Hey. I'm sure you've gotten warnings about it before, and I'm sure you're sick of hearing about it, but I will provide one of my own.

With the Coronavirus spreading across the world, please follow your governments directions and stay inside. The disease is dangerous and has infected and killed many people. so, please stay inside and avoid contact with others. I know it won't be easy but please try so that you and your family and friends will be safe.

Okay onto the chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Van woke up early the following morning, as he did with most. It was a habit he had developed while training growing up. Most would generally prefer to lie in, Van liked mornings because there were very few people around, meaning he could act however he pleased. Normally he would do push ups or sit ups or stretching exercises, however this morning he decided to go jogging instead.

Van didn't know much about layout of this school or the territory in general, so now would be a good opportunity to look around. Also, it was six in the morning, so he didn't want to wake Ven. Getting dressed quietly Van snuck out of his room and began exploring.

From what he saw the schools design was impressive. Classroom and hall designs weren't so bad, and the walls and lockers were decorated with pictures, paint, and statues.

'It's not too bad,' Van admitted. 'I suppose the look is better than Dragon Hall, but that's all I'll say.'

Outside Van took off jogging which started off on the school grounds but then went into the forest right next to it. Van jogged slowly to conserve his energy, while at the same time he took to admiring the world around him.

'I've never seen a place like this before,' he thought. 'It's so filled with life. The air and ground are clean, there's animals running about, there's actual birds flying instead of vultures, and it's filled with non-venomous plant life. Then there's the sun. It's so beautiful, and it's rays are warm to the touch.'

As a boy who'd only ever known the Isle as his home, everything Van was experiencing was new. He was like a child who'd been allowed out for the first time and taking in the world in all its glory. It was a little overwhelming.

Van was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he almost didn't sense someone coming up from behind him, almost.

He heard someone running up behind him and saw it was a tall, blonde man wearing a blue t-shirt and black tracksuit bottoms.

"On your left," he said as he sped by Van.

Van was a little bewildered by the man's sudden appearance, and comment, but figured he must have just been some guy jogging and moved on.

Then he came to the sports pitch, which intrigued him slightly due to the appearance on the ground. Grass was normally green, not white. Before he could dwell on it, he heard running again.

"On your left," the man from before said again as he ran.

"What the hell!" Van exclaimed.

He was suddenly left feeling bewildered as to how the same man from before came up behind him, and so fast. Van guessed he was doing laps, but most people weren't that fast.

Van was coming up to the school again, when he heard a familiar voice.

"On your left," the man repeated.

(Insert song: Red like Roses Caleb Hyles version)

'Seriously you're starting to piss me off,' Van angrily thought.

The guy was basically mocking Van, as if he was challenging him to a race.

The incident repeated for a fourth time that left Van fuming.

"On your left," the man said again.

'I swear, if he does that on more time, I will stop holding back and go straight all out,' he swore.

It was when Van arrived back the entrance that he lost it. The man, who appeared to be on his fifth lap (how was that even possible? Was he even human?), passed Van again.

"On your left," and a storm was unleashed.


Van dropped any pretence of subtlety and started going all out. Dashing forward, he moved to the side as he passed the man.

"On your left asshole," Van growled as he continued to run.

The man blinked, his expression changing from concentrated to surprised at both being passed out, and insulted, by a kid no less.

'Maybe I shouldn't have done the whole "on your left" like I did with Sam,' he thought.

Despite this, part of him felt compelled to race the kid now that he had gotten serious. That and there weren't many willing to take him on in sports (for obvious reasons). Deciding to go along with it just once, the man pushed forward and ran faster than before. Within little time he caught up to Van again and was close to passing him yet again. However, this time Van wasn't putting up with it and pushed himself to stay in front. That wasn't enough though, as the man passed Van again, this time not saying anything.

'Well at least he's taking e seriously,' Van thought. 'However, I'm clearly at a disadvantage. Luckily for me, we never set any rules for this race.'

When they arrived back at the school, instead of following the route like before, Van did a butterfly kick off the stone ledge to the ground below and continued running. No one said he couldn't take shortcuts.

The man noticed and briefly slowed down to observe.

'Oh ho,' he smirked. 'That's how it is! Alright then. We never did set any rules.'

As impressed as he was with the boy, that didn't stop him from passing him out again.

For the next thirty minutes the two repeated the process of running around the school each passing each other out at different stages. For Van he had to use his parkour skills to get ahead a couple of times. Despite the fact that he was running out of energy he refused to give in and kept going until he couldn't anymore. When he finished at the entrance, he was panting heavily and (through some miraculous means) barely standing.

(Song end)

'That's it, I've run out of energy,' Van reluctantly realized. 'I can't run anymore. Otherwise I'll pass out.'

As much as he hated to admit it, he was finished. The man from before had continued on running until he arrived back around and saw Van again.

"Need a medic?" he asked sarcastically.

Van glared at him.

"Not as… Not as… mu… much as," Van panted. This wasn't easy for him since he couldn't control his breathing. He took a second to calm down before speaking clearly. "Not as much as you're going to need one when I'm done with you."

The man frowned. He had been threatened by plenty of people in his life, but never by a kid.

"I wouldn't go around threatening teachers if I were you," he suggested. "Most probably wouldn't react well to it."

This time it was Van who frowned.

"You're a teacher here?" Van asked disbelievingly.

"Yes. Is that so hard to believe?" Van just rolled his eyes. "Want to know what I teach?"

"P.E.?" Van guessed.

The man blinked surprised. "How could you tell?"

"With the way you run, there's no way you're not a PE teacher," Van replied incredulously. "Also, those biceps, you keep in shape, and I'm guessing you know how to get others into it as well."

At that the man let out a chuckle.

"I try my best. I'm also a self-defence instructor at Auradon Prep. I give students some basic self-defence training in case the need for it arises in the future," he explained.

"I bet your classes are tough," Van said jokingly.

"Not really no. If they were then all the students would walk out because of the intensity," he joked back.

"If they can't handle it then they shouldn't be there," Van replied harshly.

He didn't care how he sounded about it. Training was always tough, regardless of what it was for. If it wasn't tough, if it wasn't challenging, then what was there to gain from it? It was better if training was tough because that way you were pushing your limits and would get much stronger as a result. Easy training wouldn't do that, because it showed you weren't taking things seriously. Learning something new was never easy for anyone, hell, nothing was ever easy, but that was the way life worked. Van learned that from the people around him early on in his life, as did many of his friends.

"Little harsh don't you think?" the man asked however Van could sense it was more curious than patronising.

"Life is harsh," Van shot back. "From the moment we're born it's harsh, at least it is where I'm from. I don't know how things are done in Auradon, but I seriously doubt everything is simple here. There's no way a world like that exists."

The man couldn't fault the logic in his words. He had experienced the same thing throughout his life. However, he was stunned to hear it from someone so young.

"True," he agreed. "A world like that doesn't exist. It's not heaven after all. I'm surprised one of Sora's kids would say that though, considering he's usually so laid back."

That was obviously the wrong thing to say because the moment the words left his mouth Van was glaring fiercer than before.

"Let me make one thing clear. I am not Sora's son. My father is Vanitas from the Isle of the Lost," Van growled. "I get we look alike but we're not related. Well, we are kind of related but it's complicated." He was seriously starting to get annoyed at how people confused him and Sora because they looked similar. "By the way, who the hell are you?"

"Steve," the man answered. "Steve Rogers." Van frowned. The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't think of where he'd heard it. "And what's your name if I may ask."

"Van," he responded gruffly.

Steve eyed Van curiously. So this was one of the transfers from the Isle. He'd heard from Fairy Godmother, and Prince Ben himself, that five were coming as part of the new proclamation and they had arrived yesterday. While some of the other teachers had voiced their concerns, he was very to the idea.

Unlike most, he knew a fair bit about the Isle from his best friend Bucky who had volunteered to live there. At the time he had been against it since Bucky had worked hard to become a hero and atone for his deeds as the Winter Soldier, only to give it all up. However, his friend insisted that someone would have to keep order there and make sure that they couldn't escape, which Steve reluctantly acknowledged but was still against. Nonetheless, he supported the decision and the two kept in contact over the years through mail and Bucky occasionally visiting.

His friend told him a lot about the Isle that surprised him. They didn't receive sunlight to grow plants, food and supplies (baring medical) was basically leftovers from Auradon, and there were no proper cleaning facilities or plumbing. Even if they were villains, most of that didn't sit well with Steve. The biggest shock though was learning that there were children on the Isle, born from the union of different people imprisoned there, living under the same conditions. When he'd asked people about it before they seemed relatively unconcerned considering who their parents were. While he didn't condone anything anyone on the Isle had done, he found the idea of children being imprisoned there for their whole lives despite not having done anything quite disturbing. After all, the punishment came after the crime, and last time he checked being born didn't count.

"Well Van, it's nice to meet you," Steve greeted holding out his hand.

"I'd say the same Steve but considering how you provoked me earlier not so much," Van shook the hand gripping it tightly.

Steve quickly took note of how strong Van was.

"Sorry about that," he apologised. "It was never my intent to provoke anyone."

"Seriously?!" Van deadpanned. "You pass me out several times while saying "on your left". That's basically asking for a race."

Steve laughed again.

"I guess. It's just something I used to do with an old friend of mine," he admitted. "I mean I still do it with him, but he also says it back which is incredibly rare." He noticed the look Van was giving him. "I'm really sorry. I was just surprised to see someone so young out this early. Up until now it's just been me."

Van looked away.

"I always get up this early," Van admitted. "Mostly because of training but this time it was because I couldn't sleep."

"Really?" Steve asked surprised. "Why not?"

"A couple of reasons. One is the bed. It's really soft, and compared to what I'm used to it's like," Van started.

"Lying on a marshmallow," Steve finished. "I know the feeling."

Van shot him a quizzical look. He didn't know what a marshmallow was but he assumed it was something soft. Van decided he would look into it later.

"I'm also still getting used to the idea of being in Auradon," he continued. "I never actually thought I'd come here. Then again, neither did the others."

Steve could understand that. Those grown up in one place, never knowing or experiencing anything else. It was natural for them to feel a little disoriented.

"It must have been a shock when you received the invitation a week ago," Steve said

"Actually, it was the old hag who runs the Isle Maleficent who received it and kept it to herself," Van corrected his voice laced with venom. "The five of us didn't find out until an hour before we were supposed to leave."

"What?!" Steve exclaimed shocked.

It was one thing to be told you would be leaving your home but finding out you would be leaving an hour before with little time to prepare was another matter altogether. What's more, they hadn't been given the chance to think it over first.

"Yeah, I know!" Van snapped. "That draconic bitch kept it from us for an entire week and only told the day we were leaving so we couldn't refuse. I swear, one of these days I'm going to throw my damn keyblade at her head and see if she'll be acting that way afterwards."

"Why would she do that?" Steve asked ignoring Van's outburst.

While he had heard of Maleficent, he had never actually met her face to face. Some called her the worst villain that ever lived though Steve thought that was a matter of opinion. He had fought many villains who were a danger not just to the world but the universe in general and if he had to say who was the worst, he'd go with Thanos considering what he did to thousands of planets not to mention wiping out half of the universe. Red Skull wasn't too far behind.

"No clue," Van lied. "Who knows what goes on in that crazy lady's head?"

Steve was still confused by the whole thing. He didn't think Van was lying, and he could definitely tell from his tone of voice that he hated the woman (or simply disliked her).

"Well anyway, we were driven here, got sick along the way, there was this whole band playing at the school, we met Fairy Godmother, Prince Ben," Van listed off. "And God do I feel sorry for him because his vain girlfriend Princess Audrey calls him Bennyboo. Bennyboo!" Steve cringed at the nickname. "I swear who would torture another person with a nickname like that? Anyway, they gave us a tour of the building and grounds, we went and got our rooms where I am apparently sharing with my cousin. And well, the rest is history."

Van summarized everything perfectly (leaving out the museum raid).

"I see," the super soldier said softly. "Well, what do you think of Auradon so far?"

"Considering I've been here for less than a day, it's alright I guess," Van answered. "It's cleaner, and greener, than the Isle for sure but that's all I'll say for the moment. I don't know what to make of the rest of it."

Steve realized he had asked a stupid question. Van had only been here for a day, and he hadn't seen enough yet to form a proper opinion.

"Sorry, that was a stupid question," Steve apologized.

"I've heard stupider questions believe it or not," Van retorted. "Yours isn't even in the top ten."

Steve laughed again, this time Van joining in. The kid had a sense of humour that much was obvious.

"Well, that's a relief," Steve said. "Would it be alright if I asked one more?"

"Asking someone if you can ask another stupid question," Van responded with both an amused tone and expression. "Now that is not something you hear every day."

"No, it isn't," Steve hot back just as amused. "Can I?"

"Shoot," Van said.

"Since you get up early, will I see you here jogging again?" he asked.

Steve was legitimately curious. Hardly anyone got up this early and went out jogging, so it would be nice if he could do it with someone for a change. That and it would be great to have someone who could keep up with him to a degree.

Van considered it for a moment. While he didn't like losing to the guy, he the prospect of a challenge intrigued him. And after all, he loved strong opponents.

"Probably since I don't want to wake up my roommate with the sound of push-ups and stretching," Van answered. "Why? Looking for a jogging partner?"

"Maybe," Steve grinned.

After a minute of deliberation, Van made a decision.

"Fine, but let's be clear about something. You do that whole "on your left" on me again and I will punch so hard you'll need mages healing spell to fix it," Van warned.

"I can live with that," Steve said quickly. "Alright then, it's a deal."

Van snorted. He hadn't been trying to make a deal but if Steve thought it was, he would humour him.

"I'd better get back," Van said. "I'm sweating buckets and I need to change."

"Do you know where the student showers are?" Steve asked wanting to be helpful. Van's answer was silence. "Alright then, come with me. I'll show you."

They headed inside the school where Steve quickly showed Van where the showers were. He also explained that the school provided proper wash materials such as shampoo and soap.

"Well, thanks for that Steve," Van said. "I'd better get going since classes start in two hours."

"No problem," Steve said. "I look forward to seeing you in class. A couple of warnings though. One, when you're in class please call me Mr Rogers because it'll look strange otherwise. When school is over, or it hasn't started yet you can call me Steve." Van raised an eyebrow but didn't question it. "Two, watch it on the language. A lot of teachers would probably punish you for it." Van scowled. The teachers on the Isle of the Lost didn't have an issue with him swearing though he quickly reminded himself that this was Auradon. "And that's about it I think."

"Thanks for heads up Steve," Van said. "Especially about the language."

"Anytime," Steve retorted.

With that the two said goodbye and parted ways, each having formed respective opinions about one another.

Van thought Steve was an alright guy. He was a little infuriating, but he presented some competition for him. While he couldn't say for certain, he got the sense that Steve had experienced his fair share of fights. And, strangely enough, he was looking forward to meeting him again.

Steve thought Van was a likeable kid. He was definitely tough and possessed an attitude that much was obvious, but other than that he couldn't sense anything negative from him. That detail about being able to use a keyblade did not miss Steve's ears. It meant Van was trained. He didn't know how well but he got the feeling he was going to find out.

Van spent around thirty minutes in the shower just soaking. The feeling he got from it all was exhilarating. On the Isle they didn't have hot water, only cold. If they wanted water hot, they would have to heat it themselves which wasn't easy. As much as he would have liked to spend all day there, he knew he didn't have the time. It was going to be busy first day (though he didn't realize how much).

When he arrived back, Ven was awake and getting dressed.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"Jogging, shower," Van simply answered. "Met this guy called Steve Rogers while out jogging and we raced for a bit."

"You raced Captain America?!" Ven exclaimed.

Van's eyes widened.

"Captain America? One of the Avengers?" Ven nodded. "Blonde guy with huge build."

Ven nodded again.

"I mean he's retired now but yeah, same person," Ven said.

'So that's why his name sounded familiar,' Van realized. 'He's the Steve Bucky mentioned from time to time.'

Van knew the Winter Soldier from the Isle. They had sparred together before. And while e was generally serious around most adults, he was often friendly with children.

"Well I'll be damned," Van muttered. "That explains why he could run so fast."

Ven wanted to ask more questions at that moment but decided that they needed to get breakfast first.

The pair went down to the canteen where, much to Vans surprise, there was a selection of foods such as meat, cereal, bread and fruit they were allowed to take for free. Van thought it was strange that it was all free but was too hungry to question. Since he didn't know what to get he just copied Van and got some cereal and orange juice which weren't too bad in his opinion.

'Huh, maybe things won't be so bad after all,' Van thought.

With Steve

After having a shower of his own, Steve returned to the school in his usual gym gear. However, this time he was stopping by the headmistress's office. Knocking on the door, he politely allowed himself in.

"Ah, Steve," Fairy Godmother greeted. "What can I do for you?"

"Fairy Godmother," Steve greeted back.

When he first met the woman, he was a little taken back at her cheerful attitude but gradually came to respect her as a teacher and a fairy. Like many, he had been surprised at the existence of magical beings and creatures, but he was quite accepting of them. Some of his friends like Thor and Professor Strange were magical so who was he to judge.

"Regarding your previous request to have one of the staff assist Cody during the first year's field trip, is that offer still open?" he asked.

"Why of course," she responded cheerfully. "What made you decide?"

"I met one of the Isle kids called Van this morning, and he seems to have trouble adapting," Steve explained. "I don't think he's a bad kid, but I get the feeling others aren't going to see them the same way. I'd like to go to keep things under control and make sure no one does anything to provoke him."

Fairy Godmother frowned. She had forgotten Van was a first year. The others had gotten permission from their parents to go on the field trip, but Van had only arrived yesterday. It wouldn't be fair exclude him.

"Very well then," she decided. "You can go and supervise. I'll inform Mr Martin and during Remedial Goodness I'll inform Van. It wouldn't be right to leave him here."

"I still can't believe that's a class now," Steve commented.

"It's the only way I could get parents to be somewhat okay about this proclamation," she shrugged. "Do you remember the amount of phone calls and complaints I got about this?"

The moment news of Prince Ben's proclamation appeared, it spread like wildfire throughout the entire kingdom. Parents had not been happy. Hell, a lot of royals and authority figures weren't happy. Queen Leah was screeching about how they would end up destroying Auradon, Chi-Fu made a declaration about how Ben was making a horrible decision as King, and Thaddeus Ross insisted that they post guards around the school in case they exhibited any special abilities or did any funny business. The list went on but no one yielded.

Steve honestly sympathised with Ben. He was still in school, yet he was to be crowned king soon. Running an entire country like Auradon was not an easy task, especially for a sixteen-year-old.

He sympathised with Fairy Godmother because her job required a lot of attention and involved looking after all the students. It came with a lot of criticism as well.

"Point taken," Steve said. "Well, I'd better let you get prepared. See you later Fairy Godmother. And thank you."

"Thank you, Steve," she replied. "Enjoy the trip."

Steve left leaving Fairy Godmother alone in her office. She had much to prepare for. However, so did the VK's. It was going to be a busy day for all of them.

Because it was today, they would people who would become their friends, and some who would become their enemies. Especially in Van's case.

Hi there. Well, what did you think of that? I bet you didn't expect to see Steve Rogers, aka Captain America as a teacher. Van's relationship with him is going to be that of a mentor and student and also parental. I thought he would be someone Van would be able to connect easily with.

Also, what did you think of the little RWBY song cover insert here? I thought it would go well with the scene. I may include a few more inserts depending on the situation.

Next chapter focuses on Van as meets his classmates and then goes on a field trip. His potential friends will be introduced as will his first friend. That includes his enemies. I'll let you figure out who they are though.

Hope you enjoyed. Please Review.

Post note: I forgot to mention this before but some of you might be wondering how Steve is here in his younger form. To be honest I didn't like the ending of Endgame where he went back in time to live with Peggy. To me it was just a convenient way to write him out of future MCU movies and a bad way to end his arc. So I've rewritten it so that he didn't stay with Peggy at the end of Endgame.