Chapter 2

Naruto sat at home that evening, reading from an introductory genjutsu scroll that all students received from the academy. Despite being so determined earlier, Naruto couldn't make heads or tails out of what he was reading.

"Subtle cues? Sensory processing? What the hell does any of this mean? Argh, I'm never gonna get the hang of genjutsu at this rate! I need some comfort food." Naruto said as he swiftly got up, pulled on his signature orange jacket, and ran right out the door. Hey, he might have been determined, but when it came to studying, Naruto was hardly responsible.

"Ichiraku Ramen, here I come!"

The Ichiraku Ramen stand held a very special place in Naruto's heart, as the owner Teuchi Ichiraku and his daughter Ayame were two of the very few people who didn't actively shun or avoid the boy. Naruto didn't know why so many people ignored him and gave him dirty looks, but he was determined to prove them wrong.

"Hey old man Teuchi, I'll have a bowl of miso ramen, and keep em comin!"

The man in question smiled upon seeing his favorite customer.

"Ah, Naruto! Not that I'm not happy to see you, but it's a school night. Shouldn't you be at home studying, or sleeping?" Teuchi asked the blond.

"Oh not you too, old man! I came here to AVOID the thought of more reading!"

Ayame popped in from the back of the stall, and interjected into the conversation.

"Hey, what's the matter Naruto-kun? Is there something you're having trouble understanding?" Ayame asked, sympathetic to the blond's plight. She and her father knew that the boy had trouble with reading and understanding academics in general.

Naruto smiled at the waitress, happy that someone cared enough to ask, but frowned upon remembering why he was upset in the first place.

"Yeah, I'm trying to learn more about genjutsu which is one of the three shinobi arts, but I just can't understand what it's all about. Maybe I'm just not smart enough…" Naruto trailed off, dejectedly eating his ramen at a more sedate pace.

Ayame glanced at her father, they shared a pointed look. Teuchi nodded, and Ayame turned back to the blond.

"Naruto-kun… I might not be able to help you with whatever it is you're studying, but what I do know is that you're deceptively intelligent, whether you realize it or not. All those pranks you've pulled, while immature, are a testament to what you can accomplish when you really put your mind to something." Ayame encouraged the boy.

"So… you're saying that if I REALLY put my mind to it, then I can learn genjutsu? Naruto asked, uncertain.

This time, Teuchi was the one who answered the boy.

"Well, yes, but it's important that you don't get hung up on something. If you're having trouble understanding something, then move on to something else, or approach it from a different perspective. You seem like the type who wouldn't give up just because you don't understand something. The Naruto we know would keep at it until he gets it down!"

"Yeah!" Naruto exclaimed, "I won't let these stupid books keep me down. I'm gonna master genjutsu or die trying! Thanks for the help you guys, the ramen was great!" Naruto bolted, but not before leaving a generous tip for the Ichiraku duo.

Renewed with everlasting vigor, Naruto headed straight for a training ground. Seeing as it was late, most of them were empty anyway.

"Alright… let's do this." Naruto sighed.

What he had planned was highly unconventional, by any means. Normally when one was attempting to learn genjutsu, they would use it on someone else so that they could receive feedback on whether or not the genjutsu was effective. However, Naruto didn't have that luxury. Being a prankster and the lowest academic scorer in the academy had soured his reputation among most, if not all of his peers. Even besides that, he didn't want to burden anyone else with his problems. Naruto was determined to see this through on his own, in his quest to prove everyone wrong.

And so, Naruto's bright idea was to gather up as much chakra as he can, and try to cast a genjutsu on himself or his surroundings. It might not be a very bright idea, but then again, nobody ever accused Naruto of being bright either.

"Haaaaah!" Naruto shouted as he gathered up as much chakra as he possibly could. The ground around him shook slightly as his chakra became visible in a bright blue form, swirling around him.

Then, as suddenly as it started, it stopped. Having gotten a feel of his chakra, wild and untamed as it was, Naruto proceeded to the part he was having trouble with; namely, the genjutsu itself. Naruto focused all of his chakra inward, and focused on nothing but his senses. Eyes clenched shut tightly in concentration, he focused hard on what he was hearing, and how the air felt around him. Little by little, he could feel his own perception start to change.

'Hey… I think it's working!' Naruto thought excitedly.

However, he may have gotten a bit too excited, as his concentration faltered and he couldn't keep his chakra steady.

"Ahhh…" Naruto sank to the floor in disappointment.

"I thought for sure I had it that time. Oh well, guess I'll just have to keep trying." With that, Naruto casually made his way home, dreams of eating ramen and slinging genjutsu left and right filling his mind.

Unbeknownst to Naruto, someone had felt the full force of his genjutsu, and needless to say… they were unimpressed.


A/N: Uhh… hi again. I still have no clue what I'm doing, but this is actually getting more fun as I go along. Maybe at some point I'll actually have a plot line in here XD. Anyways, review if you want to, I'm welcome to any criticism cuz I really don't know if I'm doing anything wrong, which I probably am. Peace!

Review Responses:

CaptBurrito: Yeah, that's the plan anyways. The idea of Naruto slinging genjutsu all over the place just sounds really funny to me. Now the only thing is to figure out how to get him to that point.