The Adventures of General Hux's Cat-sitter

Authors note – this is a CrackFic, or a CatFic, depending you your point of view. After-all, who doesn't love the idea of Millicent causing absolute mayhem.


When The First Order had come for Issy, she had expected to be shot, not recruited, though she was not too thrilled to be answering directly to General Hux. They had not told her what the job was, but she was sensible enough to sign the paperwork when 'requested'.
The Finalizer was intimidating, but she had expected no less, she was escorted to a small meeting room where a tired looking junior officer was waiting.

"Right, I'll try to keep this brief, everything you will need to know is in these data pads." he pushed a box containing at least twenty of them towards her. "Did they tell you what you would be doing?"
"Not really. . ."
"Thought as much, it may seem like a simple task, but it isn't." he twitched, as if some painful memory had come to mind.
"Right, you will be given the rank of Sargent for this job, for a number of reasons. . . and you will get access to anywhere on the ship, but only for the purposes of doing your job."
"Which is?" Issy was trying not to shake in fear.
"Do you like cats?"
"Yes. . ." she answered, unsure of the change in topic
"Good, your job. . . is to look after Millicent. . . General Hux's cat."
"Ah, I see."
"Ow, she's done it again!"
"Medic, ow, ow, medic!"
The junior officer opened the door to see what was going on and a plump ginger tabby cat raced into the room, jumped onto the table and started to demand fuss from Issy.
"And that is Millicent." the Junior officer points to the cat, "Well, she hasn't tried to claw your hand off yet, so good start, I'll have a Stormtrooper show you to your quarters, and I'll take Millicent back to General Hux's quarters, I will come by your quarters in an hour to begin your orientation, I expect you to be in uniform then. Understand?"
"Yes Sir." Issy really did not know what to think, she had a job, with the first order, looking after a cat, if The Force was real it certainly had a strange sense of humour.