A/N - Welcome back to the story! I hope you enjoy this next chapter!

Hannahburger13: Glad you're enjoying the story so much!

Rey was trekking back to her hut when she felt it, and stopped dead in her tracks. Without looking, she spoke.

"I'd rather not do this now."

"Yeah, me too."

Rey paused, glancing down at the ground.

"Why did you hate your father…" She trailed off, for as she was speaking, she had turned to face him, only to find that Ben was shirtless.

Before she could stop herself, her eyes were taking in his form. After years of training, he was incredibly athletic.

Incredibly attractive, she thought instinctively, before shoving the idea aside.

She averted her eyes. "Do you have something, a cowl or something you can put on?"

Ben remained motionless, simply staring, waiting for her to continue.

Rey rolled her eyes, but decided not to be intimidated.

He was the exposed one, after all… so why did it feel like she was the more vulnerable of the two?

"Why did you hate your father? Give me an honest answer," As she spoke, Ben began to approach her.

Rey didn't even care that he was getting close, didn't care that he would be able to see just how emotional she was.

"You had a father who loved you, he gave a damn about you."

"I didn't hate him."

"Then why?" She demanded.

"Why what?" He prompted her, as tears began to roll down her cheeks. "Why what? Say it."

"Why did you…" She could barely bring herself to say it. "Why did you kill him? I don't understand."

"No?" He asked, curious. "Your parents threw you away like garbage."

"They didn't!"

"They did," Ben told her firmly, but with a tone that was almost gentle. "But you can't stop needing them. It's your greatest weakness. Looking for them everywhere... in Han Solo... now in Skywalker. Did he tell you what happened that night?"


Ben considered her for a minute.

"No," He countered. "He had sensed my power, as he senses yours. And he feared it."

Suddenly, Rey could see it clearly in her mind. A young Ben Solo, waking up to find his Uncle Luke poised above him with his lightsaber drawn, eyes widening at the realization of what was about to happen. Ben summoned his lightsaber and blocked Luke's deadly blow, extending his other hand and using the force to collapse the hut on top of them.

As she came out of the vision, Rey was shocked. It couldn't be true.

"Liar," She told him, but her voice was quivering, filled with uncertainty.

Ben closed the distance between them, ensuring she had no choice but to meet his gaze.

"Let the past die," He advised her. "Kill it if you have to. That's the only way to become what you were meant to be."

Just like that, Rey was alone once more. And she knew what she had to do.

Rey sat motionless in her hut, having just returned from the cave. The cave where she had been certain she'd see her parents, but instead had only found mirrored versions of herself.

Soaking wet and still freezing, she draped herself in a blanket, which did little to subside the cold.

It wasn't long before she felt his presence. She glanced up and found him sitting across from her, concern etched on his features as he took in her appearance.

Rey knew she should have walked away. But she needed to talk, needed comfort, and she wouldn't get it from Luke.

And somehow she felt she might get it from him.

So before he could open his mouth, before they could fight, she began to speak

Ben watched as Rey spoke of her experience in the cave, looking truly vulnerable in a way he had never seen.

He had witnessed her pain over the death of Han Solo, yet this was different.

She was opening up, to him of all people, and he couldn't help but listen.

"I should have felt trapped or panicked," Rey said. "But I didn't. This didn't go on forever, I knew it was leading somewhere. And that, at the end, it would show me what I came to see."

Something inside him began to ache as Rey paused, a tear rolling down her cheek. She didn't even bother to wipe it away.

"I thought I'd find answers here," She continued softly, heartbroken. "I was wrong. I've never felt so alone."

Rey looked down, suddenly very aware of just how hurt she sounded, how vulnerable.

Why had she talked to him? Why hadn't she bottled this up like she had everything else?

"You're not alone," Came his voice, firm and genuine.

Rey glanced up and met his gaze, noting the sincerity in his voice, his expression. After a brief moment of hesitation, she responded.

"Neither are you."

Ben was astounded by the warmth and what seemed almost to be affection in her tone. He found himself unable to speak, too focused on what this sensation was that he was feeling.

"It isn't too late," Rey told him quietly. No context was necessary.

They both knew what she was talking about.

Again, Ben was silent. He didn't know what to say.

Or rather, he knew that if he tried to speak he might give in to her wish, just because of the way she was looking at him, full of hope and desire and faith that he could do what she asked.

Rey could sense the conflict that still resided within Ben, but she didn't care. In that moment, all she wanted was to provide him comfort, and gain some in return.

She wanted to not be alone.

Not knowing if it was even possible, Rey slowly lifted her hand from the blankets, uncurling her fingers. She glanced down at her open palm, and back up at Ben.

It dawned on him quickly what she was asking for, but he was unsure if he could give it to her, or even if she really wanted this. He expected her, at any point, to come to her senses and withdraw her offer of companionship.

This was not the case. Instead, Rey extend her arm further, still hesitant but determined.

Ben pulled his glove off of his hand, locking eyes with Rey. Her eyes were pleading with him to try, and he realized that she needed this as much as he did.

He reached out, until his hand hovered beside hers in the air. Slowly, the two brought their fingers together, until they finally felt the warm touch of the others skin.

Rey inhaled sharply at the contact. It was small, but it was meaningful, and desperately needed.

Without her consent, more tears leaked from her eyes as she stared into Ben's, which were soulful and serious, with a hint of something far more intense.

Ben wanted to bring a hand up to her face, to wipe away her tears. He knew he could. So why was he so afraid?

Just when he had worked up the nerve, then came the visions, glimpses of the future given to each of them.

Rey saw herself and Ben, fighting together, leading the Resistance to victory.

Ben saw himself and Rey, ruling together, leading the First Order to success.

The images themselves were vague, but the notion was simple and clear; one way or another, they would be together.

As the visions faded and Rey came back into view, Ben felt a wave of relief.

She would stand with him. She would rule with him. She would be his.

He wanted to speak, but there were no words. Instead, he began to lean in, across time and space, determined to once more feel the press of her lips on his.

Then, a powerful voice intervened.


They turned to see Luke in the doorway, his arm extended, as he blew the walls out of Rey's hut.

When Rey looked back, Ben was gone.

A/N - I hope you enjoyed this chapter! You might have noticed that I'm keeping the majority of the original dialogue the same, but the thoughts of the characters and some of their actions are quite different!

And don't worry... there will soon be some fairly significant changes happening ;)

As always, please leave a review with your thoughts, suggestions, and predictions, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

~ Elizabeth (FanOfDeliciousFlavour)