A/N Here it is guys, the last chapter. There will be more at the end of the story. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 10: The Message

Chloe's Apartment

"If you do this, I can't Beca. I can't watch you throw yourself in harms way. You're served your time." Chloe shook her head in disbelief.

Beca stared blankly at Chloe, unsure what to say.

"So that's it then?" Beca found herself asking.

"I don't know what you want me to say Beca…" Chloe sighed. Beca stood up and started to pace the room.

"This is who I am, Chloe. I'm a soldier." Beca stated.

"I know." Chloe hung her head.

"So isn't loving me enough to accept that I need to do this?" Beca asked in defeat. She hadn't expected Chloe's reaction at all. Logically she knew that Chloe had the right to feel like this but in her heart she was crushed that she wasn't more understanding.

"I love you and I could never ask you to decide between me and the army but Bec… I can't. I'm sorry." Chloe sighed in defeat.

She stood up and walked over to Beca, she tried to put her hand on Beca's cheek to which she backed away from. She looked into Chloe's eyes as if trying to wrap her head around everything.

"Then you don't have to." Beca stated, not thinking what she was saying.

With that she walked out of Chloe's apartment.

Beca's Apartment

Beca walked into her house, blindly making her way back to her bed and flopping forward onto it. She breathed in deeply and when she breathed out she let out a defeated whine. How had she fucked this up? How had she made Chloe mad? How had she ruined their relationship in a sentence?

"If you do this, I can't Beca. I can't watch you throw yourself in harms way. You're served your time."

Chloe didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve to feel hurt like this or have to deal with having to wait for a soldier. That's not something she deserves… Beca knows it's unfair to put that on her. She shouldn't ask that of her. She had no right to put that on her.

"I love you and I could never ask you to decide between me and the army but Bec, I can't, I'm sorry."

Chicago had been right. She needed to move on, create a life for herself. But what if she couldn't? What if Beca couldn't separate her life from being Staff Sergeant Mitchell and Beca Mitchell? The thought scared her. Had she really fucked herself up so much that she couldn't know anything other then the United States Army?

She sighed and rolled onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. This wasn't like her. She didn't throw herself pity parties. She took the blows as they came and pushed forward. This had always been how she was, even before she graduated High School. She didn't allow herself to feel bad for herself…

"Fuck…" Beca breathed out into the silent house, the emptiness suddenly more apparent then ever before.

Beca could suddenly feel her phone vibrating in the back pocket of her jeans. She decided just to ignore it.

She scooted up her bed even more so her head was laying on her pillow and willed sleep to take her. But it didn't. She just lay motionless with her eyes closed for who knows how long.

Finally getting frustrated she got up and headed into her living room. She didn't realize what she was doing until she was staring down at the letter from Benji that Beca was now holding.

Her hands were steady as she opened it, but she could hear her heartbeat thumping loudly in her chest like a drum.

The words assaulted her eyes as she saw his handwriting. The tears begging to break free.

Sarge Mitchell,

PFC Applebaum here. But of course you know that already… Sorry.

Hi. I uh I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this actually. I know that you're home recovering now and I should give you that time to do that. But I just wanted to write you and say thank you.

I know I'm not the best soldier you've ever worked with, hell I'm not even close to being the best in our squad. But you always made me feel seen and needed.

You've saved my life more times then I can count. I can't thank you enough. I just wish I could have done something for you that day… But even after everything, you made sure we were all safe. But I know how you are, and I know you're going to blame yourself for not being able to save everyone. Or whatever might happen while your home. I'm sorry for what I'm about to say but stop it! Stop holding all of that shit in!

Sarge, you are one of the most incredible people I've met. You do far more for people then what's expected. But do me a favor, go do something for yourself.

You don't have to save everyone!

You couldn't possibly save everyone, Sarge.

Maybe now it's time to let someone else do the saving. Maybe it's time to let someone else save you.

Just think about it. I'm here for you if you need anything. You're like my sister and I truly do love you as such.

Thank you, Beca.


Beca's vision had become blurry and unfocused as she read the letter for the third time. Benji. That fucking kid was far smarter than he should have been. He knew Beca better then she even realized. And he knew exactly what she would need to hear.

"Fuck…" Beca breathed out again as she leaned her back into the couch, still holding his letter.

This was the first time he had ever addressed her as Beca. That alone was enough to break her heart. But knowing that this letter was written right before he died, that was just a completely different level of pain.

She shook her head as Benji's words flouted in and out of her mind.

Maybe it's time to let someone else do the saving.

Maybe it's time to let someone else save you.

…go do something for yourself.

You don't have to save everyone…you couldn't possibly save everyone.

These words repeated in Beca's mind over and over again like a broken record.

Maybe it's time to let someone else save you.

Chloe's POV

Chloe sat at her desk, looking over each kid as they worked with their partners on the recent math assignment. She couldn't help but think of Beca.

She had tried multiple times to get in contact with the woman again, after everything that happened two nights ago, with no luck.

She just wanted so desperately to take back what she had said. She needed Beca. The thought of not having her in her life… it was just too much.

Her mind raced as she wasn't sure where she and Beca stood anymore. Chloe was head over heels in love with Beca. There was no question in her mind and if she was being honest, it kind of scared her how much she loved the soldier.

It hadn't been that long. She knew that. But it also felt like she had known the young soldier for years and years. That they had always been them.

But her words reverberated through her mind.

Then you don't have to.

So now, the thought of Beca walking away from their relationship was worse than the thought of her going back into a raging war zone.

All Chloe could think was how much she just needed to know Beca was hers. That they were okay.

She sighed and cleared her head as Bella Conrad came up to her desk. She smiled down at her but honestly all she could see in the young girl was her godmother.

"Ms. B?" Bella asked.

"What can I help you with, Bella?" Chloe asked.

Bella extended her hand that had the paper in it's grasp. "I don't understand the last one."

Chloe nodded and looked down on it.

"So it's a number pattern." Chloe began to explain. "You see these two numbers? Are they growing bigger or smaller?"

Bella answered the question and soon figured out what the problem was asking.

"K, do you need anymore help?" Chloe asked.

"No." Bella shook her head, but she didn't make a move to walk away. "Ms. B, why do you look so sad?"

Chloe shook her head. Of course Bella would notice something like that.

"Things can happen that we can't control. And that makes me sad sometimes." Chloe explained simply.

"Like when Aunt Beca goes away?" Bella asked. Chloe's heart panged with sadness.

"Yeah." Chloe nodded her head. "Like that."

She fought back the tears as Bella's words hit way too close to home.

"Is she going to go away again?" Bella asked, the worry lacing the little girls voice.

"I don't know, Bells." Chloe honestly stated. She wanted to hug the little girl, let her know everything would be okay. But she didn't know if they would be. And lying about it would have been cruel to Bella and to herself.

She glanced over at her phone, praying that it would come to life with a call from a certain soldier.

Beca's POV

Beca stared down at the paper coffee cup in her hand. Unsure what to do or say.

"Beca," Emily's voice broke through her thoughts and brought her back to reality. Beca looked up into her sister's eyes. "Talk to me, Becs. What's going on?"

"I… I think I fucked things up." Beca breathed out in defeat.

"What do you mean?" Emily looked curiously at the shorter brunette, her eyebrow slightly raised.

"I talked to Chloe a few nights ago about me re-enlisting. It didn't go over so well." Beca confessed and she went back to fiddling with her paper cup.

"What did Chloe say?" Emily asked.

Emily would be lying if she said that she didn't mind Beca reenlisting. She didn't want that. The thought of losing Beca was too much for her. Whenever she was away on tours Emily always felt anxious the entire time. She always feared that Beca wouldn't come back. But she knew her sister. She knew that Beca's passion and drive lived in serving and protecting others. She respected Beca more then anyone. Her sister was a true hero in Emily's eyes. But that didn't mean she didn't want to be selfish and not let Beca go back. She wanted her sister safe. But she respected Beca's choices and if re-enlisting is what Beca feels like is right, then that's what she needs to do and Emily will be there.

"She told me she didn't want me to and that if I did she was done." Beca explained. "I just…I know that I can't put her through that. Through what you've had to go through every time I leave. But I can't lose her either…"

Emily nodded her head.

"But who am I if I'm not a soldier?" Beca looked up with pleading eyes, almost begging Emily to provide the answer. Emily had never seen her so vulnerable. So, lost.

Emily took in a deep breath. "Beca, do you wanna know what the worst day of my life was?"

Beca looked at her clearly confused but Emily ignored her.

"The day I answered a phone call. When I was informed that you were laying in a hospital in Germany, right at death's fucking door." Emily stated. There was no heat behind her words, but there was definitely a heavy sense of sadness. "You weren't awake yet and they didn't know if you would wake up. The realization of how closely we came to almost losing you. That if one of those bullets had been just a few inches over, or if you had been standing a foot closer to the blast, you wouldn't be sitting here right now. Beca, I know you. I know why you've done what you have. I've always supported your choices, and you've always been my hero, but I would have been completely lost if you had died."

Tears filled Emily's chocolate eyes as she stared into Beca's steel blue ones.

"Take it from someone on my side of it. Someone who loves you and can't bare the thought of losing you. We understand why you do it, it doesn't mean we have to like it." Emily stated bluntly. "And it doesn't mean that we will just stand by all the time and just let you throw yourself back into that world. You're so close to having your world open and free again for the first time in six years. With someone you love more then anything. Beca, she makes you happier than I've ever seen you before. Why throw that away?"

Emily's words were nothing she hadn't heard before, especially within the last 3 days. But hearing them from her little sister was different. It sank in deeper.

"I never wanted you to hurt because of my choices." Beca confessed as she blinked away the tears threatening to break her. "I… I didn't want that."

"I know you didn't." Emily sighed. "But that doesn't stop it from happening."

Beca nodded her head, understanding Emily's words fully.

"Do you love her?" Emily asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course, I do. More than anything." Beca stated without hesitation. "She's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Do you want a future with her? A life with her?" Emily asked.

"Yes." Beca stated simply.

"Do you want it more then you want to go back out there?" Emily knew that this would be harder for Beca to answer. But she had to decide. Did she love Chloe more then she loved the Army?

Beca stayed silent for a moment. She already knew the answer. The second Emily asked it she knew the answer, it was the accepting it part that was hard. Once she verbalized it, it became real.

Beca could stare down the barrel of a gun and not even flinch, but facing this, closing this door scared the shit out of her. But she could do this. She would do this. Not because Emily, or Chloe, or her dad, or Luke, or Benji were asking her to. But because she knew that it was what she needed to do.

Beca looked Emily in the eyes. "Yes. Yes I do."

Emily nodded her head. "So, what are you going to do about it?"

Beca immediately stood up. She looked at her sister for a moment. "I love you, kid. Thank you."

"Love you too, Becs." Emily smiled. "Now go get your girl you fucking idiot."

Beca smiled brightly and practically ran out of the coffee shop, leaving Emily smiling as she watched her.

Barden Elementary School

Beca walked swiftly down the halls, maneuvering around children and parents. School must have just ended because the halls were filled, but Beca didn't care. She was on probably the most important mission she's ever been on.

She rounded the corner and saw room 21. Not even bothering to notice if the room was empty, she stormed in, eyes immediately landing on Chloe. She walked up to her.

Chloe turned just as Beca stopped a foot or two from her.

"Beca…" Chloe breathed out, almost in disbelief.

"It's you." Beca stated.

Chloe looked at her questioning and shook her head as if not sure what Beca was saying.

"It's you." Beca stated again. "I need you. Everything else is meaningless. But you, you're everything I need."

Tears sprang to Chloe's eyes.

"Chlo, I love you and I can't lose you. I refuse to lose you." Beca stated in the sincerest, most earnest tone Chloe had ever heard her use.

Chloe stepped forward and pulled Beca's hand into her own, lacing her fingers with Beca's.

"I can't make you chose, Beca." Chloe sighed. "If this is what you want I will stand by you. It'll be hard but I'll support you."

"You didn't. I did." Beca stated. "It was always going to be you. It just took me a second to realize it. I don't need to go back as long as I have you."

Beca smiled and shook her head. "I'm sorry I was too stupid to realize it, but I need you more then I need the Army. With you I will finally truly live. You are my future, Chloe Beale."

Chloe gave a watery laugh of pure happiness and pulled Beca to her, kissing her soundly. Both ignoring the fact that there were still students and parents in the room.

Off in the corner of the room stood Stacie and Bella. Stacie smiled at her idiotic best friend and all she could think was it was about time she got the damn message.


Wow I just want to thank you all for reading and for going on this journey with me. When I first found this story I immediately fell in love with in, but I realized it wasn't being updated anymore so I reached out to the original author and basically begged them to let me finish it. To Kendrick97, thank you! I hope I helped your vision come to life.

As I wrote the story the less and less I felt like the title made sense until I realized something. Beca wasn't the real messenger. No, Chloe was. Luke was. Benji was. Emily was. In fact basically everyone but Beca was. They were all messengers sent to Beca to help her move on. They were the ones who were sent to support Beca through the hard times.

Beca was never the messenger, she was the one who needed the damn message.

Thank you all again for reading! I hope it was everything you wanted.