Hello, everyone. It is with great sadness and regret that I must announce I am going to cancel this story. I started this fic with the best intentions, to build up characters and expand on things that weren't previously touched on in the show. The goal was to give not just Gohan, but everyone in the Dragon Ball universe another chance. However, there were two critical mistakes I made that seemed to be the nail in the coffin for this story.

My first error was having my PMs turned off and refusing to interact with the reader base the story has drawn. It was never my intention to be cold or off-putting towards any of you, but I feel as though I came across that way and I would like to apologize for that.

Secondly, the time skip I did in between the Cell saga and the Yardrat saga essentially skipped a lot of very important things that I wanted to cover, like Gohan's interactions with everyone and his life after the Cell Games. It would have been smart to show that, especially since I decided to make Goten a Super Saiyan. I think I got a little too excited and moved too quickly because I really wanted to dive into the big parts of the story, rather than take the time to establish and build a world.

Again, I'm very sorry its come to this, but I just feel like I've completely lost direction of the story and what I wanted to do. But this isn't the end! I'm going to rewrite this story very soon. I hope you all will join me on the rewrite. It'll be posted some time in September, most likely. For those of you that really enjoyed this version of the story, I'll leave it up. Perhaps I'll continue it some time in the future, but for now, I want to focus on the rewrite and not only do this story the justice I know it can, but give you all the story that you deserve to read, filled with excitement and fun.

If you have any questions or anything of the story, please feel free to leave a review and I'll respond, or PM me. I am, however, in need of a co-collaborator for this story. I think that was another reason why this version failed. I sometimes get carried away, and had someone been there to reign me in, perhaps I wouldn't have made the mistakes I made. If you're interested, please give me a message! My only requirements are that you be well-versed/knowledgeable with Z, Super, and GT as well.