just really confused, angry, sad and so many other emotions and it's driving me crazy.

Daisy: Okay, okay. Calm down. I understand that you're upset but you can't just act out like this.

Robin: I know, I just… I've known Corrin for years. She's been my best friend ever since we were young. I trust her with my life and in the last challenge she lied to me. She lied to my face. But despite that, I still didn't vote her off because I still feel that she's innocent.

Robin starts tearing up.

Robin: I just wish I was in Corrin's shoes so that I can know what happened to her. I just want her back.

Robin starts to cry but Daisy sits next to her and hugs her.

Daisy: It's okay. I know she's gone from the competition and what happened was awful. But I promise to you now, that I will be here for you and if Corrin is innocent, then I will help you find the real culprit.

Robin: Really?

Daisy: You have my word.

Robin wipes the tears away and smiles.

Robin: Thanks Daisy.

Daisy: You're welcome. Now how about we go back out and win some challenges.

Robin: Let's do it.


Robin: Yeah, I'm pretty bummed that Corrin is gone after costing us the last challenge. But right now, I need to focus on winning challenges again for the team and then making it all the way to the finals and winning the money.

Daisy: I'm glad I could help Robin feel better. But it really does make me think if Corrin is innocent or not. And even if she is, who's the one that framed her. She tried to tell us that Wolf convinced her. Maybe that's something to look into.

Wolf: Man, things are getting too easy. But getting one of my teammates best friends eliminated was a bit overkill. I think I need to take things a bit slower and start focusing on winning today's challenge.

*End of Confessional*

We then see that the Emeralds are just sitting around their Cabin relaxing.

Pac-Man: Man, it's nice to not worry about being eliminated.

Chrom: Well we still have to worry as we're never safe from elimination.

Mega Man: Yeah but it's just nice to not think about stuff. Even if it's for a short while.

Simon Belmont: I feel so relaxed that I don't think we even need to try in the challenge.

Snake: We can't get complacent. If we do then we'll be blind sided and one of us will lose the chance to win this competition and the money.

Inkling looks up at Snake with a determined smile.


Inkling: I hate it when people just get really lazy. But we're really lucky to have Snake and Chrom to make sure everyone is always alert.

Snake: I understand that we never get enough time to ourselves to rest, but there's a reason for it. We're in the middle of a competition. It's not exactly a paradise hotel. But it's a good thing that there are some people on this Island who are taking this seriously.

Chrom: As much as I want to help my team, I can't help but worry about Robin. After what Corrin did in the last challenge, Robin must be hurting since Corrin is her best friend.

*End of Confessional*

Chrom: Listen guys. I know Chris hasn't given us much time to think to ourselves. But that's just him trying to mess with out heads. If we allow him to do this, then none of us will win the money. So, let's keep focused and win this next challenge.

Snake: Well said Chrom.

Inkling: We'll do our best.

Mega Man: You're right Chrom.

Lucas: Yeah. We need to stay concentrated.

Pac-Man: And let's continue to win.

Simon Belmont: *Sighs* Sure, whatever.

They then see the Swords as Daisy and Robin walk out of the Cabin. Chrom smiles after seeing Robin smile. They then see Chris walk in.

Chris: Good morning campers. How are we all doing today?

No one says anything.

Chris: Hmm the silent treatment I'd feel the same way of my own teammate betrayed me and cost me the challenge.

Robin: *Angry* How dare you?!

Robin tries to get to Chris, but Daisy stops her.

Chrom: That was not cool to say Chris!

Chris: Hey, I had to find some way to get you all to talk. But if you failed that, then you may fail your next challenge. Please follow me.

They all follow Chris as he takes them to a stage that was used in the Total Drama Island talent competition where we see two tables on each side of the stage.

Chris: Today's challenge will be something that will test your endurance, tenacity and ability to last the longest.

Lucario: I swear they all mean the same thing.

Chris: Your challenge today…. Is a ten second challenge.


Meta Knight: Ten second challenge? I guess Chris couldn't think of a challenge to hurt us with this time.

Lucas: Phew. Looks like todays challenge will be a bit easier.

Inkling: Hmm, though the challenge sounds easy, something doesn't seem right.

Snake: This is obviously a trap to make us think its easy bit it's actually going to scar us.

*End of Confessional*

Chris: The challenge will work like this. Each team will choose a member to step forward and face a challenge where they need to survive for ten seconds. If they complete the challenge, then they stay in. But if they can't last the full ten seconds then they are out and will have to sit in the audience seats and watch their teammates be punished. The team that has at least one member left standing will win the challenge and their teams gains invincibility.


Wolf: Looks like a chose a good challenge to not try to get other eliminated.

Snake: Yep. Called it.

Lucas: Aww man. I thought today's challenge would be easy.

*End of Confessional*

Chris: Swords, since you lost the last challenge, you get to go first. Who's gonna go first?

They all look around, but they stay silent.

Robin: I'll do it.

They all looks at Robin with shock and gasps.

Chris: Always happy to see someone volunteer.

Daisy: Hey Robin. Are you sure you're okay with this?

Robin: Not really. But this is the best way for me to keep my mind off of Corrin and to help my team win.

Robin and Daisy smile at each other.

Lucario: You've got this Robin.

Nana: We're right behind you.

Meta Knight: You have out support.

Wolf: Go kick ass kid.

Robin walks forward as the teams take their seats behind the tables. They all then see a tv screen lower down.

Chris: On this screen is a list of over a hundred challenges. Chef over there will push the button to start the randomiser and then will stop it. And whichever the challenge is on the screen is the one that you have to do. Chef. Press the button.

Chef presses the button as the list of challenges flash past. Chef presses the button again and the list slows down until it stops.

Chris: Robin. Your challenge is the drink coffee which is over two hundred degrees. If you spill even one drop, you are eliminated. You can still back down of you want.

Robin looks scared and looks at her team. Daisy smiles at her and Robins looks back at Chris with determination.

Robin: Let's do this.

We see Robin sitting down on a chair as we see Chef carrying a pot by using Blacksmith tongs as the Pot is red hot. Chef gets ready to pout.

Chris: And your ten seconds starts… now!

Chef starts poring the coffee as Robin starts drinking and we see her mouth starting to burn and her eyes crying.

Chris: And…. stop pouring.

Chef stops as Robin tries to get her breath back.

Chris: And Robin has completed the first challenge.

The Swords cheers as Robin slowly walking over as Daisy giver her water.

Chris: Alright Emeralds, who will be the first victim.

Inkling: How about you Simon? You're a really tough guy.

Mega Man: Not to mention you fight demons all the time, so this will be easy for you right?

Simon Belmont: Ah yes, while that's true, I don't think I should do it.

Snake: And why not?

They all look at Simon with both suspicious and confused looks as Simon Belmont tries to not loom nervous.

Simon Belmont: Well… it's because… if I go first it might give the other team hope that they can do the challenge as well. We should send someone like Lucas first to maybe warm us up before the best goes last.

Snake and Chrom looks at Simon Belmont with anger

Snake: You can't be serious.

Lucas: It's fine guys. I'' take one for the team.

Chris: Alright Lucas, let's see what challenge you will face.

The randomiser starts and then stops.

Chris: Your challenge is to sit in a bathtub and allow spider to crawl all over you.

We cut to Lucas in a bath as Chef stand over him with a box.

Lucas: The Spiders aren't venomous, are they?

Chris: I don't know. We never really checked. And… start.

Chef drops the Spiders in, and Lucas looks scared and a Spider crawls into his shorts.

Lucas: One crawled into my shorts. Get it out!

He jumps out of the bath and gets the spider out of his shorts and sighs in relief.

Chris: Great job for not getting bitten Lucas. But you only lasted six seconds which means you are out of the competition. Time to sit in the audience.

Lucas dejectedly walks to the audience seats and sits down.


Simon Belmont: There is no way I am doing this challenge. As ling as my team pull their weight, this challenge is in the bag. But getting rid of the dead weight isn't too bad.

Wolf: If that was an indication of how their team will handle this challenge, then we've got this won no problem.

*End of Confessional*

Chris: Robin took the heat, while Lucas crawled his way to the losers' bench. But which team will win the challenge? Who can survive the most challenge? And will any of them leave without any damage to their bodies? Find out when we return, on Total…. Smash…. Island 2!


Chris: Welcome back to Total Smash Island 2. Before the break, the teams were introduced to their challenge where they each member has to survive a random challenge for ten seconds, otherwise, they are out of the challenge. The team with the last member standing win the challenge. Robin was the first member for her team and passed the challenge where she drank two hundred degree coffee. How are you doing over there Robin?

We see Robin has gone through fifteen bottles of water.

Robin: Leave me alone.

Chris: Glad to hear it. And Lucas was the first member for the Emeralds but couldn't stay in a bathtub with possible venomous spiders. But now, it's time for team Swords to pick a members.

Lucario: I'll do it.

Chris: Alright let's see what your challenge is?

The randomiser starts and then stops.

Chris: Your challenge is to be hit by golf balls for ten seconds.

We then see Chef dressed up as a golfer and has a small ball launcher full of golf balls.

Chris: And… go!

The balls start flying and Lucario dodges some but gets hit all over.

Chris: And… stop!

The machine stops and Lucario looks dizzy and in pain.

Chris: And Lucario passes his test. Emeralds your up.

Pac-Man: You're up Simon.

Simon Belmont: Um… well I…

Chrom: Let me guess. You can't do it.

Simon Belmont: Exactly. I'm glad you understand.

They all roll their eyes.

Snake: It's fine. I'll go.

Chris: Alright Snake your challenge is…

The randomiser starts and stops.

Chris: To eat the hottest chilli pepper in the world and not cry.

Chef comes in wearing a quarantine outfit and takes out the hottest chilli pepper which is glowing red and is in flames.

Chris: And… go!

Snake takes a bite and stand still with a stern look despite sweating.

Chris: And that's ten seconds. Snake is still in.

The Emeralds cheers.

Chris: Snake, there will be some water and milk waiting for you at your table.

Robin: Hey, how come I didn't get that?

Chris: Because your team lost the last challenge. So, deal with the consequences. Anyway, who's next?

We cut to the randomiser stopping.

Chris: Be feed by a mother bird.

We see Chef carrying a mother bird with Nana in a nest and being feed but runs away and throws up. We get to the randomiser stops again.

Chris: Get a paper cut and pour lemon juice into it.

We see Inkling being but by paper and then has lemon juice poured into it and cries. We see the randomiser stop again.

Chris: Be showered by hot sauce.

We cut to Daisy in a shower and having hot sauce showering her but with her body being slightly burned. We once again see the randomiser stopping.

Chris: Swim, with jellyfish.

We see Pac-Man in a pool and then gets stung and runs out. We go to the randomiser stopping again.

Chris: Live through strong winds.

We see a giant fan with Meta Knight trying to walk through it but getting blown away and over his teammates. We see the randomiser stop again.

Chris: Ride the world hardest mechanical bull.

We see Mega Man riding the bull but immediately falling off. The randomiser stops again.

Chris: Get pelted by hail.

We see Wolf being pelted by hail but her seems to stay standing. We cut to the randomiser one more time as it stops.

Chris: Get tickled without laughing.

We see Chrom being tickled by different feathers with him tearing up from trying not to laugh. We then see that there is only one member left for each team. Daisy for the Swords and Simon Belmont for the Emeralds.

Chris: There has been a lot of different challenges and we're down to the final members of each team and next up will be Simon Belmont for the Emeralds.

Simon Belmont: Um… well you see Chris I can't do it because my team has been doing a good job and they deserve to do more than me.

Chris: I see. That's a good plan, except there's one flaw.

Simon Belmont: And what's that?

Inkling: We all got eliminated.

Simon Belmont opens his eyes to see his team in the audience stands.

Pac-Man: Because of you Snake had to do five different challenges.

Simon Belmont: What eliminated him?

Chrom: He hugged a puppy.

Simon Belmont looks at Snake with a confused look.

Snake: What? I have weaknesses.

Chris: Indeed. But Simon, it's your turn and your challenge is…

The randomiser starts and then stops.

Chris: To let some mice eat cheese out of your hands.

We then see a small cage full of around ten mice and Chef puts some cheese into Simon Belmont's hand. Simon Belmont looks really nervous.

Lucas: You can do it Simon!

Chrom: Why does he look so nervous?

Inkling: I'm not sure.

Chris: I will start the timer once the mice start eating. Release the mice Chef

The cage opens up and the mice walk over to Simon Belmont who slowly puts his hand down. A mouse touches him and he screams and the cheese flies everywhere.

Chris: Wow, I didn't even start the timer. That means Simon is out.

Mega Man: Simon, what happened man?

Snake: Why did you lose?

Simon Belmont: Because I… I… have a fear of mice.

The rest of the Emeralds look shocked.


Pac-Man: No… Way.

Inkling: He can't be serious.

Chrom: This has to be a joke.

Lucas: And people say I'm a coward.

*End of Confessional*

Snake: So, let me get this straight. You fight demons, skeletons, bats and Dracula himself, but you're scared of a tiny mouse.

Nana: Wait, so if Simon lost, that means we win.

The Swords start cheering.

Chris: Actually, it doesn't.

The Swords stop cheering and looks at Chris in confusion.

Meta Knight: But Simon lost. Which means the Emeralds lost right?

Chris: While that is true, that doesn't mean you can't lose.

Lucario: But I thought you said the last teammate standing wins the challenge for their team.

Chris: I did. But I've decided to make things more interesting.

Robin: *Annoyed* Of course, he has.

Chris: If Daisy can beat this last challenge, she will win invisibility for your team. But, if she fails to complete it, than your team will also be voting someone off tonight.

They all gasp.


Lucario: Well then… this just got real.

Robin: I hate Chris so much.

Wolf: What an evil plan. I really gotta hand it to Chris on this one.

*End of Confessional*

Chris: Daisy, the challenge you need to last ten seconds for is…

The randomiser starts and then stops.

Chris: To be hit by paintball with only your face being protected.

We then see Daisy with a swat helmet on covering her face as Chef gets ready his rapid fire gun.

Chris: Daisy, are you ready?

Daisy looks scared and looks at the two teams where she sees Snake smile at her and she smiles and then looks at Chef.

Daisy: Bring it on!

Chris: Okay, it's your funeral. And… go!

Chef starts shooting and Daisy immediately feels the pain as one shot in particular hits her right arm and causes a giant bruise to form.

Chris: And stop! Well with that, I can safely say that Daisy has completed the challenge. Which means the winners are the Master Swords.

The Swords cheer.

Chris: Emeralds, I'll being seeing you in a couple of hours for the ceremony. Make sure to think long and hard before you vote.

Simon Belmont: I wish I could vote for all of you. You all really let the team down.

Snake: Oh, bite me Simon.

Snake leaves and the rest of the Emeralds leave Simon Belmont behind.

Robin: Great job Daisy. How did you feel?

Daisy: I'm okay. Just a lot of pain on my right arm.

Meta Knight: That's a pretty nasty bruise.

Nana: You sure you're gonna be okay?

Daisy: Yeah, I'll just think of it as a scar for victory.

We then cut to night time as the Emeralds are all sitting at the campfire ceremony.

Chris: Emeralds, you should all know the score by now. If you don't receive a marshmallow you must walk the dock of shame, get on the boat and leave the Island. Forever. You have all cast your votes and made your decision. Now I know today's challenge and taken a lot out of some of you so for tonight when I call your name, I'll throw the marshmallow to you to make it easier. Now then, staying in the game will be…. Inkling…. Chrom…. Pac-Man… Mega Man… Lucas… and the final marshmallow goes to….. Snake. Can't say I'm shocked. Time to leave Simon.

Simon Belmont: What?! You voted me. But I'm the strongest on this Island, you need me.

Chrom: Clearly not since we voted you off.

Simon Belmont: But I… you…

Snake: Just leave already.

Simon Belmont then storms down the dock and onto the boat as it leaves.

Chris: The rest of you are safe, for now. Not I suggest you get some sleep and get out of my sight.

As they get to the cabins, Snakes spots Daisy sitting down with a bandage around her arm and walks over.

Snake: The bandage looks good on you.

Daisy: You should see the bruise underneath.

They both laugh.

Snake: You were awesome out there. I wish I had the courage you did.

Daisy: Well I only did it because when I saw you smile at me; it gave me the strength I needed.

Snake: I see. I don't think my teammates would appreciate that. But I'm glad to help.

Daisy: Anyway, I had a really long and tough day today. Goodnight.

Snake: Night.

They both then get to their cabin and open the door before look over to each other and smiling.

Chris: Aww, well isn't that sweet. But how much longer can Snake and Daisy last being on separate teams? Will Wolf once again try to get one of his own teammates eliminated? And how many other way do I have to cause these campers pain? All that next time, on Total…. Smash…. Island 2!