Heavily inspired by Hunger Games

You know those 'pilot' things when they just see if it gathers enough attention?Yeah maybe I'm doing that.

Oh, by the way...this story is posted on KHR amino. I post there first, so if you like the story, you may want to join to read it earlier

EDIT MADE: 2020/07/9


Chapter One

-Sky District-

—The city which usually roared with life was quiet as the civilians gathered in a crowd.

Today they were there too see what the tributes were choosen to 'play' in a terrible and horrifying killing game.

And it was such a nice day too...


Everyone held their breath as the announcer called out the tributes names, eyes holding anticipation and fear for being the one called.

"Sawada Fuuta-kun!" For many people, the name made them take a breath of relief, for three, it made their face take on a frightened look.

The tribute took a shaky step forward, but a hand fell on his shoulder, stopping him.

"I volunteer as a tribute!" The owner of the voice was unexpected for the civilians, as the owner was known for his cowardness and uselessness.

Now, he looked like a different person, eyes full of resolve to protect, even taking an orange shade.

"Oh?" The announcer's purple eyes shone in amusement. "Come on here, then." As the volunteer walked forwards to the stage where the announcer stood, whispers broke out. "Dame-Tsuna willingly volunteering? What the hell?"

What 'Tsuna' didn't think of were his mom, who, out of her stupefied phrase, yelled out his name, still not really believing what's happening.

"Tsuna, no!"

'Sorry, mom, I have to do this..'

Sighing shakily, he continued walking, the guards–behind him.

For what felt like hours but actually were just a couple of minutes, he stood in front of the crowd, near the announcer. "So, what is your name?" He gulped and took a deep breath, still shaking slightly. "Sawada Tsunayoshi." The announcer hm'ed, smiling widely.

'This will be interesting, Tsunayoshi-kun.'

"Time for another Tribute! Let's see..." burying his hand in a box full of names, he hummed, randomly picking out a name.

"Fujimori Kameko-chan!"

It said a lot about the games that the person chosen let out an ear-piercing scream and let out an ugly sob, what made it worse was that no one volunteered for her, forcing her to go to the stage.

"Now, the Tributes have been chosen, let's clap for them, won't you?" The announcer grinned widely towards the big crowd.

"Now, that it's over, let's go now. I am Byakuran Gesso and I say goodbye!~" letting go of the names, he stomped them and then left, Tributes following behind.

If someone read them, they would have seen that one of the names didn't match what he called out, for it was not 'Sawada Fuuta' but a different name.

'This will really get interesting..'

Now, to get to those canon fodder districts.


When I heard my little brother's name be called out, I knew that nobody else would have done what I did.

Humans; they're selfish creatures. If it doesn't concern them, they will not move. They will stand aside from the danger and leave others to their death.

I, for one, couldn't do it. I couldn't stand aside, even if I'm useless or a coward, or even something close to that...

I can't leave my little brother to his death.

I did what I could to save him, I volunteered.

"I volunteer as a Tribute!"

Those words changed my life. Even if I didn't know it back then. But for now, I strenghtened my resolve as I walked towards my impending doom.


"Tsu-kuuuun!" My mom cried out, hugging me tightly, her tears staining my shirt, Fuuta following in her steps

I hugged them back, knowing that I will not see both for a long time or even at all.

We all knew what those Killing games were, that I stood no chance even if I had this power of Super Intuition that ran for generations.

The killing games were as in the title 'Killing'. You had to kill your opponents, it meant getting rid of your sympathy, emotions, and not only that...you had to be strong and smart.

Me? I was known as dumb, clumsy, useless Tsuna. I didn't have strength for even fighting back against bullies!

My eyes were burning with tears, scared of what was to come, I knew I had little chance to win, but even with that, I didn't regret my choice.

I was just scared, nothing else... breathe, don't panic. Who was I kidding? I wanted to quit, I wanted somebody else to take my place!

But even with that I knew I wouldn't subject my brother in this, NEVER.

I just hoped that I would live to see them again,


Why is it that this world is so cruel to it's inhabitants?

I hugged both of them tighter, hiding my face in their shoulders, taking a deep breath letting it out shakily.

"I love you both..." I whispered, my voice muffled.

"Tsuna-Nii..." "Tsu-Kun..."

The door opened.

"The time is over!" A bandaged man said stoically, yellow eyes glaring, daring them to disobey the not so hidden command.

"Promise me you'll come back, ne?" My mom pleaded softly, her eyes filled with sadness. "Mom..." 'you know I can't promise you that...you know what will happen to me.' Those words I thought were clear as though I just said it, and she saw my message.

"At least try...With your Dying Will."

Seconds later I was all alone with my thoughts.

"With my Dying Will..." those words were all I needed. "Yeah, I promise with my Dying Will."

My resolve to come back to my loved ones, because if I die, they will feel sad...

'With my Dying Will I will come back, I will live and return home to my family...'

I was still scared, horrified, but I will try.

I will try.


-Mist District-

The Mist District was awfully quiet—

it felt abandoned with so little people scattering away from the bandaged guards strolling towards the newly set-up stage for the reaping.

Two siblings attentively watched every little movement, dirt on their clothes was like a second layer of skin and there was little fat on them.

This district was the most poor of all, the people here were living in a setting of

Survival Of The Fittest.

It was normal for them to steal from each other, even encouraged.

The two siblings stood by each other in the small, smelly crowd. Finally, after a few seconds, the white-haired announcer stepped on the small stage.

Making an annoyed sigh, Byakuran the announcer started the mandatory speech, wanting to skip it from saying it too many times. It.Was.Boring!!!

"Welcome to the hundredth Killing Games! (Damn Checkerface should have chosen better name/title...) which could be called Tri-Ni-Sette games instead but well...anyway I'm going off topic.

You know the history now from so many times of the previous announcer saying it but it's mandatory!

Well, short version.

War, communism and then BAM Tri-Ni-Sette games (Killing games), so lets get on with the Tributes!" Shoving his hand in the name box, he shuffled it and took one out. "Rokudo Mukuro-Kun!" Mukuro's face twiched at the suffix, head swirling in threats for the annoying pest.

He tch'ed and started walking.

Waiting for the other Tribute, he crossed his arms, but when the name was called out, his eyes widened in surprise. "Dokuro Chrome-Chan!" What chance was this for the two siblings to be the Tributes, to compete against each other?!

No hope was left when no one volunteered for her.

He never believed in God, but at the time he asked


In this poor, lifeless district, family was everything, so being in a game you hate to kill each other? What was worse was that Chrome was a sickly child, having a weak body from birth made a her a big target.

Good thing he has those flames...he can hide her if she hasn't any time to hide herself.

He will protect his only family, hide her from enemies with his illusions, well if only she doesn't hide herself and kill them first.

Living in this district somehow made the killing easier.


-Lightning District-

In the Lightning district, unlike in other two was filled with laughter and technology, people waited with great anticipation for the Tributes, everyone wanted to volunteer, but this year, for them it was different. Very different.

"Bovino Lambo-Kun!~" Silence.

"Wait, it can't be! You should be twelve years old to get your name in it! He's only five!" He heard agreements resound in the formed crowd.

"I volunteer as a Tribute!" "No, I volunteer as a Tribute!" "NO, I VOLUNTEER AS A TRIBUTE!!"

'Oh dear, this will take a long time...' but he still smiled. 'I like conflicts.'

In the end somehow the Bovino boy got to be the Tribute.

"Games? I like games! I wanna be in a game!"

What a sad human being, dying at an age of 5...

Still got to be a Tribute by Byakuran's plan. He's really bored in this world, needs something new to entertain him.

But what a sad sight, no family member coming to the private room to say goodbye.


-Cloud district-

The greenery and Ocean was beautiful to see in the cloudy district—

Little animals ran near the borders and a certain Hibari opened his eyes. Hopping down from the tree which he napped on, he saw the prepared stage. Narrowing his eyes at the forming crowd, he bit back the urge to beat the people with his Tonfas and just stopped far enough for him to be comfortable with listening in on the Tribute's names.

"Hibari Kyouya-kun!~" He growled at the herbivore announcer, but deep down, he felt excited with the challenge of the killing games.

A predatory glint made it's way towards Kyouya's face.

—Let the games begin.—