Thank you to the beta of this chapter, Willofhounds

You guys wanted it so here it is, part two of Life Will Never be the Same Again. if you havent read part one please check it out. hope you all injoy.

Chapter One - Whole New World With Timeouts

Severus sat at the kitchen table going through papers for Sirius Black release from Azkaban and in Severus's opinion it shouldn't be taking this long. It has been six months since everything went down with Albus. Six months since he been trying to get an innocent man out of Azkaban. The problem was that there was no proof that Black was innocent. Everything was against him.

Severus looked up from his papers, hearing the alarms go off that told him that Harry was awake but decided to wait a couple of minutes before he went to get him. For the past six months, Harry's personality started to come through and the one clear thing was that Harry was not a morning person.

Harry was most difficult in the mornings. Never wanting to get out of bed, not wanting to get dressed or brush his teeth even breakfast is hard.

Harry's improvement had gone downhill since the events with Albus.

He no longer spoke the few words he did speak. His eye contact gotten worse along with his nightmares the one good thing is that Harry was now walking on his own; still in the leg braces but it was an improvement.

Severus let out a long sigh knowing he had to get up and get Harry ready for the day.

Walking into the room seeing that Harry pulled the blankets over his head.

"I know you're up," Severus spoke, walking over to the dresser and getting clothes out.

"I know you don't want to but you have to get up," Severus stated, pulling the blankets back.

Harry let out a moan pulling the blankets back, playing tug a war with Severus.

"Harry I'm not playing this morning, Minerva is coming to get you this morning," Severus told, pulling the blankets off and pulling Harry up.

"To the bathroom," Severus declared, picking Harry up, knowing he wasn't going to make the walk on his own.

Severus sat Harry down once he made it to the bathroom taking his pajamas off along with the diaper he wore during the night before setting him down on the toilet.

Harry let out a low moan as he rubbed his eyes as Severus laid out his clothes for the day.

"Harry do you not have to go?" Severus questioned after a few minutes only to receive no answer from Harry, verbal or non-verbal.

"Alright then," Severus responded with a frown standing Harry up and had him step in a pair of pull-ups.

That was the other thing that changed in the last six months is that Harry only wore diapers at night and pull-ups during the day as Severus was trying to potty train him the best he could.

Harry let out a moan as Severus tried to put his shirt on with Harry pushing his hand away.

"Harry you need to get dressed, look it's a hippogriff." Severus pointed out showing Harry the shirt "You like hippogriffs," Severus remarked placing the shirt over Harry's head, struggling with him to put his arms through. And that when it happened, Harry let out a cry, pulling at his shirt.

"Harry, Minerva is coming to pick you up and take you to see Hagrid, don't you want to see Hagrid and your friend…Buckbeak?" Severus suggests trying to think of the birds name.

He picked Harry up and placed him on the counter before sliding his legs though the pant's legs. Picking him up a little as he pulled the pants up.

Harry continued to scream as he was being dressed, throwing things off the counter as he struggled.

"You are going to have so much fun today," Severus mentioned, placing Harry's socks on before grabbing Harry's toothbrush.

"Alright. remember we count." Severus told placing the toothbrush on the bottom right of Harry's mouth " one… Two… Three" Severus started to count moving the toothbrush back and forth counting up to ten; before going to the bottom left and then the top right and left before doing the front.

"You doing so well Harry, " Severus praised, washing the brush off and did the whole thing once more.

"Can I have a high five?" Severus inquired holding up his hand once he was done with Harry's teeth.

Harry rubbed his eyes, letting out little hiccups as he gave Severus a small high five.

"I'm so proud of you. We almost done." Severus spoke wetting a washcloth and cleared Harry's tears away.

"Mornings don't have to be this hard," Severus stated cleaning Harry's nose. "Minerva also has lunch planned for today, it should be fun," Severus told brushing Harry hair out and place the leg braces on before setting him on the floor.

"Alright to the kitchen," Severus said walking behind Harry.

Harry continued to rub at his eyes a little, slowly making his way to the kitchen and sat down in his chair as Severus grabbed his commotion booklet and placed it in front of Harry.

"You have to use your words, Harry, like every morning. What do you want for breakfast?" Severus proposed, showing Harry the choices that he had to choose from.

Harry let out a small groan pushing the book away.

"No," Severus responded, pushing the book forward. " You have to show me what you want or I cant get it for you."

Harry let out another groan, kicking his legs a little as he pulled off the picture of pancakes.

"Good boy, I can do pancakes," Severus responded flipping the page, "What do you want to drink?"

Harry let out another small grunt, rubbing his eyes a little before pulling off the picture of pumpkin juice.

"Good job Harry." Severus praised before getting started on Harry's breakfast.

Harry got up from the table and got his play-doe from the living room before coming back and banging the jar on the table.

Severus turned around to see what Harry had. "You need to use your words," Severus told pointing to the book. "Or you can show me open," Severus responded, doing the ASL sign for open.

Harry let out a grunt banging on the table once more, looking up at Severus.

"I don't understand that you have to show me what you want," Severus stated, tapping the book.

Harry let out a howl, raising his hand and bringing it down, hitting Severus on the arm.

"No" Severus quickly responded, picking Harry up and brought him over to the living room corner placing him on the stool he had placed.

"I'm placing you in timeout because you hit me and we don't hit people," Severus explained, walking away from Harry.

Harry let out a shriek, banging on the walls.

Severus paid no regard to Harry as he continues to make breakfast with Minerva coming through the floo.

"He's in timeout," Severus stated over Harry's screams, turning around to greet Minerva.

"Rough morning?" Minerva comments, making her way to the kitchen and sat down in one of the chairs.

"Always," Severus replied with a sigh. "Pancakes?"

"No, I already ate."

Severus gave a small nod as he made breakfast, cutting the pancakes into small pieces. Along with putting some blueberries and other fruits on the plate for Harry. He put Harry's drink in his cup before he went to get Harry who had calmed down by this time.

Severus kneeled so he was face to face with Harry, with Harry's eyes looking off to the side. "I put you in timeout because you hit me and we don't hit people, I want you to tell me that you are sorry," Severus told, standing Harry up on his feet.

Harry let out a grunt, glancing away from Severus.

"Harry you need to tell me that you are sorry for hitting me," Severus told firmly.

Harry slowly brought his hand up and made a fist become rubbing it in circles on his chest.

"Thank you, Harry. " Severus replied, hugging Harry. "Now let's have some breakfast before you leave with Minerva," Severus remarked taking Harry back to the table and sat him down.

Harry picked up one of the pancake pieces, dipping it in yogurt that Severus gave him with pancakes and started to eat as Severus and Minerva talked.