
I watch as Jasper's face turns into a hard mask and I know he's pissed. I grab Paul's hand and take him to my room. I don't want to deal with them and they know it. As I go to walk past Jasper he grabs my arm. I shrug him off and tell him not to touch me. He growls and throws me out the back door. I stand tall and tell him if he wants a fight he's got one.

"I'm not wantin to fightcha, but we need to have a chat dontcha think?" He looks at me.

"No, ya don't throw me outta my damn house for nothin. Ya wanna fight then let's fuckin fight. I would preferably not talk to ya 'cause let's face facts. Ya didn't want me a hundred and sixty years ago and ya still don't want me. I'm okay with that fact, so y'all can leave." I stand straight.

"Isabella, what happened?" Char asks.

"Don't get too close to her, babe," Peter says.

"Seriously like I would hurt my best fuckin friend. If I wanna hurt anyone it's the two of y'all," I say.

"Do ya need to hunt?" Char asks.

"Yeah. Charlie! Keep the guys here us gals are gonna go huntin'," I tell Charlie.

"Will do Bella. Remember out of Forks," Charlie says.

I shake my head and grab Char by the hand. "We'll be back shortly."

We run to Seattle and when we stop she looks at me. I hug her and she squeezes me as hard as she could. I've missed her very much and I've been thinking about the past.

"What in ta world happened to ya, Isabella?"

"I could ask ya the same thing Char. First, my husband is M.I.A.. Then my brother goes missin' a year later. Shortly after that, my bestie goes missin'. I spent ten years lookin' fer ta three of ya. I finally thought I had somethin' when some bitch named Maria decided in order to get 'her' Major back she'd turn me and then kill me in front of him. I spent thirty years before I finally got the nerve and took off. I haven't been back to Mexico since and I plan to keep it that way. I'm standing here talkin' to a person I thought to be dead. Not only did my husband sire ya and my dumb ass brother, but he didn't give two shits about me. How do ya think that makes me feel?" I look at her. "Do ya know what ya goin' missin' did ta yer parents? First Jay, then ya. Yer pa died two weeks after ya went missin'. Yer ma was pregnant and gave birth ta twins. She died two years after that. I had my sister in law and brother in law living with me. I was takin' care of not only them an' myself, but I was also takin' care of my little one. No one knew I had a baby. She killed all three of them in front of me then changed me."

"What did our leavin' do ta ya?" She asks.

"Shoulda known we would find ya here," Peter's voice comes up from above us.

"Go away," I hiss.

"Not happenin' sug. What about our ma an' pa?" He asks jumpin' down from the tree.

"Why do ya care? Ya didn't care when ya disappeared, so I don't think ya got any right to ask about them!" I turn to face him.

"Dontcha dare accuse me of not carin' Isabella. I dont remember much, but those were my family as well. I think I oughta know what happened to 'em!" He yells.

"Pete! Stop!" Char gets between us facing him.

"What did I miss?" Jasper's voice says from behind me.

"Why can't ya people just leave us alone. I wanted to hunt with Char alone. When y'all can get it through yer thick skulls I want nothin' to do with y'all. Char I can stand still, but the two of ya, I'm not sure if I can ever talk to."

"I think ya should tell Major what ya told me. Pete an' I will go hunt 'fore comin' back here. Y'all need ta talk an' ya don't need an audience. Just make sure to keep it in the trees." Char takes Peters hand and drags him away.


After Char and Peter leave Bella turns and looks at me. She takes off her jacket and tosses it to the side. Now that she's showing herself as a vampire I can see all the scars she has. I take a step towards her and she takes a step back. I stop and take my shirt off so she can see my scars. I know she could see some of them, but the majority of them were on my chest and shoulders.

"Darlin' I know some of what you went through. I didn't know I left behind a wife. I didn't remember much after my change. When I saw you at the school I thought I knew you from somewhere, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Ya know I woulda never left ya behind if I remembered ya. Yes, I sired Char and Peter, but I didn't do it because I knew them. Maria had a sick sense and made me change people she brought to me."

"Yeah, I know. She had a knack of bringin' forth friends an' family members. Did ya know I had to kill my cousin and his wife. Not only did ya leave behind a wife, but ya also left behind a daughter. Ya left behind yer ma an' pa. Did ya know yer ma had twins? A boy and a girl. She thought that it was you an' Char. Named them Sebastian Jasper and Georgia Charlotte. After yer ma passed away I took 'em in an' raised 'em."

"What happened to 'em?" I ask.

"Maria killed 'em in front of me. That was before she killed our daughter an' changed me. Our daughter was cryin' out for me, but I couldn't get to her. Do ya know what it's like watchin' yer daughter bein' killed in front of ya? That killed me an' then she changed me. Thought it would bring ya back to 'er, but that didn't go as planned."

"She killed...what was 'er name?"

"Jamie Deliah Whitlock," she says.

"Deliah? Jamie?"

"Deliah was your ma's name. Jamie is the female version of James. Had to honor ya and Peter some way." She smiles.

"How do ya have so many memories of your human life?" I ask curious.