Hi everyone, I was rewatching Man and I got some great inspiration, so here it is! Please also read my Man and Blue Exorcist cross-over The Trembling Eyes. I should also make it clear that I do not own Man, manga or anime, but I do own this particular story. The plot is going to seem a bit weird, and I'm changing Allen's Noah transformation because it works better with the story. So please bear with me and enjoy.

Allen fought against level three after level three. He got flown against a wall by a stubborn one, after he stabbed many of its companions with Clown Belt. As he sat, trying to catch his breath he heard a voice behind him.

"Please save me," said one of the scientists.

"Are you alright?" Allen asked him.

"Yes, somehow…" the scientist gasped and fell to the floor, leaning on a pillar for support. Allen noticed an akuma coming up behind the scientist and used his broad sword to pull himself up to his feet.

The level three raised its hand showing off a peculiarly placed eyeball on it's palm. "Perfect," it said laughing. "I'll send you to the next world."

The scientist turned around and stared at the akuma for a few seconds before crying out, "An akuma!" Allen charged the akuma yelling as he flashed his broad sword.

"Simpleton!" yelled the level three. The purple light of dark matter shot out of the eye in its hand and onto Allen's broadsword. The teen pushed back the akuma before turning to the scientist.

"Are you injured?" he asked concerned.

"I'm fine," the scientist stood. "Thank you very much, Allen-san." The scientist grabbed Allen's hand on the last words before revealing himself to be none other than Lulubell, the twelfth noah of lust. Slapped Allen across the face with her arm transformed into a whip. As Allen lost consciousness Lulubell whispered, "To think that you could be so easily fooled by my shape-shifting. I see you're still as naive as ever."

The last thing Allen said before falling to the ground was, "Lulubell."

"Thinks he can just rampage about, stupid exorcist." Two level threes held Allen and one of them prepared dark matter to kill the young exorcist.

"Wait!" Lulubell ordered as the akuma started to strike. She sat on the shoulder of a third level three. "This is perfect. We'll take him with us. He's the one qualified to succeed the Fourteenth. We'll bring him before the master." Lulubell turned her head and watched as the akuma egg finished sinking into the black gate. "The egg's also been recovered. We're pulling out!" Timcampy who was settled into Allen's hood began to sink farther in, hiding so as not to be discovered.

The skulls lined up and walked through the large upright gate. The skulls in charge ushered in the new recruits. "C'mon, move it. Let's go. Keep moving. Now then, you rookies, I present to you your new home. "

"Move along now. Pick up the pace." A second skull joined in.

Lulubell prepared to drop into the gate that held the egg, Allen slung over her shoulder. "I'll head back first with the boy, kill the remaining humans." The last of the skulls disappeared through the gate while Lulubell and Allen dropped, the latter now the mercy of the Millennium Earl.

"Allen," screamed the scientists. At that moment Miranda, Noise, and the generals passed through the white gate, battling and eventually defeating the last of the akuma. When the level four appeared Lenalee reluctantly worked with General Cross to defeat it with her newly evolved crystal type innocence.

Allen came too in a comfortable, large four poster bed that sat in the middle of a black and white room. The bed itself was white with a checkered bedspread. Allen sat up and looked around the room. There was a grand piano in one corner, and a table with four chairs in another. At the foot of the bed was a white chest with black iron decorations. Across from that was a small sitting area, including two couches, two love seats, and a coffee table.

Allen stood, and walked over to the piano. There was no sheet music, either on it or inside of the piano bench. When Allen sat, Timcampy flew from inside of his exorcist's hood and sat on the top of the piano. Tim opened his mouth, allowing for the song that Allen had played in the ark to appear, and the boy began to play. He started off slowly, carefully running through the song once or twice quietly, before building confidence and eventually singing along.

On his fifth run through he was surprised when out of no where a voice announced its presence. "Master Walker." Allen spun around, startled as his eye activated. Beside him was an akuma maid. Allen activated Crown Clown and prepared for the fight of a life-time against the akuma. "I do not wish to fight, Master Walker. I have been assigned as your maid."

"My what?" Allen lowered his arm but did not deactivate it.

"Your maid, sir. I have been assigned to take care of you during your stay here," the maid continued. "I wasn't sure what kinds of food you like, but I'd heard you have a large appetite, so I had our chef prepare a little of everything. I figured that you'd be hungry once you woke up." At the mention of food, Allen's eyes gained stars and he deactivated crown clown, bouncing over the table where he could see carts filled will delicious smelling food.

"I still don't trust you," Allen said, "But if you're giving me food, you can't be all that bad."

The maid smiled. "No sir, really just misunderstood."

"Huh? The akuma I can understand, but the Noah and the Earl? How can you misunderstand the killing of millions of innocent people?" Allen asked.

The maid gained a solemn look. "The order has killed just as many, if not more innocent people than we have."

Allen looked shocked. "What?"

At that moment Road and Tyki Myk walked into Allen's room.

"Allen!" Road cried as she jumped on Allen and swung around his neck. "I'm so glad you're here!"

"Wait isn't Tyki…?"



"No, your attacks weren't enough to kill me, shounen. They still hurt a lot though!"


Road and Tyki looked at each other in surprise. "What?" They said together.

"Allen, are you feeling okay?"

"Huh? Yeah why?"

"You just apologized, to Tyki!"

"I did?"

"Yes!" Both noahs spoke together again.

"Oh, sorry."


"Yeah, Tyki?" Allen started stuffing food into his mouth.

"Why are you so chipper?! We kidnapped you! Got it? K-i-d-n-a-p-p-e-d you!"

"I know."

"Then why aren't you attacking us!?"

"I'm eating."

"Not earlier."

"You interrupted me."

"Then interrupt yourself, and attack us, Shounen!"


"Because you're supposed to hate us!" Tyki was panting now, and Road just kept looking between her uncle and the man she claimed to "love".

"I know I am, but for some reason when ever I think of fighting you, it hurts. Especially since the ark."

"Didn't stop you from attacking Lulubell."

"I don't hurt as much when I'm around her. You and Road though, why do I hurt so much when I see you? It's like a hand is reaching out and strangling my heart. What's wrong with me? Why do I feel this way? Even the Earl, I wasn't fighting him seriously before, I couldn't bring myself to kill him, why?"

"Allen…" Road said softly. She seemed to be drifting off in a world of her own, and Tyki just looked downright confused. Suddenly was crying out in pain and holding his head, which felt as though it were being split open. When the pain subsided, he put his hand to his left temple where it throbbed and it came away covered in bright red blood.


I'm sorry if that felt rushed to anyone, but I had to get through that part quickly so that the rest of the story can unfold in a timely manner. I hope you enjoyed and please review. Tell me what you think, I'd love to hear it. Just try to keep comments as clean as possible. I realize I may have made some of you upset by how this has unfolded thus far. However do please keep reading, I'm positive it get better.