A/N: I have zero business starting another story lol ;) but I've always wanted to write my spin on this beloved classic & include my favorite couple. Not sure where this leads or how frequently I can update so just going to take this one chapter at a time :) Thank you for indulging me & please let me know what you think about this idea. XOXO (PS- thank you to my sweet friend Diana who always comes to my editing rescue)

The Bodyguard

Chapter 1: 24-7

Being the world's most famous singer came with a price. It meant losing your identity, your privacy, sometimes even your mental well being. It meant living your life for all to scrutinize on a daily basis allowing people to pick you apart for the world to watch.

For the world to constantly judge.

Olivia Pope knew how this felt more than anyone. She'd risen to fame at a young age and lived in the spotlight for all of her adult life. To the outside world, she had it all- money, fame, accolades...the list was endless. Most people wouldn't understand how lonely being at the top could actually be.

Or how scary.

For the last week, Olivia received disturbing threats from a crazed fan which had gotten so serious, the LAPD felt it was necessary to provide round the clock surveillance. Her biggest tour in her professional career was about to launch and her long time Agent, Patrick Patel, insisted on calling one last meeting before officially kicking off her performance for the home crowd this weekend.

Olivia sat in her kitchen downing a bottle of wine while the two men spoke over one another, each of them confident they knew best. Patrick took it upon himself to insist the LAPD do more than place two police officers outside Olivia's door. She was becoming a prisoner in her own home and Patrick knew everything Olivia had spent her life working on was riding on the success of this tour.

"There's no other way around this, Olivia. The Police Commissioner HIMSELF is PERSONALLY recommending this guy. All I'm asking is that you meet him."

"Of course, I'll meet him! I never said I wouldn't, Patrick! But I just need you to explain to me WHY the police have no leads? No suspects? They have NOTHING! The tour starts tomorrow! TOMORROW!"

Olivia refused to cry but came close to shedding tears.

Keith, her road manager, finally piped up verbalizing what was on everyone's mind.

"Maybe it's time we postpone the tour."

Olivia's eyes widened and she nearly threw the wine across the room.


"No one is cancelling the tour, Olivia. Calm down!"

Patrick held up his hand to silence Keith who sulked in a corner defeated. Olivia returned her attention to the bottle of wine angrily pouring herself another glass. A knock on the door sounded and everyone turned to look at Patrick waiting to see what he would do next. He glanced at his watch before looking at Olivia knowing this next piece of information wouldn't be well received.

"The guy the commissioner recommended is here, Liv. I asked him to stop by tonight to meet you. I know there's no way you're stopping the tour...but we can't take any chances! Everyone I've asked says he's the best. We're at this place, Liv. You said it yourself - the police have no leads."

Olivia continued to drink her wine staring at the polished floor. Despite not being in the right mindset to meet anyone, she knew Patrick WAS right. Once the tour began, her life would enter another level of chaos. A level not even the LAPD would be able to keep up with.

"Let him in."

Patrick quickly disappeared from the kitchen hiding the relieved expression on his face. Keith took the opportunity to step forward and apologize. Before he could get any words out a tall vision appeared, his blue eyes quickly scanning the room before settling on Olivia. He was dressed in a dark suite, his broad shoulders stretching the material to perfection.

"Olivia, this is Agent Grant."

Fitz politely extended his hand but gave no hint of emotion whatsoever.

Olivia returned the politeness and shook his hand, a hint of a spark igniting between them. They continued staring at one another until Patrick broke the silence.

"Agent Grant," Patrick began, "Just tell us what you need. We leave on tour tomorrow and I'm sure you understand we're all a bit on edge."

Fitz kept his eyes on Olivia for a moment before turning his attention to her manager making himself perfectly clear.

"I need you all to leave. I have some things to discuss with Ms. Pope and I prefer to do it alone."

"With all do respect, Agent, we are Olivia's family! I'm the person who had to convince Olivia to even see you."

"I speak with Olivia alone or not at all. And with all do respect, I work FOR Ms. Pope NOT you."

Patrick stared at Fitz in disbelief and was about to kick him out when Olivia spoke, asking everyone to leave as Fitz requested. Both Patrick and Keith hesitated but she stood her ground keeping her eyes on the man who suddenly intrigued her to no end.

Once they were both gone, Olivia turned to pour herself another drink. She had only turned away for a split second but by the time she turned back Fitz was within inches from her, putting a finger over her lips.

"Quiet," he mouthed.

Olivia froze half turned on and half confused watching Agent Grant move about the room obviously in search of something. He touched every cabinet swiping his hands above and below, opening and closing each one of them in the process. This pattern continued for some time until every single corner of her kitchen had been inspected.

"It's clean."

"Patrick has this place swept weekly," Olivia replied almost insulted.

"You have a leak on the inside, Ms. Pope. It's pretty obvious."

"Excuse me? You've been here for five minutes and have already come to that conclusion? Based on what exactly?"

"Based on my years of experience."

Olivia remained silent completely unsure of how to respond. Her head began to spin at the idea of having someone in her inner circle leak information.

"You said you had something to discuss with me."

Olivia forced herself to stay focused. Her life as she knew it was on the line.

"I do."

"Can we get this over please? I have an early morning and need to get some sleep."

Fitz could sense her growing resentment and was prepared to walk away but something he couldn't explain kept him put.

"If I'm involved, Ms. Pope, we have to do things my way. That means I'm with you 24-7, no one has access to you without my approval. I need to know I will have your complete support with this. No talking with anyone behind my back. No meeting with anyone without my presence. And I mean NO ONE. I don't care how long you've known them."

"I'm going on tour TOMORROW, Agent Grant! Do you have any idea how many people I will be coming into contact with? You're ONE person! Do you have some type of superhero powers I don't know about?"

Fitz half smiled slightly amused.

"Those are my terms, Ma'am. Take it or leave it."

Olivia laughed loudly drinking the rest of the wine in her glass not able to take anymore. She slammed the glass down on the counter and was about to breeze past Fitz when he grabbed her arm pulling her back into the kitchen.

"What the-"

"Your place is likely bugged, Olivia! At least give me some time to check the other rooms."

Fitz whispered harshly in her ear pulling her so close she could smell his cologne. It made her head spin even more making her knees weak. She pulled her arm away and stepped back in disbelief of what was happening yet Fitz's hand remained around her waist. His blue eyes were locked into hers as a mixture of adrenaline and fear ran through her veins. The longer they stared at one another, the more her body relaxed until she could no longer ignore the question running through her mind.

What if Agent Grant was right?

Fitz soon realized he still had a grip around Olivia's waist. He withdrew his arm apologetically knowing he likely crossed the line. Sincere concern spread across his face leaving Olivia beyond conflicted. The longer she remained in his presence the safer she felt which was completely contradictory of everything she'd been taught since childhood.

"Jesus, I really can't trust anyone."

Her words were barely audible and simply saying them aloud solidified her growing fear.

Fitz took a step closer and studied her beautiful face. She was a perfect blend of beauty and strength and once again he felt drawn to her wanting nothing more than to protect her from the evil of the world. Whether he liked it or not he was in this and knew there was no turning back now. His sole priority was to keep Olivia safe no matter the cost.

He put his hands in his pockets to ensure he didn't touch her again. Because for some odd reason everything inside made him never want to leave her side.

They studied one another silently until Fitz proclaimed one last truth.

"You can trust me."