Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia or DC Comics

"I AM HERE!" the class came to attention as the number one hero came "through the door like a hero!"

Dick rolled his eyes, 'More like a stripper.' And with his chest pushed out, leaning forward, hands and feet behind him, All Might did indeed look like he was trying to display his 'assets' for a photographer. His strut to the podium didn't help things either.

"Man, I can't believe All Might is here to tech us." The tiny Grape gushed to the girl behind him, Yaoyorozu if Dick remembered right.

The entire class seemed to be gushing over the Symbol of Peace. Meanwhile, Dick was trying to get the image of an All Might stripper out of his head. The power stance the hero took once behind the podium didn't help.

"Welcome to the most important class at U.A High!" All Might bellowed. No wonder Shinso felt that being in the general education course was worse than death, the hero course was what U.A prided itself on, not anything else it seemed.

"Think of it as Heroing 101, here you will learn the basics of being a pro! And what it means to fight in the name of good!" He bellowed and got done on one knew to flex. For some reason? His next sentence sounded like he had just gotten hit by a bus or really needed to use a toilet, he was so focused on his pose.

"Let's get into it." He turned and stood up, holding a card with 'Battle' written on it in all caps. "Today's lesson will pull no punches!" Dick, and Bakugo, both straightened a bit in their seats at the prospect of fighting someone. For Bakugo, it was because he wanted to show everyone that he was going to become the next pro and no one would stand in his way, just as he did in Junior High. Dick, on the other hand, wanted to pummel Bakugo and let off some steam. As well as showing them all that he belonged in the Hero course.

He mentally shook his head at his last thought. 'No, I can't put too much attention on myself. Even if I really want to. I'll let off some steam and I won't go too far.' He reprimanded himself.

"But one of the keys to being a hero is…." The pro pointed, dramatically, to the side wall where panels were opening to reveal a bunch of cases with neon green numbers clearly printed on the side. "Looking good!"

"These were designed for you when you filled out your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in when school started." He continued.

A loud cheer emanated from all mouths in the class, even Dicks.

'Finally, I can get out of this stupid uniform!' He thought with glee.

"Get yourselfs suited up and meet me at ground beta." All Might ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The students shouted as many began clambering for their hero costume. Once they got them, each student ran off to the locker room and got changed.

**At Ground Beta**

The group walked towards All Might, each in their own costume, and Dick was surprised at how little he stood out in the crowd. Dick's costume consisted of: a tight black leather body suit with a large silver zipper going from the top of his hips to his neck, a silver utility belt, for all his gear, hung loosely around his waist, his hands were covered in a pair of black gloves that bled into a set of dark grey gauntlets, and to complete the ensemble he had on a pair of knee high combat boots and a cowl that left his mouth and hair exposed.

(For Dick's costume basically think of Catwoman meets Nightwing's costume from the renegade arc. The costumes for the class are the same so I'm only describing Dick's.)

"Ahh, just looking at you gets me all revved up! You look so cool!" The pro exclaimed. "Now. Shall we get started? Ya bunch of newbies!"

"Yeah!" It seemed All Might wasn't the only one revved up for the day. Everyone was ready to go.

"Now that your ready, it's time to start battle training."

Speedy, in his full battle suit, raised his hand and started to speak. From what Dick observed, he didn't seem to get the point of raising your hand in the first place. "Sir." He said, "this is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean we're going to be doing urban battles again?"

"Not quite. I'm going to move you two steps ahead. Most of the villain fights you see take place outside but the most villainous of battles take place indoors. Think about it, home invasions, robberies, secret lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows." All Might paused to let his words sink into the future heroes.

"For this training, I'm going to be splitting you up into good guys and bad guys where you will fight three on three battles." All Might explained.

Frogger put a finger to her chin and tilted her head, "Isn't this a little advanced?" She asked.

"The best training is on the battle field." the hero proclaimed, earning him a little respect in the eyes of one former assassin.

'Even if he's a bit of a boy scout, at least he understands the need of some experience.' Dick thought, 'Even if that experience comes while someone is holding your hand.'

"Remember," he added, "you can't use your powers as much as you want like you did with the robots, today your dealing with actual people."

Once he finished questions were shot at him like he was at a press conference with a bunch of eager journalists.

"Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?" Yaoyorozu asked.

Sparky followed her lead, "How much can we hurt the other team?"

Then Zero-G, "Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier?"

Once again, Speedy raised his hand, "Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?"

Finally Sir Sparkles, who was standing next to Dick, asked, "Isn't this cape very sheek?"

All Might was sweating nervously and grunted, "I wasn't finished yet." While Dick looked over to Sparkled and smiled, "Fuck yeah it is." The blonde armored boy smiled at the praise and nodded.

All Might pulled out a slip of paper, a script of what to say. "Listen up, the situation is this," he read, "the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. To foil their plans the heroes must either capture the villains or recover the weapon. Similarly, the bad guys win if they capture the good guys or protect the missile until time is up." All Might pulled out a yellow box with an opening at the top.

"You'll be drawing lots to decide the teams."

"Isn't there a better way?" Ida asked, outraged at the lack of planning.

Before he could get into a rant about how heros should be more prepared and the reputation of UA, Greeny interjected, "Think about it Iida. Heroes often have to team up with other agencies on the spot, so maybe that's the reason its random."

"Or he couldn't think of how else to do it." Dick grumbled to the surprise of those around him, nobody spoke bad about All Might.

Iida calmed down, "Yes I see," but he still seemed disappointed, "life is a series of random events." Suddenly, he bowed and apologized, "I'm sorry for questioning your instruction All Might."

"Uh sure." All Might was confused and concerned for this student. He was very earnest and excitable, but he took things way too seriously.

"Alright, everyone come draw your lots."

In the end there were seven teams.

Team A with Midoryia, Uraraka, and Shouji.

Team B with Todoroki, Mineta, and Yaoyorozu.

Team C with Bakugo, Iida, and Mina.

Team D with Aoyama, Kouda, and Satou.

Team E with Kaminari, Jirou, and Asui.

Team F with Tokoyami, Dick, and Ojiro.

And, finally, Team G with Hagakure, Sero, and Kirishima.

"I declare that the first teams to fight are gonna be," All Might crossed his arms and pulled lots from two boxes, one labels Heroes and the other villains, "these guys!" The balls read 'A' and 'C'.

"Team A will be the heroes and Team C the villains. Everyone else can head to the monitoring rooms to watch."

"Yes,sir." The other teams started moving towards where they were told as the members of Team A and Team C stood in place, waiting for further directions. As he was walking towards the room, Dick noticed the murderous look Sparky was giving Greeny and how nervous the guy seemed to be so he decided to get their attention. He pushed his way through Bakugo's shoulder causing him to growl.

"What the hell do you think your doing loser?!" Small explosions emanated from his hands. Greeny still looked scared but this time his fear was aimed towards Dick. This caused the ebony to smirk.

"Oh, just walking. You know it's such a shame that we couldn't fight Sparky. It would've been a nice warm-up for me." Greeny looked shocked, his eyes were wide and his whole body was trembling. Bakugo, on the other hand, looked even more murderous than before.

"Huh! What did you say you bastard!?" Dick simply walked away, refusing to acknowledge the explosions behind him.